/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ /** * @mixin @node-red/runtime_context */ var runtime; var util = require("@node-red/util").util; function exportContextStore(scope,ctx, store, result, callback) { ctx.keys(store,function(err, keys) { if (err) { return callback(err); } result[store] = {}; var c = keys.length; if (c === 0) { callback(null); } else { keys.forEach(function(key) { ctx.get(key,store,function(err, v) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (scope !== 'global' || store === runtime.nodes.listContextStores().default || !runtime.settings.hasOwnProperty("functionGlobalContext") || !runtime.settings.functionGlobalContext.hasOwnProperty(key) || runtime.settings.functionGlobalContext[key] !== v) { result[store][key] = util.encodeObject({msg:v}); } c--; if (c === 0) { callback(null); } }); }); } }); } var api = module.exports = { init: function(_runtime) { runtime = _runtime; }, /** * Gets the info of an individual node set * @param {Object} opts * @param {User} opts.user - the user calling the api * @param {String} opts.scope - the scope of the context * @param {String} opts.id - the id of the context * @param {String} opts.store - the context store * @param {String} opts.key - the context key * @param {Object} opts.req - the request to log (optional) * @param {Boolean} opts.keysOnly - whether to return keys only * @return {Promise} - the node information * @memberof @node-red/runtime_context */ getValue: async function(opts) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { var scope = opts.scope; var id = opts.id; var store = opts.store; var key = opts.key; var availableStores = runtime.nodes.listContextStores(); //{ default: 'default', stores: [ 'default', 'file' ] } if (store && availableStores.stores.indexOf(store) === -1) { runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key,error:"not_found"}, opts.req); var err = new Error(); err.code = "not_found"; err.status = 404; return reject(err); } var ctx; if (scope === 'global') { ctx = runtime.nodes.getContext('global'); } else if (scope === 'flow') { ctx = runtime.nodes.getContext(id); } else if (scope === 'node') { var node = runtime.nodes.getNode(id); if (node) { if (/^subflow:/.test(node.type)) { ctx = runtime.nodes.getContext(node.id); } else { ctx = node.context(); } } } if (ctx) { if (key) { store = store || availableStores.default; ctx.get(key,store,function(err, v) { if (opts.keysOnly) { if (Array.isArray(v)) { resolve({ [store]: { format: `array[${v.length}]`}}) } else if (typeof v === 'object') { resolve({ [store]: { keys: Object.keys(v), format: 'Object' } }) } else { resolve({ [store]: { keys: [] }}) } } var encoded = util.encodeObject({msg:v}); if (store !== availableStores.default) { encoded.store = store; } runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key}, opts.req); resolve(encoded); }); return; } else { var stores; if (!store) { stores = availableStores.stores; } else { stores = [store]; } var result = {}; var c = stores.length; var errorReported = false; stores.forEach(function(store) { if (opts.keysOnly) { ctx.keys(store,function(err, keys) { if (err) { // TODO: proper error reporting if (!errorReported) { errorReported = true; runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key,error:"unexpected_error"}, opts.req); var err = new Error(); err.code = "unexpected_error"; err.status = 400; return reject(err); } return } result[store] = { keys } c--; if (c === 0) { if (!errorReported) { runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key},opts.req); resolve(result); } } }) } else { exportContextStore(scope,ctx,store,result,function(err) { if (err) { // TODO: proper error reporting if (!errorReported) { errorReported = true; runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key,error:"unexpected_error"}, opts.req); var err = new Error(); err.code = "unexpected_error"; err.status = 400; return reject(err); } return; } c--; if (c === 0) { if (!errorReported) { runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key},opts.req); resolve(result); } } }); } }) } } else { runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key},opts.req); resolve({}); } }) }, /** * Gets the info of an individual node set * @param {Object} opts * @param {User} opts.user - the user calling the api * @param {String} opts.scope - the scope of the context * @param {String} opts.id - the id of the context * @param {String} opts.store - the context store * @param {String} opts.key - the context key * @param {Object} opts.req - the request to log (optional) * @return {Promise} - the node information * @memberof @node-red/runtime_context */ delete: async function(opts) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { var scope = opts.scope; var id = opts.id; var store = opts.store; var key = opts.key; var availableStores = runtime.nodes.listContextStores(); //{ default: 'default', stores: [ 'default', 'file' ] } if (store && availableStores.stores.indexOf(store) === -1) { runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key,error:"not_found"},opts.req); var err = new Error(); err.code = "not_found"; err.status = 404; return reject(err); } var ctx; if (scope === 'global') { ctx = runtime.nodes.getContext('global'); } else if (scope === 'flow') { ctx = runtime.nodes.getContext(id); } else if (scope === 'node') { var node = runtime.nodes.getNode(id); if (node) { ctx = node.context(); } } if (ctx) { if (key) { store = store || availableStores.default; ctx.set(key,undefined,store,function(err) { runtime.log.audit({event: "context.delete",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key},opts.req); resolve(); }); return; } else { // TODO: support deleting whole context runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key,error:"not_found"},opts.req); var err = new Error(); err.code = "not_found"; err.status = 404; return reject(err); // var stores; // if (!store) { // stores = availableStores.stores; // } else { // stores = [store]; // } // // var result = {}; // var c = stores.length; // var errorReported = false; // stores.forEach(function(store) { // exportContextStore(scope,ctx,store,result,function(err) { // if (err) { // // TODO: proper error reporting // if (!errorReported) { // errorReported = true; // runtime.log.audit({event: "context.delete",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key,error:"unexpected_error"}); // var err = new Error(); // err.code = "unexpected_error"; // err.status = 400; // return reject(err); // } // // return; // } // c--; // if (c === 0) { // if (!errorReported) { // runtime.log.audit({event: "context.get",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key}); // resolve(result); // } // } // }); // }) } } else { runtime.log.audit({event: "context.delete",scope:scope,id:id,store:store,key:key},opts.req); resolve(); } }); } }