/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var when = require('when'); var redNodes = require("./nodes"); var storage = require("./storage"); var log = require("./log"); var i18n = require("./i18n"); var events = require("./events"); var settings = require("./settings"); var express = require("express"); var path = require('path'); var fs = require("fs"); var os = require("os"); var runtimeMetricInterval = null; var started = false; var stubbedExpressApp = { get: function() {}, post: function() {}, put: function() {}, delete: function() {} } var adminApi = { library: { register: function() {} }, auth: { needsPermission: function() {} }, comms: { publish: function() {} }, adminApp: stubbedExpressApp, server: {} } var nodeApp; function init(userSettings,_adminApi) { userSettings.version = getVersion(); log.init(userSettings); settings.init(userSettings); nodeApp = express(); if (_adminApi) { adminApi = _adminApi; } redNodes.init(runtime); } var version; function getVersion() { if (!version) { version = require(path.join(__dirname,"..","..","package.json")).version; /* istanbul ignore else */ try { fs.statSync(path.join(__dirname,"..","..",".git")); version += "-git"; } catch(err) { // No git directory } } return version; } function start() { return i18n.init() .then(function() { return i18n.registerMessageCatalog("runtime",path.resolve(path.join(__dirname,"locales")),"runtime.json") }) .then(function() { return storage.init(runtime)}) .then(function() { return settings.load(storage)}) .then(function() { return redNodes.loadContextsPlugin()}) .then(function() { if (log.metric()) { runtimeMetricInterval = setInterval(function() { reportMetrics(); }, settings.runtimeMetricInterval||15000); } log.info("\n\n"+log._("runtime.welcome")+"\n===================\n"); if (settings.version) { log.info(log._("runtime.version",{component:"Node-RED",version:"v"+settings.version})); } log.info(log._("runtime.version",{component:"Node.js ",version:process.version})); if (settings.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION) { log.error("*****************************************************************"); log.error("* "+log._("runtime.unsupported_version",{component:"Node.js",version:process.version,requires: ">=4"})+" *"); log.error("*****************************************************************"); events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"runtime-unsupported-version",payload:{type:"error",text:"notification.errors.unsupportedVersion"},retain:true}); } log.info(os.type()+" "+os.release()+" "+os.arch()+" "+os.endianness()); return redNodes.load().then(function() { var i; var nodeErrors = redNodes.getNodeList(function(n) { return n.err!=null;}); var nodeMissing = redNodes.getNodeList(function(n) { return n.module && n.enabled && !n.loaded && !n.err;}); if (nodeErrors.length > 0) { log.warn("------------------------------------------------------"); for (i=0;i 0) { log.warn(log._("server.missing-modules")); var missingModules = {}; for (i=0;i 0) { reinstallAttempts = 0; reinstallModules(installingModules); } } if (settings.settingsFile) { log.info(log._("runtime.paths.settings",{path:settings.settingsFile})); } if (settings.httpStatic) { log.info(log._("runtime.paths.httpStatic",{path:path.resolve(settings.httpStatic)})); } redNodes.logContextStores(); redNodes.loadFlows().then(redNodes.startFlows).catch(function(err) {}); started = true; }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); }); } var reinstallAttempts; var reinstallTimeout; function reinstallModules(moduleList) { var promises = []; var failedModules = []; for (var i=0;i 0) { reinstallAttempts++; // First 5 at 1x timeout, next 5 at 2x, next 5 at 4x, then 8x var timeout = (settings.autoInstallModulesRetry||30000) * Math.pow(2,Math.min(Math.floor(reinstallAttempts/5),3)); reinstallTimeout = setTimeout(function() { reinstallModules(reinstallList); },timeout); } }); } function reportMetrics() { var memUsage = process.memoryUsage(); log.log({ level: log.METRIC, event: "runtime.memory.rss", value: memUsage.rss }); log.log({ level: log.METRIC, event: "runtime.memory.heapTotal", value: memUsage.heapTotal }); log.log({ level: log.METRIC, event: "runtime.memory.heapUsed", value: memUsage.heapUsed }); } function stop() { if (runtimeMetricInterval) { clearInterval(runtimeMetricInterval); runtimeMetricInterval = null; } if (reinstallTimeout) { clearTimeout(reinstallTimeout); } started = false; return redNodes.stopFlows().then(function(){ return redNodes.closeContextsPlugin(); }); } var runtime = module.exports = { init: init, start: start, stop: stop, version: getVersion, log: log, i18n: i18n, settings: settings, storage: storage, events: events, nodes: redNodes, util: require("./util"), get adminApi() { return adminApi }, get nodeApp() { return nodeApp }, isStarted: function() { return started; } }