/** * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var when = require("when"); var clone = require("clone"); var typeRegistry = require("../registry"); var Log = require("../../log"); var redUtil = require("../../util"); var flowUtil = require("./util"); function Flow(global,flow) { if (typeof flow === 'undefined') { flow = global; } var activeNodes = {}; var subflowInstanceNodes = {}; var catchNodeMap = {}; var statusNodeMap = {}; this.start = function(diff) { var node; var newNode; var id; catchNodeMap = {}; statusNodeMap = {}; for (id in flow.configs) { if (flow.configs.hasOwnProperty(id)) { node = flow.configs[id]; if (!activeNodes[id]) { newNode = createNode(node.type,node); if (newNode) { activeNodes[id] = newNode; } } } } if (diff && diff.rewired) { for (var j=0;j<diff.rewired.length;j++) { var rewireNode = activeNodes[diff.rewired[j]]; if (rewireNode) { rewireNode.updateWires(flow.nodes[rewireNode.id].wires); } } } for (id in flow.nodes) { if (flow.nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { node = flow.nodes[id]; if (!node.subflow) { if (!activeNodes[id]) { newNode = createNode(node.type,node); if (newNode) { activeNodes[id] = newNode; } } } else { if (!subflowInstanceNodes[id]) { try { var nodes = createSubflow(flow.subflows[node.subflow]||global.subflows[node.subflow],node,flow.subflows,global.subflows,activeNodes); subflowInstanceNodes[id] = nodes.map(function(n) { return n.id}); for (var i=0;i<nodes.length;i++) { if (nodes[i]) { activeNodes[nodes[i].id] = nodes[i]; } } } catch(err) { console.log(err.stack) } } } } } for (id in activeNodes) { if (activeNodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) { node = activeNodes[id]; if (node.type === "catch") { catchNodeMap[node.z] = catchNodeMap[node.z] || []; catchNodeMap[node.z].push(node); } else if (node.type === "status") { statusNodeMap[node.z] = statusNodeMap[node.z] || []; statusNodeMap[node.z].push(node); } } } } this.stop = function(stopList) { return when.promise(function(resolve) { var i; if (stopList) { for (i=0;i<stopList.length;i++) { if (subflowInstanceNodes[stopList[i]]) { // The first in the list is the instance node we already // know about stopList = stopList.concat(subflowInstanceNodes[stopList[i]].slice(1)) } } } else { stopList = Object.keys(activeNodes); } var promises = []; for (i=0;i<stopList.length;i++) { var node = activeNodes[stopList[i]]; if (node) { delete activeNodes[stopList[i]]; if (subflowInstanceNodes[stopList[i]]) { delete subflowInstanceNodes[stopList[i]]; } try { var p = node.close(); if (p) { promises.push(p); } } catch(err) { node.error(err); } } } when.settle(promises).then(function() { resolve(); }); }); } this.update = function(_global,_flow) { global = _global; flow = _flow; } this.getNode = function(id) { return activeNodes[id]; } this.getActiveNodes = function() { return activeNodes; } this.handleStatus = function(node,statusMessage) { var targetStatusNodes = null; var reportingNode = node; var handled = false; while(reportingNode && !handled) { targetStatusNodes = statusNodeMap[reportingNode.z]; if (targetStatusNodes) { targetStatusNodes.forEach(function(targetStatusNode) { if (targetStatusNode.scope && targetStatusNode.scope.indexOf(node.id) === -1) { return; } var message = { status: { text: "", source: { id: node.id, type: node.type, name: node.name } } }; if (statusMessage.text) { message.status.text = statusMessage.text; } targetStatusNode.receive(message); handled = true; }); } if (!handled) { reportingNode = activeNodes[reportingNode.z]; } } } this.handleError = function(node,logMessage,msg) { var count = 1; if (msg && msg.hasOwnProperty("error")) { if (msg.error.hasOwnProperty("source")) { if (msg.error.source.id === node.id) { count = msg.error.source.count+1; if (count === 10) { node.warn(Log._("nodes.flow.error-loop")); return; } } } } var targetCatchNodes = null; var throwingNode = node; var handled = false; while (throwingNode && !handled) { targetCatchNodes = catchNodeMap[throwingNode.z]; if (targetCatchNodes) { targetCatchNodes.forEach(function(targetCatchNode) { if (targetCatchNode.scope && targetCatchNode.scope.indexOf(throwingNode.id) === -1) { return; } var errorMessage; if (msg) { errorMessage = redUtil.cloneMessage(msg); } else { errorMessage = {}; } if (errorMessage.hasOwnProperty("error")) { errorMessage._error = errorMessage.error; } errorMessage.error = { message: logMessage.toString(), source: { id: node.id, type: node.type, name: node.name, count: count } }; targetCatchNode.receive(errorMessage); handled = true; }); } if (!handled) { throwingNode = activeNodes[throwingNode.z]; } } } } var EnvVarPropertyRE = /^\$\((\S+)\)$/; function mapEnvVarProperties(obj,prop) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(obj[prop])) { return; } else if (Array.isArray(obj[prop])) { for (var i=0;i<obj[prop].length;i++) { mapEnvVarProperties(obj[prop],i); } } else if (typeof obj[prop] === 'string') { var m; if ( (m = EnvVarPropertyRE.exec(obj[prop])) !== null) { if (process.env.hasOwnProperty(m[1])) { obj[prop] = process.env[m[1]]; } } } else { for (var p in obj[prop]) { if (obj[prop].hasOwnProperty) { mapEnvVarProperties(obj[prop],p); } } } } function createNode(type,config) { var nn = null; var nt = typeRegistry.get(type); if (nt) { var conf = clone(config); delete conf.credentials; for (var p in conf) { if (conf.hasOwnProperty(p)) { mapEnvVarProperties(conf,p); } } try { nn = new nt(conf); } catch (err) { Log.log({ level: Log.ERROR, id:conf.id, type: type, msg: err }); } } else { Log.error(Log._("nodes.flow.unknown-type", {type:type})); } return nn; } function createSubflow(sf,sfn,subflows,globalSubflows,activeNodes) { //console.log("CREATE SUBFLOW",sf.id,sfn.id); var nodes = []; var node_map = {}; var newNodes = []; var node; var wires; var i,j,k; var createNodeInSubflow = function(def) { node = clone(def); var nid = redUtil.generateId(); node_map[node.id] = node; node._alias = node.id; node.id = nid; node.z = sfn.id; newNodes.push(node); } // Clone all of the subflow node definitions and give them new IDs for (i in sf.configs) { if (sf.configs.hasOwnProperty(i)) { createNodeInSubflow(sf.configs[i]); } } // Clone all of the subflow node definitions and give them new IDs for (i in sf.nodes) { if (sf.nodes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { createNodeInSubflow(sf.nodes[i]); } } // Look for any catch/status nodes and update their scope ids // Update all subflow interior wiring to reflect new node IDs for (i=0;i<newNodes.length;i++) { node = newNodes[i]; if (node.wires) { var outputs = node.wires; for (j=0;j<outputs.length;j++) { wires = outputs[j]; for (k=0;k<wires.length;k++) { outputs[j][k] = node_map[outputs[j][k]].id } } if ((node.type === 'catch' || node.type === 'status') && node.scope) { node.scope = node.scope.map(function(id) { return node_map[id]?node_map[id].id:"" }) } else { for (var prop in node) { if (node.hasOwnProperty(prop) && prop !== '_alias') { if (node_map[node[prop]]) { //console.log("Mapped",node.type,node.id,prop,node_map[node[prop]].id); node[prop] = node_map[node[prop]].id; } } } } } } // Create a subflow node to accept inbound messages and route appropriately var Node = require("../Node"); var subflowInstance = { id: sfn.id, type: sfn.type, z: sfn.z, name: sfn.name, wires: [] } if (sf.in) { subflowInstance.wires = sf.in.map(function(n) { return n.wires.map(function(w) { return node_map[w.id].id;})}) subflowInstance._originalWires = clone(subflowInstance.wires); } var subflowNode = new Node(subflowInstance); subflowNode.on("input", function(msg) { this.send(msg);}); subflowNode._updateWires = subflowNode.updateWires; subflowNode.updateWires = function(newWires) { // Wire the subflow outputs if (sf.out) { var node,wires,i,j; // Restore the original wiring to the internal nodes subflowInstance.wires = clone(subflowInstance._originalWires); for (i=0;i<sf.out.length;i++) { wires = sf.out[i].wires; for (j=0;j<wires.length;j++) { if (wires[j].id != sf.id) { node = node_map[wires[j].id]; if (node._originalWires) { node.wires = clone(node._originalWires); } } } } var modifiedNodes = {}; var subflowInstanceModified = false; for (i=0;i<sf.out.length;i++) { wires = sf.out[i].wires; for (j=0;j<wires.length;j++) { if (wires[j].id === sf.id) { subflowInstance.wires[wires[j].port] = subflowInstance.wires[wires[j].port].concat(newWires[i]); subflowInstanceModified = true; } else { node = node_map[wires[j].id]; node.wires[wires[j].port] = node.wires[wires[j].port].concat(newWires[i]); modifiedNodes[node.id] = node; } } } Object.keys(modifiedNodes).forEach(function(id) { var node = modifiedNodes[id]; subflowNode.instanceNodes[id].updateWires(node.wires); }); if (subflowInstanceModified) { subflowNode._updateWires(subflowInstance.wires); } } } nodes.push(subflowNode); // Wire the subflow outputs if (sf.out) { var modifiedNodes = {}; for (i=0;i<sf.out.length;i++) { wires = sf.out[i].wires; for (j=0;j<wires.length;j++) { if (wires[j].id === sf.id) { // A subflow input wired straight to a subflow output subflowInstance.wires[wires[j].port] = subflowInstance.wires[wires[j].port].concat(sfn.wires[i]) subflowNode._updateWires(subflowInstance.wires); } else { node = node_map[wires[j].id]; modifiedNodes[node.id] = node; if (!node._originalWires) { node._originalWires = clone(node.wires); } node.wires[wires[j].port] = (node.wires[wires[j].port]||[]).concat(sfn.wires[i]); } } } } // Instantiate the nodes for (i=0;i<newNodes.length;i++) { node = newNodes[i]; var type = node.type; var m = /^subflow:(.+)$/.exec(type); if (!m) { var newNode = createNode(type,node); if (newNode) { activeNodes[node.id] = newNode; nodes.push(newNode); } } else { var subflowId = m[1]; nodes = nodes.concat(createSubflow(subflows[subflowId]||globalSubflows[subflowId],node,subflows,globalSubflows,activeNodes)); } } subflowNode.instanceNodes = {}; nodes.forEach(function(node) { subflowNode.instanceNodes[node.id] = node; }); return nodes; } module.exports = { create: function(global,conf) { return new Flow(global,conf); } }