/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.projects = (function() { var dialog; var dialogBody; var activeProject; var screens = {}; function initScreens() { screens = { 'welcome': { content: function() { var container = $('
'); var buttons = $('
').appendTo(container); var createNew = $('').appendTo(buttons); createNew.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); show('create'); }); var openExisting = $('').appendTo(buttons); openExisting.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); show('open') }); return container; }, buttons: [ ] }, 'create': (function() { var projectNameInput; var projectSummaryInput; var projectFlowFileInput; var projectSecretInput; var projectSecretSelect; var copyProject; var projectRepoInput; var emptyProjectCredentialInput; return { title: "Create a new project", // TODO: NLS content: function() { var container = $('
'); var row; var validateForm = function() { var projectName = projectNameInput.val(); var valid = true; if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/.test(projectName)) { if (projectNameInputChanged) { projectNameInput.addClass("input-error"); } valid = false; } else { projectNameInput.removeClass("input-error"); } var projectType = $(".projects-dialog-screen-create-type.selected").data('type'); if (projectType === 'copy') { if (!copyProject) { valid = false; } } else if (projectType === 'clone') { var repo = projectRepoInput.val(); if (repo.trim() === '') { // TODO: could do more url regex checking... if (projectRepoChanged) { projectRepoInput.addClass("input-error"); } valid = false; } else { projectRepoInput.removeClass("input-error"); } } else if (projectType === 'empty') { projectFlowFileInput.toggleClass("input-error",projectFlowFileInput.val()==='') valid = valid && projectFlowFileInput.val()!==''; var encryptionState = $("input[name=projects-encryption-type]:checked").val(); if (encryptionState === 'enabled') { var encryptionKeyType = $("input[name=projects-encryption-key]:checked").val(); if (encryptionKeyType === 'custom') { valid = valid && emptyProjectCredentialInput.val()!=='' } } } $("#projects-dialog-create").prop('disabled',!valid).toggleClass('disabled ui-button-disabled ui-state-disabled',!valid); } row = $('
').appendTo(container); var createAsEmpty = $('').appendTo(row); var createAsCopy = $('').appendTo(row); var createAsClone = $('').appendTo(row); row.find(".projects-dialog-screen-create-type").click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $(".projects-dialog-screen-create-type").removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); $(".projects-dialog-screen-create-row").hide(); $(".projects-dialog-screen-create-row-"+$(this).data('type')).show(); validateForm(); }) row = $('
').appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(row); projectNameInput = $('').appendTo(row); var projectNameInputChanged = false; projectNameInput.on("change keyup paste",function() { projectNameInputChanged = true; validateForm(); }); $('').appendTo(row); // Empty Project row = $('
').appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(row); projectSummaryInput = $('').appendTo(row); $('').appendTo(row); row = $('
').appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(row); projectFlowFileInput = $('').val("flow.json") .on("change keyup paste",validateForm) .appendTo(row); $('').appendTo(row); row = $('
').appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(row); var credentialsBox = $('
').appendTo(row); var credentialsRightBox = $('
').appendTo(credentialsBox); var credentialsLeftBox = $('
').appendTo(credentialsBox); var credentialsEnabledBox = $('
').appendTo(credentialsLeftBox); $('').appendTo(credentialsEnabledBox); var credentialsDisabledBox = $('
').appendTo(credentialsLeftBox); $('').appendTo(credentialsDisabledBox); credentialsLeftBox.find("input[name=projects-encryption-type]").click(function(e) { var val = $(this).val(); var toEnable; var toDisable; if (val === 'enabled') { toEnable = credentialsEnabledBox; toDisable = credentialsDisabledBox; $(".projects-encryption-enabled-row").show(); $(".projects-encryption-disabled-row").hide(); } else { toDisable = credentialsEnabledBox; toEnable = credentialsDisabledBox; $(".projects-encryption-enabled-row").hide(); $(".projects-encryption-disabled-row").show(); } toEnable.css({ borderColor: "#ccc", borderRightColor: "white" }); toDisable.css({ borderColor: "white", borderRightColor: "#ccc" }) validateForm(); }) row = $('
').appendTo(credentialsRightBox); $('').appendTo(row); row = $('
').appendTo(credentialsRightBox); $('').appendTo(row); row = $('
').appendTo(credentialsRightBox); emptyProjectCredentialInput = $('').appendTo(row); emptyProjectCredentialInput.on("change keyup paste", validateForm); row = $('
').hide().appendTo(credentialsRightBox); $('
The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read
').appendTo(row); credentialsRightBox.find("input[name=projects-encryption-key]").click(function() { var val = $(this).val(); emptyProjectCredentialInput.attr("disabled",val === 'default'); validateForm(); }) // Copy Project row = $('
').appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(row); var autoInsertedName = ""; createProjectList({ height: "250px", small: true, select: function(project) { copyProject = project; var projectName = projectNameInput.val(); if (projectName === "" || projectName === autoInsertedName) { autoInsertedName = project.name+"-copy"; projectNameInput.val(autoInsertedName); } validateForm(); } }).appendTo(row); // Clone Project row = $('
').appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(row); projectRepoInput = $('').appendTo(row); var projectRepoChanged = false; projectRepoInput.on("change keyup paste",function() { var repo = $(this).val(); var m = /\/([^/]+)\.git/.exec(repo); if (m) { var projectName = projectNameInput.val(); if (projectName === "" || projectName === autoInsertedName) { autoInsertedName = m[1]; projectNameInput.val(autoInsertedName); } } validateForm(); }); // Secret - clone row = $('
').appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(row); projectSecretInput = $('').appendTo(row); createAsEmpty.click(); return container; }, buttons: [ { // id: "clipboard-dialog-cancel", text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { id: "projects-dialog-create", text: "Create project", // TODO: nls class: "primary disabled", disabled: true, click: function() { var projectType = $(".projects-dialog-screen-create-type.selected").data('type'); var projectData = { name: projectNameInput.val(), } if (projectType === 'empty') { projectData.summary = projectSummaryInput.val(); projectData.files = { flow: projectFlowFileInput.val() }; var encryptionState = $("input[name=projects-encryption-type]:checked").val(); if (encryptionState === 'enabled') { var encryptionKeyType = $("input[name=projects-encryption-key]:checked").val(); if (encryptionKeyType === 'custom') { projectData.credentialSecret = emptyProjectCredentialInput.val(); } else { // If 'use default', leave projectData.credentialSecret blank - as that will trigger // it to use the default (TODO: if its set...) } } else { // Disabled encryption by explicitly setting credSec to false projectData.credentialSecret = false; } } else if (projectType === 'copy') { projectData.copy = copyProject.name; } else if (projectType === 'clone') { projectData.credentialSecret = projectSecretInput.val(); projectData.remote = { url: projectRepoInput.val() } } RED.deploy.setDeployInflight(true); RED.projects.settings.switchProject(projectData.name); sendRequest({ url: "projects", type: "POST", responses: { 200: function(data) { dialog.dialog( "close" ); }, 400: { 'project_exists': function(error) { console.log("already exists"); }, 'git_error': function(error) { console.log("git error",error); }, 'git_auth_failed': function(error) { // getRepoAuthDetails(req); console.log("git auth error",error); }, 'unexpected_error': function(error) { console.log("unexpected_error",error) } } } },projectData).always(function() { RED.deploy.setDeployInflight(false); }) // if (projectType === 'empty') { // show('credentialSecret'); // } else if (projectType === 'copy') { // show('copy'); // } else if (projectType === 'clone') { // show('clone'); // } // var projectName = projectNameInput.val().trim(); // var projectRepoEnabled = projectRepoEnabledInput.prop('checked'); // var projectRepo = projectRepoInput.val().trim(); // if (projectName !== '') { // var req = { // name:projectName // }; // if (projectRepoEnabled && projectRepo !== '') { // req.remote = projectRepo; // } // console.log(req); // sendRequest({ // url: "projects", // type: "POST", // responses: { // 200: function(data) { // console.log("Success!",data); // }, // 400: { // 'project_exists': function(error) { // console.log("already exists"); // }, // 'git_error': function(error) { // console.log("git error",error); // }, // 'git_auth_failed': function(error) { // // getRepoAuthDetails(req); // console.log("git auth error",error); // }, // 'unexpected_error': function(error) { // console.log("unexpected_error",error) // } // } // } // },req) // } // $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } ] } })(), 'open': { content: function() { return createProjectList({ canSelectActive: false, dblclick: function() { $("#projects-dialog-open").click(); } }) }, buttons: [ { // id: "clipboard-dialog-cancel", text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { id: "projects-dialog-open", text: "Open project", // TODO: nls class: "primary disabled", disabled: true, click: function() { switchProject(selectedProject.name,function(err,data) { if (err) { if (err.error === 'credentials_load_failed') { dialog.dialog( "close" ); } else { console.log("unexpected_error",err) } } else { dialog.dialog( "close" ); } }) } } ] } } } function switchProject(name,done) { RED.deploy.setDeployInflight(true); RED.projects.settings.switchProject(name); sendRequest({ url: "projects/"+name, type: "PUT", responses: { 200: function(data) { done(null,data); }, 400: { 'credentials_load_failed': function(error) { done(error,null); }, 'unexpected_error': function(error) { done(error,null); } }, } },{active:true}).always(function() { RED.deploy.setDeployInflight(false); }) } function show(s,options) { if (!dialog) { RED.projects.init(); } var screen = screens[s]; var container = screen.content(); dialogBody.empty(); dialog.dialog('option','buttons',screen.buttons); dialogBody.append(container); dialog.dialog('option','title',screen.title||""); dialog.dialog("open"); dialog.dialog({position: { 'my': 'center', 'at': 'center', 'of': window }}); } var selectedProject = null; function createProjectList(options) { options = options||{}; var height = options.height || "300px"; selectedProject = null; var container = $('
',{style:"min-height: "+height+"; height: "+height+";"}); var list = $('
    ',{class:"projects-dialog-project-list", style:"height:"+height}).appendTo(container).editableList({ addButton: false, scrollOnAdd: false, addItem: function(row,index,entry) { var header = $('
    ',{class:"projects-dialog-project-list-entry"}).appendTo(row); $('').appendTo(header); $('').text(entry.name).appendTo(header); if (activeProject && activeProject.name === entry.name) { header.addClass("projects-list-entry-current"); $('current').appendTo(header); if (options.canSelectActive === false) { // active project cannot be selected; so skip the rest return } } header.addClass("selectable"); row.click(function(evt) { $('.projects-dialog-project-list-entry').removeClass('selected'); header.addClass('selected'); $("#projects-dialog-open").prop('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled ui-button-disabled ui-state-disabled'); selectedProject = entry; if (options.select) { options.select(entry); } }) if (options.dblclick) { row.dblclick(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); options.dblclick(); }) } } }); if (options.small) { list.addClass("projects-dialog-project-list-small") } $.getJSON("projects", function(data) { data.projects.forEach(function(project) { list.editableList('addItem',{name:project}); }); }) return container; } function sendRequest(options,body) { // dialogBody.hide(); console.log(options.url); var start = Date.now(); // TODO: this is specific to the dialog-based requests $(".projects-dialog-spinner").show(); $("#projects-dialog").parent().find(".ui-dialog-buttonset").children().css("visibility","hidden") if (body) { options.data = JSON.stringify(body); options.contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; } var resultCallback; var resultCallbackArgs; return $.ajax(options).done(function(data,textStatus,xhr) { if (options.responses && options.responses[200]) { resultCallback = options.responses[200]; resultCallbackArgs = data; } }).fail(function(xhr,textStatus,err) { if (options.responses && options.responses[xhr.status]) { var responses = options.responses[xhr.status]; if (typeof responses === 'function') { resultCallback = responses; resultCallbackArgs = {error:responses.statusText}; return; } else if (responses[xhr.responseJSON.error]) { resultCallback = responses[xhr.responseJSON.error]; resultCallbackArgs = xhr.responseJSON; return; } } console.log("Unhandled error response:"); console.log(xhr); console.log(textStatus); console.log(err); }).always(function() { var delta = Date.now() - start; delta = Math.max(0,500-delta); setTimeout(function() { // dialogBody.show(); $(".projects-dialog-spinner").hide(); $("#projects-dialog").parent().find(".ui-dialog-buttonset").children().css("visibility","") if (resultCallback) { resultCallback(resultCallbackArgs) } },delta); }); } function init() { dialog = $('
    ') .appendTo("body") .dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 600, resizable: false, open: function(e) { $(this).parent().find(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); // $("#header-shade").show(); // $("#editor-shade").show(); // $("#palette-shade").show(); // $("#sidebar-shade").show(); }, close: function(e) { // $("#header-shade").hide(); // $("#editor-shade").hide(); // $("#palette-shade").hide(); // $("#sidebar-shade").hide(); } }); dialogBody = dialog.find("form"); RED.actions.add("core:new-project",RED.projects.newProject); RED.actions.add("core:open-project",RED.projects.selectProject); RED.projects.settings.init({sendRequest:sendRequest}); RED.sidebar.versionControl.init({sendRequest:sendRequest}); initScreens(); // initSidebar(); } function refresh(done) { $.getJSON("projects",function(data) { if (data.active) { $.getJSON("projects/"+data.active, function(project) { activeProject = project; // updateProjectSummary(); // updateProjectDescription(); // updateProjectDependencies(); RED.sidebar.versionControl.refresh(true); if (done) { done(); } }); } }); } return { init: init, showStartup: function() { show('welcome'); }, newProject: function() { show('create') }, selectProject: function() { show('open') }, showCredentialsPrompt: function() { //TODO: rename this function RED.projects.settings.show('settings'); }, showFilesPrompt: function() { //TODO: rename this function RED.projects.settings.show('settings'); }, // showSidebar: showSidebar, refresh: refresh, editProject: function() { RED.projects.settings.show(); }, getActiveProject: function() { return activeProject; } } })();