/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ const jsonClone = require("rfdc")(); var util = require("util"); var registry = require("@node-red/registry"); var credentials = require("./credentials"); var flows = require("../flows"); var flowUtil = require("../flows/util") var context = require("./context"); var Node = require("./Node"); var log; const events = require("@node-red/util").events; var settings; /** * Registers a node constructor * @param nodeSet - the nodeSet providing the node (module/set) * @param type - the string type name * @param constructor - the constructor function for this node type * @param opts - optional additional options for the node */ function registerType(nodeSet,type,constructor,opts) { if (typeof type !== "string") { // This is someone calling the api directly, rather than via the // RED object provided to a node. Log a warning log.warn("["+nodeSet+"] Deprecated call to RED.runtime.nodes.registerType - node-set name must be provided as first argument"); opts = constructor; constructor = type; type = nodeSet; nodeSet = ""; } if (opts) { if (opts.credentials) { credentials.register(type,opts.credentials); } if (opts.settings) { try { settings.registerNodeSettings(type,opts.settings); } catch(err) { log.warn("["+type+"] "+err.message); } } } if(!(constructor.prototype instanceof Node)) { if(Object.getPrototypeOf(constructor.prototype) === Object.prototype) { util.inherits(constructor,Node); } else { var proto = constructor.prototype; while(Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) !== Object.prototype) { proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } //TODO: This is a partial implementation of util.inherits >= node v5.0.0 // which should be changed when support for node < v5.0.0 is dropped // see: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/3455 proto.constructor.super_ = Node; if(Object.setPrototypeOf) { Object.setPrototypeOf(proto, Node.prototype); } else { // hack for node v0.10 proto.__proto__ = Node.prototype; } } } registry.registerType(nodeSet,type,constructor,opts); } /** * Called from a Node's constructor function, invokes the super-class * constructor and attaches any credentials to the node. * @param node the node object being created * @param def the instance definition for the node */ function createNode(node,def) { Node.call(node,def); var id = node.id; if (def._alias) { id = def._alias; } var creds = credentials.get(id); if (creds) { creds = jsonClone(creds); //console.log("Attaching credentials to ",node.id); // allow $(foo) syntax to substitute env variables for credentials also... for (var p in creds) { if (creds.hasOwnProperty(p)) { flowUtil.mapEnvVarProperties(creds,p,node._flow,node); } } node.credentials = creds; } else if (credentials.getDefinition(node.type)) { node.credentials = {}; } } function registerSubflow(nodeSet, subflow) { // TODO: extract credentials definition from subflow properties var registeredType = registry.registerSubflow(nodeSet,subflow); if (subflow.env) { var creds = {}; var hasCreds = false; subflow.env.forEach(e => { if (e.type === "cred") { creds[e.name] = {type: "password"}; hasCreds = true; } }) if (hasCreds) { credentials.register(registeredType.type,creds); } } } function init(runtime) { settings = runtime.settings; log = runtime.log; credentials.init(runtime); flows.init(runtime); registry.init(runtime); context.init(runtime.settings); } function disableNode(id) { flows.checkTypeInUse(id); return registry.disableNode(id).then(function(info) { reportNodeStateChange(info,false); return info; }); } function enableNode(id) { return registry.enableNode(id).then(function(info) { reportNodeStateChange(info,true); return info; }); } function reportNodeStateChange(info,enabled) { if (info.enabled === enabled && !info.err) { events.emit("runtime-event",{id:"node/"+(enabled?"enabled":"disabled"),retain:false,payload:info}); log.info(" "+log._("api.nodes."+(enabled?"enabled":"disabled"))); for (var i=0;i `${module}/${n.name}`); for (var i=0;i