/** * Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.nodes = function() { var node_defs = {}; var nodes = []; var configNodes = {}; var links = []; var defaultWorkspace; var workspaces = {}; function registerType(nt,def) { node_defs[nt] = def; // TODO: too tightly coupled into palette UI RED.palette.add(nt,def); } function getID() { return (1+Math.random()*4294967295).toString(16); } function getType(type) { return node_defs[type]; } function addNode(n) { if (n._def.category == "config") { configNodes[n.id] = n; } else { n.dirty = true; nodes.push(n); } } function addLink(l) { links.push(l); } function addConfig(c) { configNodes[c.id] = c; } function getNode(id) { if (id in configNodes) { return configNodes[id]; } else { for (var n in nodes) { if (nodes[n].id == id) { return nodes[n]; } } } return null; } function removeNode(id) { var removedLinks = []; if (id in configNodes) { delete configNodes[id]; } else { var node = getNode(id); if (node) { nodes.splice(nodes.indexOf(node),1); removedLinks = links.filter(function(l) { return (l.source === node) || (l.target === node); }); removedLinks.map(function(l) {links.splice(links.indexOf(l), 1); }); } } return removedLinks; } function removeLink(l) { var index = links.indexOf(l); if (index != -1) { links.splice(index,1); } } function refreshValidation() { for (var n in nodes) { RED.editor.validateNode(nodes[n]); } } function addWorkspace(ws) { workspaces[ws.id] = ws; } function getWorkspace(id) { return workspaces[id]; } function removeWorkspace(id) { delete workspaces[id]; var removedNodes = []; var removedLinks = []; for (var n in nodes) { var node = nodes[n]; if (node.z == id) { removedNodes.push(node); } } for (var n in removedNodes) { var rmlinks = removeNode(removedNodes[n].id); removedLinks = removedLinks.concat(rmlinks); } return {nodes:removedNodes,links:removedLinks}; } function getAllFlowNodes(node) { var visited = {}; visited[node.id] = true; var nns = [node]; var stack = [node]; while(stack.length != 0) { var n = stack.shift(); var childLinks = links.filter(function(d) { return (d.source === n) || (d.target === n);}); for (var i in childLinks) { var child = (childLinks[i].source === n)?childLinks[i].target:childLinks[i].source; if (!visited[child.id]) { visited[child.id] = true; nns.push(child); stack.push(child); } } } return nns; } /** * Converts a node to an exportable JSON Object **/ function convertNode(n) { var node = {}; node.id = n.id; node.type = n.type; for (var d in n._def.defaults) { node[d] = n[d]; } if (n._def.category != "config") { node.x = n.x; node.y = n.y; node.z = n.z; node.wires = []; for(var i=0;iFailed to import node: unrecognised type '"+n.name+"'
DO NOT DEPLOY while in this state.
Either, add missing types to Node-RED, restart and then reload page,
or delete unknown "+n.name+", rewire as required, and then deploy.","error"); } // } for (var i in newNodes) { var n = newNodes[i]; // TODO: remove workspace in next release+1 if (n.type === "workspace" || n.type === "tab") { if (n.type === "workspace") { n.type = "tab"; } if (defaultWorkspace == null) { defaultWorkspace = n; } addWorkspace(n); RED.view.addWorkspace(n); } } if (defaultWorkspace == null) { defaultWorkspace = { type:"tab", id:getID(), label:"Sheet 1" }; addWorkspace(defaultWorkspace); RED.view.addWorkspace(defaultWorkspace); } var node_map = {}; var new_nodes = []; var new_links = []; for (var i in newNodes) { var n = newNodes[i]; // TODO: remove workspace in next release+1 if (n.type !== "workspace" && n.type !== "tab") { var def = getType(n.type); if (def && def.category == "config") { if (!RED.nodes.node(n.id)) { var configNode = {id:n.id,type:n.type,users:[]}; for (var d in def.defaults) { configNode[d] = n[d]; } configNode.label = def.label; configNode._def = def; RED.nodes.add(configNode); } } else { var node = {x:n.x,y:n.y,z:n.z,type:0,wires:n.wires,changed:false}; if (createNewIds) { node.z = RED.view.getWorkspace(); node.id = getID(); } else { node.id = n.id; if (node.z == null || !workspaces[node.z]) { node.z = RED.view.getWorkspace(); } } node.type = n.type; node._def = def; if (!node._def) { node._def = { color:"#fee", defaults: {}, label: "unknown: "+n.type, labelStyle: "node_label_italic", outputs: n.outputs||n.wires.length } } node.outputs = n.outputs||node._def.outputs; for (var d in node._def.defaults) { node[d] = n[d]; if (node._def.defaults[d].type) { var configNode = RED.nodes.node(n[d]); if (configNode) { configNode.users.push(node); } } } addNode(node); RED.editor.validateNode(node); node_map[n.id] = node; new_nodes.push(node); } } } for (var i in new_nodes) { var n = new_nodes[i]; for (var w1 in n.wires) { var wires = (n.wires[w1] instanceof Array)?n.wires[w1]:[n.wires[w1]]; for (var w2 in wires) { if (wires[w2] in node_map) { var link = {source:n,sourcePort:w1,target:node_map[wires[w2]]}; addLink(link); new_links.push(link); } } } delete n.wires; } return [new_nodes,new_links]; } catch(error) { //TODO: get this UI thing out of here! (see above as well) RED.notify("Error: "+error,"error"); return null; } } return { registerType: registerType, getType: getType, convertNode: convertNode, add: addNode, addLink: addLink, remove: removeNode, removeLink: removeLink, addWorkspace: addWorkspace, removeWorkspace: removeWorkspace, workspace: getWorkspace, eachNode: function(cb) { for (var n in nodes) { cb(nodes[n]); } }, eachLink: function(cb) { for (var l in links) { cb(links[l]); } }, eachConfig: function(cb) { for (var id in configNodes) { cb(configNodes[id]); } }, node: getNode, import: importNodes, refreshValidation: refreshValidation, getAllFlowNodes: getAllFlowNodes, createExportableNodeSet: createExportableNodeSet, createCompleteNodeSet: createCompleteNodeSet, id: getID, nodes: nodes, // TODO: exposed for d3 vis links: links // TODO: exposed for d3 vis }; }();