/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var sinon = require("sinon"); var path = require("path"); var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter; var child_process = require('child_process'); var NR_TEST_UTILS = require("nr-test-utils"); var events = NR_TEST_UTILS.require("@node-red/util/lib/events"); var exec = NR_TEST_UTILS.require("@node-red/util/lib/exec"); describe("runtime/exec", function() { var logEvents; var mockProcess; const eventLogHandler = function(ev) { logEvents.push(ev); } beforeEach(function() { logEvents = []; events.on("event-log", eventLogHandler); mockProcess = new EventEmitter(); mockProcess.stdout = new EventEmitter(); mockProcess.stderr = new EventEmitter(); sinon.stub(child_process,'spawn',function(command,args,options) { mockProcess._args = {command,args,options}; return mockProcess; }); }); afterEach(function() { events.removeListener("event-log", eventLogHandler); if (child_process.spawn.restore) { child_process.spawn.restore(); } }); it("runs command and resolves on success - no emit", function(done) { var command = "cmd"; var args = [1,2,3]; var opts = { a: true }; exec.run(command,args,opts).then(function(result) { command.should.eql(mockProcess._args.command); args.should.eql(mockProcess._args.args); opts.should.eql(mockProcess._args.options); logEvents.length.should.eql(0); result.code.should.eql(0); result.stdout.should.eql("123"); result.stderr.should.eql("abc"); done(); }).catch(done); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"1"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"a"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"b"); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"2"); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"3"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"c"); mockProcess.emit('close',0); }); it("runs command and resolves on success - emit", function(done) { var command = "cmd"; var args = [1,2,3]; var opts = { a: true }; exec.run(command,args,opts,true).then(function(result) { logEvents.length.should.eql(8); done(); }).catch(done); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"1"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"a"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"b"); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"2"); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"3"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"c"); mockProcess.emit('close',0); }) it("runs command and rejects on error - close", function(done) { var command = "cmd"; var args = [1,2,3]; var opts = { a: true }; exec.run(command,args,opts).then(function() { done("Command should have rejected"); }).catch(function(result) { result result.code.should.eql(123); result.stdout.should.eql("123"); result.stderr.should.eql("abc"); done(); }).catch(done); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"1"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"a"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"b"); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"2"); mockProcess.stdout.emit('data',"3"); mockProcess.stderr.emit('data',"c"); mockProcess.emit('close',123); }) it("runs command and rejects on error - error", function(done) { var command = "cmd"; var args = [1,2,3]; var opts = { a: true }; exec.run(command,args,opts).then(function() { done("Command should have rejected"); }).catch(function(result) { result result.code.should.eql(456); result.stdout.should.eql(""); result.stderr.should.eql("test-error"); done(); }).catch(done); mockProcess.emit('error',"test-error"); mockProcess.emit('close',456); }) });