/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.editor.types._json = (function() { var template = '<script type="text/x-red" data-template-name="_json"><div class="form-row" style="margin-bottom: 3px; text-align: right;"><button id="node-input-json-reformat" class="editor-button editor-button-small"><span data-i18n="jsonEditor.format"></span></button></div><div class="form-row node-text-editor-row"><div style="height: 200px;min-height: 150px;" class="node-text-editor" id="node-input-json"></div></div></script>'; return { init: function() { $(template).appendTo(document.body); }, show: function(options) { var value = options.value; var onComplete = options.complete; var type = "_json" RED.view.state(RED.state.EDITING); var expressionEditor; var changeTimer; var checkValid = function() { var v = expressionEditor.getValue(); try { JSON.parse(v); $("#node-dialog-ok").removeClass('disabled'); return true; } catch(err) { $("#node-dialog-ok").addClass('disabled'); return false; } } var trayOptions = { title: options.title, width: "inherit", buttons: [ { id: "node-dialog-cancel", text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { RED.tray.close(); } }, { id: "node-dialog-ok", text: RED._("common.label.done"), class: "primary", click: function() { if (options.requireValid && !checkValid()) { return; } onComplete(expressionEditor.getValue()); RED.tray.close(); } } ], resize: function(dimensions) { var rows = $("#dialog-form>div:not(.node-text-editor-row)"); var editorRow = $("#dialog-form>div.node-text-editor-row"); var height = $("#dialog-form").height(); for (var i=0;i<rows.size();i++) { height -= $(rows[i]).outerHeight(true); } height -= (parseInt($("#dialog-form").css("marginTop"))+parseInt($("#dialog-form").css("marginBottom"))); $(".node-text-editor").css("height",height+"px"); expressionEditor.resize(); }, open: function(tray) { var trayBody = tray.find('.editor-tray-body'); var dialogForm = RED.editor.buildEditForm(tray.find('.editor-tray-body'),'dialog-form',type,'editor'); expressionEditor = RED.editor.createEditor({ id: 'node-input-json', value: "", mode:"ace/mode/json" }); expressionEditor.getSession().setValue(value||"",-1); if (options.requireValid) { expressionEditor.getSession().on('change', function() { clearTimeout(changeTimer); changeTimer = setTimeout(checkValid,200); }); checkValid(); } $("#node-input-json-reformat").click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var v = expressionEditor.getValue()||""; try { v = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(v),null,4); } catch(err) { // TODO: do an optimistic auto-format } expressionEditor.getSession().setValue(v||"",-1); }); dialogForm.i18n(); }, close: function() { expressionEditor.destroy(); if (options.onclose) { options.onclose(); } }, show: function() {} } RED.tray.show(trayOptions); } } })();