/** * Copyright 2014 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var sinon = require("sinon"); var when = require("when"); var util = require("util"); var index = require("../../../red/nodes/index"); var credentials = require("../../../red/nodes/credentials"); describe('Credentials', function() { it('loads from storage',function(done) { var storage = { getCredentials: function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { resolve({"a":{"b":1,"c":2}}); }); } }; credentials.init(storage); credentials.load().then(function() { credentials.get("a").should.have.property('b',1); credentials.get("a").should.have.property('c',2); done(); }); }); it('saves to storage', function(done) { var storage = { getCredentials: function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { resolve({"a":{"b":1,"c":2}}); }); }, saveCredentials: function(creds) { return when(true); } }; sinon.spy(storage,"saveCredentials"); credentials.init(storage); credentials.load().then(function() { should.not.exist(credentials.get("b")) credentials.add('b',{"d":3}); storage.saveCredentials.callCount.should.be.exactly(1); credentials.get("b").should.have.property('d',3); done(); }); }); it('deletes from storage', function(done) { var storage = { getCredentials: function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { resolve({"a":{"b":1,"c":2}}); }); }, saveCredentials: function(creds) { return when(true); } }; sinon.spy(storage,"saveCredentials"); credentials.init(storage); credentials.load().then(function() { should.exist(credentials.get("a")) credentials.delete('a'); storage.saveCredentials.callCount.should.be.exactly(1); should.not.exist(credentials.get("a")); done(); }); }); it('clean up from storage', function(done) { var storage = { getCredentials: function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { resolve({"a":{"b":1,"c":2}}); }); }, saveCredentials: function(creds) { return when(true); } }; sinon.spy(storage,"saveCredentials"); credentials.init(storage); credentials.load().then(function() { should.exist(credentials.get("a")); credentials.clean(function() { return false; }); storage.saveCredentials.callCount.should.be.exactly(1); should.not.exist(credentials.get("a")); done(); }); }); it('handle error loading from storage', function(done) { var util = require("util"); var storage = { getCredentials: function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { reject("test forcing failure"); }); }, saveCredentials: function(creds) { return when(true); } }; var logmsg = 'no errors yet'; sinon.stub(util, 'log', function(msg) { logmsg = msg; }); credentials.init(storage); credentials.load().then(function() { should.equal('[red] Error loading credentials : test forcing failure', logmsg); util.log.restore(); done(); }).otherwise(function(err){ util.log.restore(); done(err); }); }); it('credential type is not registered when extract', function(done) { var testFlows = [{"type":"test","id":"tab1","label":"Sheet 1"}]; var storage = { getFlows: function() { var defer = when.defer(); defer.resolve(testFlows); return defer.promise; }, getCredentials: function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { resolve({"tab1":{"b":1,"c":2}}); }); }, saveFlows: function(conf) { var defer = when.defer(); defer.resolve(); should.deepEqual(testFlows, conf); return defer.promise; }, saveCredentials: function(creds) { return when(true); } }; function TestNode(n) { index.createNode(this, n); this.id = 'tab1'; this.type = 'test'; this.name = 'barney'; var node = this; this.on("log", function() { // do nothing }); } var logmsg = 'nothing logged yet'; sinon.stub(util, 'log', function(msg) { logmsg = msg; }); index.init({}, storage); index.registerType('test', TestNode); index.loadFlows().then(function() { var testnode = new TestNode({id:'tab1',type:'test',name:'barney'}); credentials.extract(testnode); should.equal(logmsg, 'Credential Type test is not registered.'); util.log.restore(); done(); }).otherwise(function(err){ util.log.restore(); done(err); }); }); describe('extract and store credential updates in the provided node', function() { var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var http = require('http'); var express = require('express'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var server = require("../../../red/server"); var localfilesystem = require("../../../red/storage/localfilesystem"); var app = express(); var RED = require("../../../red/red.js"); var userDir = path.join(__dirname,".testUserHome"); before(function(done) { fs.remove(userDir,function(err) { fs.mkdir(userDir,function() { sinon.stub(index, 'load', function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject){ resolve([]); }); }); sinon.stub(localfilesystem, 'getCredentials', function() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { resolve({"tab1":{"foo": 2, "pswd":'sticks'}}); }); }) ; RED.init(http.createServer(function(req,res){app(req,res)}), {userDir: userDir}); server.start().then(function () { done(); }); }); }); }); after(function(done) { fs.remove(userDir,done); server.stop(); index.load.restore(); localfilesystem.getCredentials.restore(); }); function TestNode(n) { index.createNode(this, n); var node = this; this.on("log", function() { // do nothing }); } it(': credential updated with good value', function(done) { index.registerType('test', TestNode, { credentials: { foo: {type:"test"} } }); index.loadFlows().then(function() { var testnode = new TestNode({id:'tab1',type:'test',name:'barney'}); credentials.extract(testnode); should.exist(credentials.get('tab1')); credentials.get('tab1').should.have.property('foo',2); // set credentials to be an updated value and checking this is extracted properly testnode.credentials = {"foo": 3}; credentials.extract(testnode); should.exist(credentials.get('tab1')); credentials.get('tab1').should.not.have.property('foo',2); credentials.get('tab1').should.have.property('foo',3); done(); }).otherwise(function(err){ done(err); }); }); it(': credential updated with empty value', function(done) { index.registerType('test', TestNode, { credentials: { foo: {type:"test"} } }); index.loadFlows().then(function() { var testnode = new TestNode({id:'tab1',type:'test',name:'barney'}); // setting value of "foo" credential to be empty removes foo as a property testnode.credentials = {"foo": ''}; credentials.extract(testnode); should.exist(credentials.get('tab1')); credentials.get('tab1').should.not.have.property('foo',2); credentials.get('tab1').should.not.have.property('foo'); done(); }).otherwise(function(err){ done(err); }); }); it(': undefined credential updated', function(done) { index.registerType('test', TestNode, { credentials: { foo: {type:"test"} } }); index.loadFlows().then(function() { var testnode = new TestNode({id:'tab1',type:'test',name:'barney'}); // setting value of an undefined credential should not change anything testnode.credentials = {"bar": 4}; credentials.extract(testnode); should.exist(credentials.get('tab1')); credentials.get('tab1').should.have.property('foo',2); credentials.get('tab1').should.not.have.property('bar'); done(); }).otherwise(function(err){ done(err); }); }); it(': password credential updated', function(done) { index.registerType('password', TestNode, { credentials: { pswd: {type:"password"} } }); index.loadFlows().then(function() { var testnode = new TestNode({id:'tab1',type:'password',name:'barney'}); // setting value of password credential should update password testnode.credentials = {"pswd": 'fiddle'}; credentials.extract(testnode); should.exist(credentials.get('tab1')); credentials.get('tab1').should.have.property('pswd','fiddle'); credentials.get('tab1').should.not.have.property('pswd','sticks'); done(); }).otherwise(function(err){ done(err); }); }); it(': password credential not updated', function(done) { index.registerType('password', TestNode, { credentials: { pswd: {type:"password"} } }); index.loadFlows().then(function() { var testnode = new TestNode({id:'tab1',type:'password',name:'barney'}); // setting value of password credential should update password testnode.credentials = {"pswd": '__PWRD__'}; credentials.extract(testnode); should.exist(credentials.get('tab1')); credentials.get('tab1').should.have.property('pswd','sticks'); credentials.get('tab1').should.not.have.property('pswd','__PWRD__'); done(); }).otherwise(function(err){ done(err); }); }); }) })