/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ /** * @typedef LinkTarget * @type {object} * @property {string} id - ID of the target node. * @property {string} name - Name of target Node * @property {number} flowId - ID of flow where the target node exists * @property {string} flowName - Name of flow where the target node exists * @property {boolean} isSubFlow - True if the link-in node exists in a subflow instance */ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; const crypto = require("crypto"); const targetCache = (function () { const registry = { id: {}, name: {} }; function getIndex(/** @type {[LinkTarget]}*/ targets, id) { for (let index = 0; index < (targets || []).length; index++) { const element = targets[index]; if (element.id === id) { return index; } } return -1; } /** * Generate a target object from a node * @param {LinkInNode} node * @returns {LinkTarget} a link target object */ function generateTarget(node) { const isSubFlow = node._flow.TYPE === "subflow"; return { id: node.id, name: node.name || node.id, flowId: node._flow.flow.id, flowName: isSubFlow ? node._flow.subflowDef.name : node._flow.flow.label, isSubFlow: isSubFlow } } return { /** * Get a list of targets registerd to this name * @param {string} name Name of the target * @param {boolean} [excludeSubflows] set `true` to exclude * @returns {[LinkTarget]} Targets registerd to this name. */ getTargets(name, excludeSubflows) { const targets = registry.name[name] || []; if (excludeSubflows) { return targets.filter(e => e.isSubFlow != true); } return targets; }, /** * Get a single target by registered name. * To restrict to a single flow, include the `flowId` * If there is no targets OR more than one target, null is returned * @param {string} name Name of the node * @param {string} [flowId] * @returns {LinkTarget} target */ getTarget(name, flowId) { /** @type {[LinkTarget]}*/ let possibleTargets = this.getTargets(name); /** @type {LinkTarget}*/ let target; if (possibleTargets.length && flowId) { possibleTargets = possibleTargets.filter(e => e.flowId == flowId); } if (possibleTargets.length === 1) { target = possibleTargets[0]; } return target; }, /** * Get a target by node ID * @param {string} nodeId ID of the node * @returns {LinkTarget} target */ getTargetById(nodeId) { return registry.id[nodeId]; }, register(/** @type {LinkInNode} */ node) { const target = generateTarget(node); const tByName = this.getTarget(target.name, target.flowId); if (!tByName || tByName.id !== target.id) { registry.name[target.name] = registry.name[target.name] || []; registry.name[target.name].push(target) } registry.id[target.id] = target; return target; }, remove(node) { const target = generateTarget(node); const tn = this.getTarget(target.name, target.flowId); if (tn) { const targs = this.getTargets(tn.name); const idx = getIndex(targs, tn.id); if (idx > -1) { targs.splice(idx, 1); } if (targs.length === 0) { delete registry.name[tn.name]; } } delete registry.id[target.id]; }, clear() { registry = { id: {}, name: {} }; } } })(); function LinkInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); var node = this; var event = "node:"+n.id; var handler = function(msg) { msg._event = n.event; node.receive(msg); } targetCache.register(node); RED.events.on(event,handler); this.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { send(msg); done(); }); this.on("close",function() { targetCache.remove(node); RED.events.removeListener(event,handler); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("link in",LinkInNode); function LinkOutNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); var node = this; var mode = n.mode || "link"; var event = "node:"+n.id; this.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { msg._event = event; RED.events.emit(event,msg) if (mode === "return") { if (Array.isArray(msg._linkSource) && msg._linkSource.length > 0) { var messageEvent = msg._linkSource.pop(); var returnNode = RED.nodes.getNode(messageEvent.node); if (returnNode && returnNode.returnLinkMessage) { returnNode.returnLinkMessage(messageEvent.id, msg); } else { node.warn(RED._("link.error.missingReturn")) } } else { node.warn(RED._("link.error.missingReturn")) } done(); } else if (mode === "link") { send(msg); done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("link out",LinkOutNode); function LinkCallNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); const node = this; const staticTarget = typeof n.links === "string" ? n.links : n.links[0]; const linkType = n.linkType; const messageEvents = {}; let timeout = parseFloat(n.timeout || "30") * 1000; if (isNaN(timeout)) { timeout = 30000; } function getTargetNode(msg) { const dynamicMode = linkType === "dynamic"; const target = dynamicMode ? msg.target : staticTarget ////1st see if the target is a direct node id let foundNode; if (targetCache.getTargetById(target)) { foundNode = RED.nodes.getNode(target) } if (target && !foundNode && dynamicMode) { //next, look in **this flow only** for the node let cachedTarget = targetCache.getTarget(target, node._flow.flow.id); if (!cachedTarget) { //single target node not found in registry! //get all possible targets from regular flows (exclude subflow instances) const possibleTargets = targetCache.getTargets(target, true); if (possibleTargets.length === 1) { //only 1 link-in found with this name - good, lets use it cachedTarget = possibleTargets[0]; } else if (possibleTargets.length > 1) { //more than 1 link-in has this name, raise an error throw new Error(`Multiple link-in nodes named '${target}' found`); } } if (cachedTarget) { foundNode = RED.nodes.getNode(cachedTarget.id); } } if (foundNode instanceof LinkInNode) { return foundNode; } throw new Error(`target link-in node '${target || ""}' not found`); } this.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { try { const targetNode = getTargetNode(msg); if (targetNode instanceof LinkInNode) { msg._linkSource = msg._linkSource || []; const messageEvent = { id: crypto.randomBytes(14).toString('hex'), node: node.id, } messageEvents[messageEvent.id] = { msg: RED.util.cloneMessage(msg), send, done, ts: setTimeout(function () { timeoutMessage(messageEvent.id) }, timeout) }; msg._linkSource.push(messageEvent); targetNode.receive(msg); } } catch (error) { node.error(error, msg); } }); this.returnLinkMessage = function(eventId, msg) { if (Array.isArray(msg._linkSource) && msg._linkSource.length === 0) { delete msg._linkSource; } const messageEvent = messageEvents[eventId]; if (messageEvent) { clearTimeout(messageEvent.ts); delete messageEvents[eventId]; messageEvent.send(msg); messageEvent.done(); } else { node.send(msg); } } function timeoutMessage(eventId) { const messageEvent = messageEvents[eventId]; if (messageEvent) { delete messageEvents[eventId]; node.error("timeout",messageEvent.msg); } } } RED.nodes.registerType("link call",LinkCallNode); }