export default { version: "3.1.0-beta.2", steps: [ { titleIcon: "fa fa-map-o", title: { "en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 3.1 Beta 2!", "ja": "Node-RED 3.1 ベータ2へようこそ!" }, description: { "en-US": "

This is the second beta release for 3.1.0 and we have a few new features to tell you about.

", "ja": "


" } }, { title: { "en-US": "New ways to work with groups", "ja": "グループの新たな操作方法" }, description: { "en-US": `

We have changed how you interact with groups in the editor.

`, "ja": `


` } }, { title: { "en-US": "Change notification on tabs", "ja": "タブ上の変更通知" }, image: 'images/tab-changes.png', description: { "en-US": `

When a tab contains undeployed changes it now shows the same style of change icon used by nodes.

This will make it much easier to track down changes when you're working across multiple flows.

`, "ja": `



` } }, { title: { "en-US": "A bigger canvas to work with", "ja": "より広くなった作業キャンバス" }, description: { "en-US": `

The default canvas size has been increased so you can fit more into one flow.

We still recommend using tools such as subflows and Link Nodes to help keep things organised, but now you have more room to work in.

`, "ja": `



` } }, { title: { "en-US": "Finding help", "ja": "ヘルプを見つける" }, image: 'images/node-help.png', description: { "en-US": `

All node edit dialogs now include a link to that node's help in the footer.

Clicking it will open up the Help sidebar showing the help for that node.

`, "ja": `



` } }, { title: { "en-US": "And lots more...", "ja": "そしてさらに沢山あります..." }, description: { "en-US": `

Of course we have everything from 3.1.0-beta.1 as well....

`, "ja": `

もちろん3.1.0 ベータ1の全ての機能があります....

` } }, { title: { "en-US": "Improved Context Menu", "ja": "コンテキストメニューの改善" }, image: 'images/context-menu.png', description: { "en-US": `

The editor's context menu has been expanded to make lots more of the built-in actions available.

Adding nodes, working with groups and plenty of other useful tools are now just a click away.

The flow tab bar also has its own context menu to make working with your flows much easier.

`, "ja": `




` } }, { title: { "en-US": "Hiding Flows", "ja": "フローを非表示" }, image: 'images/hiding-flows.png', description: { "en-US": `

Hiding flows is now done through the flow context menu.

The 'hide' button in previous releases has been removed from the tabs as they were being clicked accidentally too often.

`, "ja": `



` }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Locking Flows", "ja": "フローを固定" }, image: 'images/locking-flows.png', description: { "en-US": `

Flows can now be locked to prevent accidental changes being made.

When locked you cannot modify the nodes in any way.

The flow context menu provides the options to lock and unlock flows, as well as in the Info sidebar explorer.

`, "ja": `




` }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Adding Images to node/flow descriptions", "ja": "ノードやフローの説明へ画像を追加" }, // image: 'images/debug-path-tooltip.png', description: { "en-US": `

You can now add images to a node's or flows's description.

Simply drag the image into the text editor and it will get added inline.

When the description is shown in the Info sidebar, the image will be displayed.

`, "ja": `




` }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Adding Mermaid Diagrams", "ja": "Mermaid図を追加" }, image: 'images/mermaid.png', description: { "en-US": `

You can also add Mermaid diagrams directly into your node or flow descriptions.

This gives you much richer options for documenting your flows.

`, "ja": `



` }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Managing Global Environment Variables", "ja": "グローバル環境変数の管理" }, image: 'images/global-env-vars.png', description: { "en-US": `

You can set environment variables that apply to all nodes and flows in the new 'Global Environment Variables' section of User Settings.

`, "ja": `


` }, }, { title: { "en-US": "Node Updates", "ja": "ノードの更新" }, // image: "images/", description: { "en-US": `

The core nodes have received lots of minor fixes, documentation updates and small enhancements. Check the full changelog in the Help sidebar for a full list.

`, "ja": `


` } } ] }