/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var when = require('when'); var Path = require('path'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var log = require("../log"); var runtime; var storageModule; var settingsAvailable; var sessionsAvailable; function moduleSelector(aSettings) { var toReturn; if (aSettings.storageModule) { if (typeof aSettings.storageModule === "string") { // TODO: allow storage modules to be specified by absolute path toReturn = require("./"+aSettings.storageModule); } else { toReturn = aSettings.storageModule; } } else { toReturn = require("./localfilesystem"); } return toReturn; } function is_malicious(path) { return path.indexOf('../') != -1 || path.indexOf('..\\') != -1; } var storageModuleInterface = { init: function(_runtime) { runtime = _runtime; try { storageModule = moduleSelector(runtime.settings); settingsAvailable = storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getSettings") && storageModule.hasOwnProperty("saveSettings"); sessionsAvailable = storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getSessions") && storageModule.hasOwnProperty("saveSessions"); } catch (e) { return when.reject(e); } if (!!storageModule.projects) { var projectsEnabled = true; if (runtime.settings.hasOwnProperty("editorTheme") && runtime.settings.editorTheme.hasOwnProperty("projects")) { projectsEnabled = runtime.settings.editorTheme.projects.enabled !== false; } if (projectsEnabled) { storageModuleInterface.projects = storageModule.projects; } } return storageModule.init(runtime.settings,runtime); }, getFlows: function() { return storageModule.getFlows().then(function(flows) { return storageModule.getCredentials().then(function(creds) { var result = { flows: flows, credentials: creds }; result.rev = crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(result.flows)).digest("hex"); return result; }) }); }, saveFlows: function(config) { var flows = config.flows; var credentials = config.credentials; var credentialSavePromise; if (config.credentialsDirty) { credentialSavePromise = storageModule.saveCredentials(credentials); } else { credentialSavePromise = when.resolve(); } delete config.credentialsDirty; return credentialSavePromise.then(function() { return storageModule.saveFlows(flows).then(function() { return crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(config.flows)).digest("hex"); }) }); }, // getCredentials: function() { // return storageModule.getCredentials(); // }, saveCredentials: function(credentials) { return storageModule.saveCredentials(credentials); }, getSettings: function() { if (settingsAvailable) { return storageModule.getSettings(); } else { return when.resolve(null); } }, saveSettings: function(settings) { if (settingsAvailable) { return storageModule.saveSettings(settings); } else { return when.resolve(); } }, getSessions: function() { if (sessionsAvailable) { return storageModule.getSessions(); } else { return when.resolve(null); } }, saveSessions: function(sessions) { if (sessionsAvailable) { return storageModule.saveSessions(sessions); } else { return when.resolve(); } }, /* Library Functions */ getLibraryEntry: function(type, path) { if (is_malicious(path)) { var err = new Error(); err.code = "forbidden"; return when.reject(err); } return storageModule.getLibraryEntry(type, path); }, saveLibraryEntry: function(type, path, meta, body) { if (is_malicious(path)) { var err = new Error(); err.code = "forbidden"; return when.reject(err); } return storageModule.saveLibraryEntry(type, path, meta, body); }, /* Deprecated functions */ getAllFlows: function() { if (storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getAllFlows")) { return storageModule.getAllFlows(); } else { return listFlows("/"); } }, getFlow: function(fn) { if (is_malicious(fn)) { var err = new Error(); err.code = "forbidden"; return when.reject(err); } if (storageModule.hasOwnProperty("getFlow")) { return storageModule.getFlow(fn); } else { return storageModule.getLibraryEntry("flows",fn); } }, saveFlow: function(fn, data) { if (is_malicious(fn)) { var err = new Error(); err.code = "forbidden"; return when.reject(err); } if (storageModule.hasOwnProperty("saveFlow")) { return storageModule.saveFlow(fn, data); } else { return storageModule.saveLibraryEntry("flows",fn,{},data); } } /* End deprecated functions */ } function listFlows(path) { return storageModule.getLibraryEntry("flows",path).then(function(res) { return when.promise(function(resolve) { var promises = []; res.forEach(function(r) { if (typeof r === "string") { promises.push(listFlows(Path.join(path,r))); } else { promises.push(when.resolve(r)); } }); var i=0; when.settle(promises).then(function(res2) { var result = {}; res2.forEach(function(r) { // TODO: name||fn if (r.value.fn) { var name = r.value.name; if (!name) { name = r.value.fn.replace(/\.json$/, ""); } result.f = result.f || []; result.f.push(name); } else { result.d = result.d || {}; result.d[res[i]] = r.value; //console.log(">",r.value); } i++; }); resolve(result); }); }); }); } module.exports = storageModuleInterface;