/** * Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.sidebar = function() { $('#sidebar').tabs(); $('#btn-sidebar').click(function() {toggleSidebar();}); RED.keyboard.add(/* SPACE */ 32,{ctrl:true},function(){toggleSidebar();d3.event.preventDefault();}); var sidebarSeparator = {}; $("#sidebar-separator").draggable({ axis: "x", start:function(event,ui) { var winWidth = $(window).width(); sidebarSeparator.start = ui.position.left; sidebarSeparator.width = $("#sidebar").width(); sidebarSeparator.chartWidth = $("#chart").width(); sidebarSeparator.chartRight = winWidth-$("#chart").width()-$("#chart").offset().left-2; sidebarSeparator.closing = false; }, drag: function(event,ui) { var d = ui.position.left-sidebarSeparator.start; var newSidebarWidth = sidebarSeparator.width-d; if (newSidebarWidth > 180 && sidebarSeparator.chartWidth+d > 200) { var newChartRight = sidebarSeparator.chartRight-d; $("#chart").css("right",newChartRight); $("#chart-zoom-controls").css("right",newChartRight+20); $("#sidebar").width(newSidebarWidth); } if (newSidebarWidth < 150 && !sidebarSeparator.closing) { $("#sidebar").addClass("closing"); sidebarSeparator.closing = true; } if (newSidebarWidth >= 150 && sidebarSeparator.closing) { sidebarSeparator.closing = false; $("#sidebar").removeClass("closing"); } }, stop:function(event,ui) { $("#sidebar-separator").css("left","auto"); $("#sidebar-separator").css("right",($("#sidebar").width()+15)+"px"); if (sidebarSeparator.closing) { $("#sidebar").removeClass("closing"); toggleSidebar(); } } }); function toggleSidebar() { if ($('#sidebar').tabs( "option", "active" ) === false) { $('#sidebar').tabs( "option", "active",0); } var btnSidebar = $("#btn-sidebar"); btnSidebar.toggleClass("active"); if (!btnSidebar.hasClass("active")) { $("#main-container").addClass("sidebar-closed"); } else { $("#main-container").removeClass("sidebar-closed"); } } function addTab(title,content) { var tab = document.createElement("li"); tab.innerHTML = '<a href="#tab-'+title+'">'+title+'</a>'; $("#sidebar-tabs").append(tab); $("#sidebar-content").append(content); $('#sidebar').tabs("refresh"); } return { addTab: addTab } }();