/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var when = require('when'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var authResponseServer = require('./authServer').ResponseServer; var clone = require('clone'); var path = require("path"); var gitCommand = "git"; var gitVersion; var log; function runGitCommand(args,cwd,env) { log.trace(gitCommand + JSON.stringify(args)); return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { args.unshift("credential.helper=") args.unshift("-c"); var child = spawn(gitCommand, args, {cwd:cwd, detached:true, env:env}); var stdout = ""; var stderr = ""; child.stdout.on('data', function(data) { stdout += data; }); child.stderr.on('data', function(data) { stderr += data; }); child.on('close', function(code) { if (code !== 0) { var err = new Error(stderr); err.stdout = stdout; err.stderr = stderr; if (/fatal: could not read Username/.test(stderr)) { err.code = "git_auth_failed"; } else if(/HTTP Basic: Access denied/.test(stderr)) { err.code = "git_auth_failed"; } else if(/Connection refused/.test(stderr)) { err.code = "git_connection_failed"; } else if (/commit your changes or stash/.test(stderr)) { err.code = "git_local_overwrite"; } else if (/CONFLICT/.test(err.stdout)) { err.code = "git_pull_merge_conflict"; } else if (/not fully merged/.test(stderr)) { err.code = "git_delete_branch_unmerged"; } return reject(err); } resolve(stdout); }); }); } function runGitCommandWithAuth(args,cwd,auth) { return authResponseServer(auth).then(function(rs) { var commandEnv = clone(process.env); commandEnv.GIT_ASKPASS = path.join(__dirname,"node-red-ask-pass.sh"); commandEnv.NODE_RED_GIT_NODE_PATH = process.execPath; commandEnv.NODE_RED_GIT_SOCK_PATH = rs.path; commandEnv.NODE_RED_GIT_ASKPASS_PATH = path.join(__dirname,"authWriter.js"); return runGitCommand(args,cwd,commandEnv).finally(function() { rs.close(); }); }) } function cleanFilename(name) { if (name[0] !== '"') { return name; } return name.substring(1,name.length-1); } function parseFilenames(name) { var re = /([^ "]+|(".*?"))($| -> ([^ ]+|(".*"))$)/; var m = re.exec(name); var result = []; if (m) { result.push(cleanFilename(m[1])); if (m[4]) { result.push(cleanFilename(m[4])); } } return result; } function getBranchInfo(localRepo) { return runGitCommand(["status","--porcelain","-b"],localRepo).then(function(output) { var lines = output.split("\n"); var unknownDirs = []; var branchLineRE = /^## (.+?)($|\.\.\.(.+?)($| \[(ahead (\d+))?.*?(behind (\d+))?\]))/m; var m = branchLineRE.exec(output); var result = {}; //commits:{}}; if (m) { result.local = m[1]; if (m[3]) { result.remote = m[3]; } // if (m[6] !== undefined) { // result.commits.ahead = parseInt(m[6]); // } // if (m[8] !== undefined) { // result.commits.behind = parseInt(m[8]); // } } return result; }); } function getStatus(localRepo) { // parseFilename('"test with space"'); // parseFilename('"test with space" -> knownFile.txt'); // parseFilename('"test with space" -> "un -> knownFile.txt"'); var result = { files: {}, commits: {}, branches: {} } return runGitCommand(['rev-list', 'HEAD', '--count'],localRepo).then(function(count) { result.commits.total = parseInt(count); }).then(function() { return runGitCommand(["ls-files","--cached","--others","--exclude-standard"],localRepo).then(function(output) { var lines = output.split("\n"); lines.forEach(function(l) { if (l==="") { return; } var fullName = cleanFilename(l); // parseFilename(l); var parts = fullName.split("/"); var p = result.files; var name; for (var i = 0;i 1) { fileName = names[1]; } // parseFilename(fileName); if (fileName.charCodeAt(0) === 34) { fileName = fileName.substring(1,fileName.length-1); } if (result.files.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) { result.files[fileName].status = status; } else { result.files[fileName] = { type: "f", status: status }; } if (names.length > 1) { result.files[fileName].oldName = names[0]; } if (status === "??" && fileName[fileName.length-1] === '/') { unknownDirs.push(fileName); } }) var allFilenames = Object.keys(result.files); allFilenames.forEach(function(f) { var entry = result.files[f]; if (!entry.hasOwnProperty('status')) { unknownDirs.forEach(function(uf) { if (f.startsWith(uf)) { entry.status = "??" } }); } }) // console.log(files); return result; }) }) }) } function parseLog(log) { var lines = log.split("\n"); var currentCommit = {}; var commits = []; lines.forEach(function(l) { if (l === "-----") { commits.push(currentCommit); currentCommit = {} return; } var m = /^(.*): (.*)$/.exec(l); if (m) { if (m[1] === 'refs' && m[2]) { currentCommit[m[1]] = m[2].split(",").map(function(v) { return v.trim() }); } else { if (m[1] === 'parents') { currentCommit[m[1]] = m[2].split(" "); } else { currentCommit[m[1]] = m[2]; } } } }); return commits; } function getRemotes(cwd) { return runGitCommand(['remote','-v'],cwd).then(function(output) { var result; if (output.length > 0) { result = {}; var remoteRE = /^(.+)\t(.+) \((.+)\)$/gm; var m; while ((m = remoteRE.exec(output)) !== null) { result[m[1]] = result[m[1]]||{}; result[m[1]][m[3]] = m[2]; } } return result; }) } function getBranches(cwd, remote) { var args = ['branch','-vv','--no-color']; if (remote) { args.push('-r'); } var branchRE = /^([ \*] )(\S+) +(\S+)(?: \[(\S+?)(?:: (?:ahead (\d+)(?:, )?)?(?:behind (\d+))?)?\])? (.*)$/; return runGitCommand(args,cwd).then(function(output) { var branches = []; var lines = output.split("\n"); branches = lines.map(function(l) { var m = branchRE.exec(l); var branch = null; if (m) { branch = { name: m[2], remote: m[4], status: { ahead: m[5]||0, behind: m[6]||0, }, commit: { sha: m[3], subject: m[7] } } if (m[1] === '* ') { branch.current = true; } } return branch; }).filter(function(v) { return !!v && v.commit.sha !== '->' }); return {branches:branches}; }) } function getBranchStatus(cwd,remoteBranch) { var commands = [ // #commits master ahead runGitCommand(['rev-list', 'HEAD','^'+remoteBranch, '--count'],cwd), // #commits master behind runGitCommand(['rev-list', '^HEAD',remoteBranch, '--count'],cwd) ]; return when.all(commands).then(function(results) { return { commits: { ahead: parseInt(results[0]), behind: parseInt(results[1]) } } }) } function addRemote(cwd,name,options) { var args = ["remote","add",name,options.url] return runGitCommand(args,cwd); } function removeRemote(cwd,name) { var args = ["remote","remove",name]; return runGitCommand(args,cwd); } module.exports = { init: function(_settings,_runtime) { log = _runtime.log return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { runGitCommand(["--version"]).then(function(output) { var m = / (\d\S+)/.exec(output); gitVersion = m[1]; resolve(gitVersion); }).catch(function(err) { resolve(null); }); }); }, initRepo: function(cwd) { return runGitCommand(["init"],cwd); }, setUpstream: function(cwd,remoteBranch) { var args = ["branch","--set-upstream-to",remoteBranch]; return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, pull: function(cwd,remote,branch,auth) { var args = ["pull"]; if (remote && branch) { args.push(remote); args.push(branch); } var promise; if (auth) { promise = runGitCommandWithAuth(args,cwd,auth); } else { promise = runGitCommand(args,cwd) } return promise.catch(function(err) { if (/CONFLICT/.test(err.stdout)) { var e = new Error("NLS: pull failed - merge conflict"); e.code = "git_pull_merge_conflict"; throw e; } else if (/Please commit your changes or stash/.test(err.message)) { var e = new Error("NLS: Pull failed - local changes would be overwritten"); e.code = "git_pull_overwrite"; throw e; } throw err; }); }, push: function(cwd,remote,branch,setUpstream, auth) { var args = ["push"]; if (branch) { if (setUpstream) { args.push("-u"); } args.push(remote); args.push("HEAD:"+branch); } else { args.push(remote); } args.push("--porcelain"); var promise; if (auth) { promise = runGitCommandWithAuth(args,cwd,auth); } else { promise = runGitCommand(args,cwd) } return promise.catch(function(err) { if (err.code === 'git_error') { if (/^!.*non-fast-forward/m.test(err.stdout)) { err.code = 'git_push_failed'; } throw err; } }); }, clone: function(remote, auth, cwd) { var args = ["clone",remote.url]; if (remote.name) { args.push("-o"); args.push(remote.name); } if (remote.branch) { args.push("-b"); args.push(remote.branch); } args.push("."); if (auth) { return runGitCommandWithAuth(args,cwd,auth); } else { return runGitCommand(args,cwd); } }, getStatus: getStatus, getFile: function(cwd, filePath, treeish) { var args = ["show",treeish+":"+filePath]; return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, getFiles: function(cwd) { return getStatus(cwd).then(function(status) { return status.files; }) }, revertFile: function(cwd, filePath) { var args = ["checkout",filePath]; return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, stageFile: function(cwd,file) { var args = ["add"]; if (Array.isArray(file)) { args = args.concat(file); } else { args.push(file); } return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, unstageFile: function(cwd, file) { var args = ["reset","--"]; if (file) { args.push(file); } return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, commit: function(cwd, message, gitUser) { var args = ["commit","-m",message]; var env; if (gitUser && gitUser['name'] && gitUser['email']) { args.unshift('user.name="'+gitUser['name']+'"'); args.unshift('-c'); args.unshift('user.email="'+gitUser['email']+'"'); args.unshift('-c'); } return runGitCommand(args,cwd,env); }, getFileDiff(cwd,file,type) { var args = ["diff"]; if (type === "tree") { // nothing else to do } else if (type === "index") { args.push("--cached"); } args.push(file); return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, fetch: function(cwd,remote,auth) { var args = ["fetch",remote]; if (auth) { return runGitCommandWithAuth(args,cwd,auth); } else { return runGitCommand(args,cwd); } }, getCommits: function(cwd,options) { var args = ["log", "--format=sha: %H%nparents: %p%nrefs: %D%nauthor: %an%ndate: %ct%nsubject: %s%n-----"]; var limit = parseInt(options.limit) || 20; args.push("-n "+limit); var before = options.before; if (before) { args.push(before); } var commands = [ runGitCommand(['rev-list', 'HEAD', '--count'],cwd), runGitCommand(args,cwd).then(parseLog) ]; return when.all(commands).then(function(results) { var result = results[0]; result.count = results[1].length; result.before = before; result.commits = results[1]; return { count: results[1].length, commits: results[1], before: before, total: parseInt(results[0]) }; }) }, getCommit: function(cwd,sha) { var args = ["show",sha]; return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, abortMerge: function(cwd) { return runGitCommand(['merge','--abort'],cwd); }, getRemotes: getRemotes, getRemoteBranch: function(cwd) { return runGitCommand(['rev-parse','--abbrev-ref','--symbolic-full-name','@{u}'],cwd).catch(function(err) { if (/no upstream configured for branch/.test(err.message)) { return null; } throw err; }) }, getBranches: getBranches, getBranchInfo: getBranchInfo, checkoutBranch: function(cwd, branchName, isCreate) { var args = ['checkout']; if (isCreate) { args.push('-b'); } args.push(branchName); return runGitCommand(args,cwd); }, deleteBranch: function(cwd, branchName, isRemote, force) { if (isRemote) { throw new Error("Deleting remote branches not supported"); } var args = ['branch']; if (force) { args.push('-D'); } else { args.push('-d'); } args.push(branchName); return runGitCommand(args, cwd); }, getBranchStatus: getBranchStatus, addRemote: addRemote, removeRemote: removeRemote }