/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.projects.userSettings = (function() { var gitUsernameInput; var gitEmailInput; function createGitUserSection(pane) { var currentGitSettings = RED.settings.get('git') || {}; currentGitSettings.user = currentGitSettings.user || {}; var title = $('

').text("Committer Details").appendTo(pane); var gitconfigContainer = $('
').appendTo(pane); $('
').appendTo(gitconfigContainer).text("Leave blank to use system default"); var row = $('
').appendTo(gitconfigContainer); $('').text('Username').appendTo(row); gitUsernameInput = $('').appendTo(row); gitUsernameInput.val(currentGitSettings.user.name||""); row = $('
').appendTo(gitconfigContainer); $('').text('Email').appendTo(row); gitEmailInput = $('').appendTo(row); gitEmailInput.val(currentGitSettings.user.email||""); } function createSSHKeySection(pane) { var container = $('
').appendTo(pane); var popover; var title = $('

').text("SSH Keys").appendTo(container); var addKeyButton = $('') .appendTo(title) .click(function(evt) { addKeyButton.attr('disabled',true); addKeyDialog.slideDown(200, function() { // addKeyDialog[0].scrollIntoView(); }); }); var validateForm = function() { var validName = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/.test(keyNameInput.val()); saveButton.attr('disabled',!validName); keyNameInput.toggleClass('input-error',keyNameInputChanged&&!validName); if (popover) { popover.close(); popover = null; } }; var row = $('
').appendTo(container); var addKeyDialog = $('
').hide().appendTo(row); $('
').text('Generate SSH Key').appendTo(addKeyDialog); row = $('
').appendTo(addKeyDialog); $('').text('Name').appendTo(row); var keyNameInput = $('').appendTo(row).on("change keyup paste",function() { keyNameInputChanged = true; validateForm(); }); var keyNameInputChanged = false; $('').appendTo(row).find("small"); row = $('
').appendTo(addKeyDialog); $('').text('Passphrase').appendTo(row); passphraseInput = $('').appendTo(row).on("change keyup paste",validateForm); $('').appendTo(row).find("small"); var hideEditForm = function() { addKeyButton.attr('disabled',false); addKeyDialog.hide(); keyNameInput.val(""); passphraseInput.val(""); if (popover) { popover.close(); popover = null; } } var formButtons = $('').appendTo(addKeyDialog); $('') .appendTo(formButtons) .click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); hideEditForm(); }); var saveButton = $('') .appendTo(formButtons) .click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var spinner = utils.addSpinnerOverlay(addKeyDialog).addClass('projects-dialog-spinner-contain'); var payload = { name: keyNameInput.val(), comment: gitEmailInput.val(), password: passphraseInput.val(), size: 4096 }; var done = function(err) { spinner.remove(); if (err) { return; } hideEditForm(); } // console.log(JSON.stringify(payload,null,4)); RED.deploy.setDeployInflight(true); utils.sendRequest({ url: "settings/user/keys", type: "POST", responses: { 0: function(error) { done(error); }, 200: function(data) { refreshSSHKeyList(); done(); }, 400: { 'unexpected_error': function(error) { console.log(error); done(error); } }, } },payload); }); row = $('
').appendTo(container); var emptyItem = { empty: true }; var expandKey = function(container,entry) { var row = $('
',{style:"position:relative"}).appendTo(container); var keyBox = $('
',{style:"min-height: 80px"}).appendTo(row);
            var spinner = utils.addSpinnerOverlay(keyBox).addClass('projects-dialog-spinner-contain');
            var options = {
                url: 'settings/user/keys/'+entry.name,
                type: "GET",
                responses: {
                    200: function(data) {
                    400: {
                        'unexpected_error': function(error) {

            var formButtons = $('').appendTo(row);
                .click(function(evt) {
                    var ret = document.execCommand('copy');

            return row;
        var keyList = $('
    ').appendTo(row).editableList({ height: 'auto', addButton: false, scrollOnAdd: false, addItem: function(row,index,entry) { var container = $('
    ').appendTo(row); if (entry.empty) { container.addClass('red-ui-search-empty'); container.text("No SSH keys"); return; } $('').appendTo(container); var content = $('').appendTo(container); var topRow = $('
    ').appendTo(content); $('').text(entry.name).appendTo(topRow); var tools = $('').appendTo(container); var expandedRow; $('') .appendTo(tools) .click(function(e) { if (expandedRow) { expandedRow.slideUp(200,function() { expandedRow.remove(); expandedRow = null; }) } else { expandedRow = expandKey(container,entry); } }) $('') .appendTo(tools) .click(function(e) { var spinner = utils.addSpinnerOverlay(row).addClass('projects-dialog-spinner-contain'); var notification = RED.notify("Are you sure you want to delete the SSH key '"+entry.name+"'? This cannot be undone.", { type: 'warning', modal: true, fixed: true, buttons: [ { text: RED._("common.label.cancel"), click: function() { spinner.remove(); notification.close(); } }, { text: "Delete key", click: function() { notification.close(); var url = "settings/user/keys/"+entry.name; var options = { url: url, type: "DELETE", responses: { 200: function(data) { row.fadeOut(200,function() { keyList.editableList('removeItem',entry); setTimeout(spinner.remove, 100); if (keyList.editableList('length') === 0) { keyList.editableList('addItem',emptyItem); } }); }, 400: { 'unexpected_error': function(error) { console.log(error); spinner.remove(); } }, } } utils.sendRequest(options); } } ] }); }); } }); var refreshSSHKeyList = function() { $.getJSON("settings/user/keys",function(result) { if (result.keys) { result.keys.sort(function(A,B) { return A.name.localeCompare(B.name); }); keyList.editableList('empty'); result.keys.forEach(function(key) { keyList.editableList('addItem',key); }) } }) } refreshSSHKeyList(); } function sendSSHKeyManagementAPI(type, param, overlay, successCallback, failCallback) { var url; var method; var payload; switch(type) { case 'GET_KEY_LIST': method = 'GET'; url = "settings/user/keys"; break; case 'GET_KEY_DETAIL': method = 'GET'; url = "settings/user/keys/" + param; break; case 'GENERATE_KEY': method = 'POST'; url = "settings/user/keys"; payload= param; break; case 'DELETE_KEY': method = 'DELETE'; url = "settings/user/keys/" + param; break; default: console.error('Unexpected type....'); return; } // var spinner = utils.addSpinnerOverlay(gitconfigContainer); var spinner = overlay ? utils.addSpinnerOverlay(overlay) : null; var done = function(err) { if ( spinner ) { spinner.remove(); } if (err) { console.log(err); return; } }; console.log('method:', method); console.log('url:', url); utils.sendRequest({ url: url, type: method, responses: { 0: function(error) { if ( failCallback ) { failCallback(error); } done(error); }, 200: function(data) { if ( successCallback ) { successCallback(data); } done(); }, 400: { 'unexpected_error': function(error) { console.log(error); if ( failCallback ) { failCallback(error); } done(error); } }, } },payload); } var dialog; var dialogBody; function createPublicKeyDialog() { dialog = $('
    ') .appendTo("body") .dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 600, resize: false, open: function(e) { $(this).parent().find(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); }, close: function(e) { } }); dialogBody = dialog.find("form"); dialog.dialog('option', 'title', 'SSH public key'); dialog.dialog('option', 'buttons', [ { text: RED._("common.label.close"), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { text: "Copy to Clipboard", click: function() { var target = document.getElementById('public-key-data'); document.getSelection().selectAllChildren(target); var ret = document.execCommand('copy'); var msg = ret ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful'; console.log('Copy text command was ' + msg); $( this ).dialog("close"); } } ]); dialog.dialog({position: { 'my': 'center', 'at': 'center', 'of': window }}); var container = $('
    '); $('
    ').appendTo(container); $('
    ').appendTo(container); dialogBody.append(container); } function setDialogContext(name, data) { var title = dialog.find("div.projects-dialog-ssh-public-key-name"); title.text(name); var context = dialog.find("div.projects-dialog-ssh-public-key>pre"); context.text(data); } function createSettingsPane(activeProject) { var pane = $('
    '); createGitUserSection(pane); createSSHKeySection(pane); createPublicKeyDialog(); return pane; } var utils; function init(_utils) { utils = _utils; RED.userSettings.add({ id:'gitconfig', title: "Git config", // TODO: nls get: createSettingsPane, close: function() { var currentGitSettings = RED.settings.get('git') || {}; currentGitSettings.user = currentGitSettings.user || {}; currentGitSettings.user.name = gitUsernameInput.val(); currentGitSettings.user.email = gitEmailInput.val(); RED.settings.set('git', currentGitSettings); } }); } return { init: init, }; })();