export default { version: "3.0.0-beta.1", steps: [ { titleIcon: "fa fa-map-o", title: { "en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 3.0 Beta 1!", "ja": "Node-RED 3.0 Beta 1へようこそ!" }, description: { "en-US": "

This is the first Beta release of Node-RED 3.0. It contains just about everything we have planned for the final release.

Let's take a moment to discover the new features in this release.

", "ja": "本リリースの新機能を見つけてみましょう。" } }, { title: { "en-US": "Wire Junctions", // "ja": "" }, image: 'images/junction-slice.gif', description: { "en-US": `

To make it easier to route wires around your flows, it is now possible to add junction nodes that give you more control.

Junctions can be added to wires by holding the Shift key, then click and drag with the right-hand mouse button across the wires.

`, // "ja": "" }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Wire Junctions", // "ja": "" }, image: 'images/junction-quick-add.png', description: { "en-US": `

Junctions can also be added using the quick-add dialog.

The dialog is opened by holding the Ctrl (or Cmd) key when clicking in the workspace.

`, // "ja": "" }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Debug Path Tooltip", // "ja": "" }, image: 'images/debug-path-tooltip.png', description: { "en-US": `

When hovering over a node name in the Debug sidebar, a new tooltip shows the full location of the node.

This is useful when working with subflows, making it much easier to identify exactly which node generated the message.

Clicking on any item in the list will reveal it in the workspace.

`, // "ja": "" }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Continuous Search", // "ja": "" }, image: 'images/continuous-search.png', description: { "en-US": `

When searching for things in the editor, a new toolbar in the workspace provides options to quickly jump between the search results.

`, // "ja": "" }, }, { title: { "en-US": "New wiring actions", "ja": "新しいワイヤー操作" }, image: "images/split-wire-with-links.gif", description: { "en-US": `

A new action has been added that will replace a wire with a pair of connected Link nodes:

Actions can be accessed from the Action List in the main menu.

`, // "ja": `` }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Default node names", // "ja": "" }, // image: "images/", description: { "en-US": `

Some nodes have been updated to generate a unique name when new instances are added to the workspace. This applies to Debug, Function and Link nodes.

A new action has also been added to generate default names for the selected nodes:

Actions can be accessed from the Action List in the main menu.

`, // "ja": `` } }, { title: { "en-US": "Node Updates", "ja": "ノードの更新" }, // image: "images/", description: { "en-US": ``, // "ja": `` } } ] }