/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var sinon = require('sinon'); var NR_TEST_UTILS = require("nr-test-utils"); var RedNode = NR_TEST_UTILS.require("@node-red/runtime/lib/nodes/Node"); var Log = NR_TEST_UTILS.require("@node-red/util").log; var flows = NR_TEST_UTILS.require("@node-red/runtime/lib/nodes/flows"); describe('Node', function() { describe('#constructor',function() { it('is called with an id and a type',function() { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); n.should.have.property('id','123'); n.should.have.property('type','abc'); n.should.not.have.property('name'); n.wires.should.be.empty(); }); it('is called with an id, a type and a name',function() { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc',name:'barney'}); n.should.have.property('id','123'); n.should.have.property('type','abc'); n.should.have.property('name','barney'); n.wires.should.be.empty(); }); it('is called with an id, a type and some wires',function() { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc',wires:['123','456']}); n.should.have.property('id','123'); n.should.have.property('type','abc'); n.should.not.have.property('name'); n.wires.should.have.length(2); }); }); describe('#close', function() { it('emits close event when closed',function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); n.on('close',function() { done(); }); n.close(); }); it('returns a promise when provided a callback with a done parameter',function(testdone) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); n.on('close',function(done) { setTimeout(function() { done(); },50); }); var p = n.close(); should.exist(p); p.then(function() { testdone(); }); }); it('accepts a callback with "removed" and "done" parameters', function(testdone) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); var receivedRemoved; n.on('close',function(removed,done) { receivedRemoved = removed; setTimeout(function() { done(); },50); }); var p = n.close(true); should.exist(p); (receivedRemoved).should.be.true(); p.then(function() { testdone(); }); }) it('allows multiple close handlers to be registered',function(testdone) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); var callbacksClosed = 0; n.on('close',function(done) { setTimeout(function() { callbacksClosed++; done(); },50); }); n.on('close',function(done) { setTimeout(function() { callbacksClosed++; done(); },75); }); n.on('close',function() { callbacksClosed++; }); var p = n.close(); should.exist(p); p.then(function() { callbacksClosed.should.eql(3); testdone(); }).catch(function(e) { testdone(e); }); }); }); describe('#receive', function() { it('emits input event when called', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); var message = {payload:"hello world"}; n.on('input',function(msg) { should.deepEqual(msg,message); done(); }); n.receive(message); }); it('writes metric info with undefined msg', function(done){ var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); n.on('input',function(msg) { (typeof msg).should.not.be.equal("undefined"); (typeof msg._msgid).should.not.be.equal("undefined"); done(); }); n.receive(); }); it('writes metric info with null msg', function(done){ var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); n.on('input',function(msg) { (typeof msg).should.not.be.equal("undefined"); (typeof msg._msgid).should.not.be.equal("undefined"); done(); }); n.receive(null); }); it('handles thrown errors', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); sinon.stub(n,"error",function(err,msg) {}); var message = {payload:"hello world"}; n.on('input',function(msg) { throw new Error("test error"); }); n.receive(message); n.error.called.should.be.true(); n.error.firstCall.args[1].should.equal(message); done(); }); }); describe('#send', function() { it('emits a single message', function(done) { var flow = { getNode: (id) => { return {'n1':n1,'n2':n2}[id]}, }; var n1 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n1',type:'abc',wires:[['n2']]}); var n2 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n2',type:'abc'}); var message = {payload:"hello world"}; n2.on('input',function(msg) { // msg equals message, and is not a new copy should.deepEqual(msg,message); should.strictEqual(msg,message); done(); }); n1.send(message); }); it('emits multiple messages on a single output', function(done) { var flow = { getNode: (id) => { return {'n1':n1,'n2':n2}[id]}, }; var n1 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n1',type:'abc',wires:[['n2']]}); var n2 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n2',type:'abc'}); var messages = [ {payload:"hello world"}, {payload:"hello world again"} ]; var rcvdCount = 0; n2.on('input',function(msg) { if (rcvdCount === 0) { // first msg sent, don't clone should.deepEqual(msg,messages[rcvdCount]); should.strictEqual(msg,messages[rcvdCount]); rcvdCount += 1; } else { // second msg sent, clone msg.payload.should.equal(messages[rcvdCount].payload); should.notStrictEqual(msg,messages[rcvdCount]); done(); } }); n1.send([messages]); }); it('emits messages to multiple outputs', function(done) { var flow = { getNode: (id) => { return {'n1':n1,'n2':n2,'n3':n3,'n4':n4,'n5':n5}[id]}, }; var n1 = new RedNode({_flow:flow, id:'n1',type:'abc',wires:[['n2'],['n3'],['n4','n5']]}); var n2 = new RedNode({_flow:flow, id:'n2',type:'abc'}); var n3 = new RedNode({_flow:flow, id:'n3',type:'abc'}); var n4 = new RedNode({_flow:flow, id:'n4',type:'abc'}); var n5 = new RedNode({_flow:flow, id:'n5',type:'abc'}); var messages = [ {payload:"hello world"}, null, {payload:"hello world again"} ]; var rcvdCount = 0; // first message sent, don't clone // message uuids should match n2.on('input',function(msg) { should.deepEqual(msg,messages[0]); should.strictEqual(msg,messages[0]); rcvdCount += 1; if (rcvdCount == 3) { done(); } }); n3.on('input',function(msg) { should.fail(null,null,"unexpected message"); }); // second message sent, clone // message uuids wont match since we've cloned n4.on('input',function(msg) { msg.payload.should.equal(messages[2].payload); should.notStrictEqual(msg,messages[2]); rcvdCount += 1; if (rcvdCount == 3) { done(); } }); // third message sent, clone // message uuids wont match since we've cloned n5.on('input',function(msg) { msg.payload.should.equal(messages[2].payload); should.notStrictEqual(msg,messages[2]); rcvdCount += 1; if (rcvdCount == 3) { done(); } }); n1.send(messages); }); it('emits no messages', function(done) { var flow = { getNode: (id) => { return {'n1':n1,'n2':n2}[id]}, }; var n1 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n1',type:'abc',wires:[['n2']]}); var n2 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n2',type:'abc'}); n2.on('input',function(msg) { should.fail(null,null,"unexpected message"); }); setTimeout(function() { done(); }, 200); n1.send(); }); it('emits messages ignoring non-existent nodes', function(done) { var flow = { getNode: (id) => { return {'n1':n1,'n2':n2}[id]}, }; var n1 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n1',type:'abc',wires:[['n9'],['n2']]}); var n2 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n2',type:'abc'}); var messages = [ {payload:"hello world"}, {payload:"hello world again"} ]; // only one message sent, so no copy needed n2.on('input',function(msg) { should.deepEqual(msg,messages[1]); should.strictEqual(msg,messages[1]); done(); }); n1.send(messages); }); it('emits messages without cloning req or res', function(done) { var flow = { getNode: (id) => { return {'n1':n1,'n2':n2,'n3':n3}[id]}, }; var n1 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n1',type:'abc',wires:[[['n2'],['n3']]]}); var n2 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n2',type:'abc'}); var n3 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n3',type:'abc'}); var req = {}; var res = {}; var cloned = {}; var message = {payload: "foo", cloned: cloned, req: req, res: res}; var rcvdCount = 0; // first message to be sent, so should not be cloned n2.on('input',function(msg) { should.deepEqual(msg, message); msg.cloned.should.be.exactly(message.cloned); msg.req.should.be.exactly(message.req); msg.res.should.be.exactly(message.res); rcvdCount += 1; if (rcvdCount == 2) { done(); } }); // second message to be sent, so should be cloned // message uuids wont match since we've cloned n3.on('input',function(msg) { msg.payload.should.equal(message.payload); msg.cloned.should.not.be.exactly(message.cloned); msg.req.should.be.exactly(message.req); msg.res.should.be.exactly(message.res); rcvdCount += 1; if (rcvdCount == 2) { done(); } }); n1.send(message); }); it("logs the uuid for all messages sent", function(done) { var logHandler = { messagesSent: 0, emit: function(event, msg) { if (msg.event == "node.abc.send" && msg.level == Log.METRIC) { this.messagesSent++; (typeof msg.msgid).should.not.be.equal("undefined"); done(); } } }; Log.addHandler(logHandler); var flow = { getNode: (id) => { return {'n1':sender,'n2':receiver1,'n3':receiver2}[id]}, }; var sender = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n1',type:'abc', wires:[['n2', 'n3']]}); var receiver1 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n2',type:'abc'}); var receiver2 = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'n3',type:'abc'}); sender.send({"some": "message"}); }) }); describe('#log', function() { it('produces a log message', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc',z:'789'}); var loginfo = {}; sinon.stub(Log, 'log', function(msg) { loginfo = msg; }); n.log("a log message"); should.deepEqual({level:Log.INFO, id:n.id, type:n.type, msg:"a log message",z:'789'}, loginfo); Log.log.restore(); done(); }); it('produces a log message with a name', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123', type:'abc', name:"barney", z:'789'}); var loginfo = {}; sinon.stub(Log, 'log', function(msg) { loginfo = msg; }); n.log("a log message"); should.deepEqual({level:Log.INFO, id:n.id, name: "barney", type:n.type, msg:"a log message",z:'789'}, loginfo); Log.log.restore(); done(); }); }); describe('#warn', function() { it('produces a warning message', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc',z:'789'}); var loginfo = {}; sinon.stub(Log, 'log', function(msg) { loginfo = msg; }); n.warn("a warning"); should.deepEqual({level:Log.WARN, id:n.id, type:n.type, msg:"a warning",z:'789'}, loginfo); Log.log.restore(); done(); }); }); describe('#error', function() { it('handles a null error message', function(done) { var flow = { handleError: sinon.stub() } var n = new RedNode({_flow:flow, id:'123',type:'abc',z:'789'}); var message = {a:1}; n.error(null,message); flow.handleError.called.should.be.true(); flow.handleError.args[0][0].should.eql(n); flow.handleError.args[0][1].should.eql(""); flow.handleError.args[0][2].should.eql(message); done(); }); it('produces an error message', function(done) { var flow = { handleError: sinon.stub() } var n = new RedNode({_flow:flow, id:'123',type:'abc',z:'789'}); var message = {a:2}; n.error("This is an error",message); flow.handleError.called.should.be.true(); flow.handleError.args[0][0].should.eql(n); flow.handleError.args[0][1].should.eql("This is an error"); flow.handleError.args[0][2].should.eql(message); done(); }); }); describe('#metric', function() { it('produces a metric message', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); var loginfo = {}; sinon.stub(Log, 'log', function(msg) { loginfo = msg; }); var msg = {payload:"foo", _msgid:"987654321"}; n.metric("test.metric",msg,"15mb"); should.deepEqual({value:"15mb", level:Log.METRIC, nodeid:n.id, event:"node.abc.test.metric",msgid:"987654321"}, loginfo); Log.log.restore(); done(); }); }); describe('#metric', function() { it('returns metric value if eventname undefined', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); var loginfo = {}; sinon.stub(Log, 'log', function(msg) { loginfo = msg; }); var msg = {payload:"foo", _msgid:"987654321"}; var m = n.metric(undefined,msg,"15mb"); m.should.be.a.Boolean(); Log.log.restore(); done(); }); it('returns not defined if eventname defined', function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); var loginfo = {}; sinon.stub(Log, 'log', function(msg) { loginfo = msg; }); var msg = {payload:"foo", _msgid:"987654321"}; var m = n.metric("info",msg,"15mb"); should(m).be.undefined; Log.log.restore(); done(); }); }); describe('#status', function() { it('publishes status', function(done) { var flow = { handleStatus: sinon.stub() } var n = new RedNode({_flow:flow,id:'123',type:'abc'}); var status = {fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"connected"}; var topic; var message; var retain; n.status(status); flow.handleStatus.called.should.be.true(); flow.handleStatus.args[0][0].should.eql(n); flow.handleStatus.args[0][1].should.eql(status); done(); }); }); });