/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var linkNode = require("nr-test-utils").require("@node-red/nodes/core/common/60-link.js"); var helper = require("node-red-node-test-helper"); describe('link Node', function() { before(function(done) { helper.startServer(done); }); after(function(done) { helper.stopServer(done); }); afterEach(function() { helper.unload(); }); it('should be loaded (link in)', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"link in", name: "link-in" }]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); n1.should.have.property('name', 'link-in'); done(); }); }); it('should be loaded (link out)', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"link out", name: "link-out" }]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); n1.should.have.property('name', 'link-out'); done(); }); }); it('should be linked', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"link out", name: "link-out", links:["n2"]}, {id:"n2", type:"link in", name: "link-in", wires:[["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n3 = helper.getNode("n3"); n3.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload', 'hello'); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({payload:"hello"}); }); }); it('should be linked to multiple nodes', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"link out", name: "link-out", links:["n2", "n3"]}, {id:"n2", type:"link in", name: "link-in0", wires:[["n4"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"link in", name: "link-in1", wires:[["n4"]]}, {id:"n4", type:"helper"} ]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n4 = helper.getNode("n4"); var count = 0; n4.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload', 'hello'); count++; if(count == 2) { done(); } } catch(err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({payload:"hello"}); }); }); it('should be linked from multiple nodes', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"link out", name: "link-out0", links:["n3"]}, {id:"n2", type:"link out", name: "link-out1", links:["n3"]}, {id:"n3", type:"link in", name: "link-in", wires:[["n4"]]}, {id:"n4", type:"helper"} ]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); var n4 = helper.getNode("n4"); var count = 0; n4.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload', 'hello'); count++; if(count == 2) { done(); } } catch(err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({payload:"hello"}); n2.receive({payload:"hello"}); }); }); describe("link-call node", function() { it('should call static link-in node and get response', function (done) { var flow = [{ id: "link-in-1", type: "link in", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "func", type: "helper", wires: [["link-out-1"]] }, { id: "link-out-1", type: "link out", mode: "return" }, { id: "link-call", type: "link call", links: ["link-in-1"], wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "n4", type: "helper" }]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function () { var func = helper.getNode("func"); func.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { msg.payload = "123"; send(msg); done(); }) var n1 = helper.getNode("link-call"); var n4 = helper.getNode("n4"); n4.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload', '123'); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({ payload: "hello" }); }); }) it('should call link-in node by name and get response', function (done) { this.timeout(500); var payload = Date.now(); var flow = [ { id: "tab-flow-1", type: "tab", label: "Flow 1" }, { id: "tab-flow-2", type: "tab", label: "Flow 2" }, { id: "link-in-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link in", name: "double payload", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "link-in-2", z: "tab-flow-2", type: "link in", name: "double payload", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "func", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper", wires: [["link-out-1"]] }, { id: "link-out-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link out", mode: "return" }, { id: "link-call", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link call", linkType: "dynamic", links: [], wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "n4", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper" } ]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function () { var func = helper.getNode("func"); func.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { msg.payload += msg.payload; send(msg); done(); }) var n1 = helper.getNode("link-call"); var n4 = helper.getNode("n4"); n4.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload'); msg.payload.should.eql(payload + payload); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({ payload: payload, target: "double payload" }); }); }) // //TODO: This test is DISABLED - helper.load() calls callback but none of the nodes are available (issue loading a flow with a subflow) // it('should call link-in node by name in subflow', function (done) { // this.timeout(9999500); // var payload = Date.now(); // var flow = [ // {"id":"sub-flow-template","type":"subflow","name":"Subflow","info":"","category":"","in":[{"wires":[{"id":"link-call-1"}]}],"out":[{"wires":[{"id":"link-call-1","port":0}]}]}, // {"id":"link-call-1","type":"link call","z":"sub-flow-template","name":"","links":[],"linkType":"dynamic","timeout":"5","wires":[[]]}, // {"id":"link-in-1","type":"link in","z":"sub-flow-template","name":"double payload","links":[],"wires":[["func"]]}, // {"id":"func","type":"function","z":"sub-flow-template","name":"payload.a x payload.b","func":"msg.payload += msg.payload\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"wires":[["link-out-1"]]}, // {"id":"link-out-1","type":"link out","z":"sub-flow-template","name":"","mode":"return","links":[],"wires":[]}, // {"id":"sub-flow-1","type":"subflow:sub-flow-template","z":"tab-flow-1","name":"","wires":[["n4"]]}, // { id: "n4", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper" } // ]; // helper.load(linkNode, flow, function () { // var sf = helper.getNode("sub-flow-1"); // var func = helper.getNode("func"); // var n4 = helper.getNode("n4"); // func.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { // msg.payload += msg.payload; // send(msg); // done(); // }) // n4.on("input", function (msg) { // try { // msg.should.have.property('payload'); // msg.payload.should.eql(payload + payload); // done(); // } catch (err) { // done(err); // } // }); // sf.receive({ payload: payload, target: "double payload" }); // }); // }) it('should timeout waiting for link return', function (done) { this.timeout(1000); const flow = [ { id: "tab-flow-1", type: "tab", label: "Flow 1" }, { id: "link-in-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link in", name: "double payload", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "func", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper", wires: [["link-out-1"]] }, { id: "link-out-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link out", mode: "" }, //not return mode, cause link-call timeout { id: "link-call", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link call", linkType: "static", "timeout": "0.5", links: ["link-in-1"], wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "catch-all", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "catch", scope: ["link-call"], uncaught: true, wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "n4", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper" } ]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function () { const funcNode = helper.getNode("func"); const linkCallNode = helper.getNode("link-call"); const helperNode = helper.getNode("n4"); funcNode.on("input", function (msg, send, done) { msg.payload += msg.payload; send(msg); done(); }) helperNode.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("target", "double payload"); msg.should.have.property("error"); msg.error.should.have.property("message", "timeout"); msg.error.should.have.property("source"); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); linkCallNode.receive({ payload: "hello", target: "double payload" }); }); }) it('should raise error due to multiple targets on same tab', function (done) { this.timeout(55500); const flow = [ { id: "tab-flow-1", type: "tab", label: "Flow 1" }, { id: "link-in-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link in", name: "double payload", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "link-in-2", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link in", name: "double payload", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "func", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper", wires: [["link-out-1"]] }, { id: "link-out-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link out", mode: "return" }, { id: "link-call", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link call", linkType: "dynamic", links: [], wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "catch-all", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "catch", scope: ["link-call"], uncaught: true, wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "n4", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper" } ]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function () { const funcNode = helper.getNode("func"); const linkCall = helper.getNode("link-call"); const helperNode = helper.getNode("n4"); funcNode.on("input", function (msg, send, _done) { done(new Error("Function should not be called")) }) helperNode.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("target", "double payload"); msg.should.have.property("error"); msg.error.should.have.property("message"); msg.error.message.should.match(/.*Multiple link-in nodes.*/) msg.error.should.have.property("source"); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); linkCall.receive({ payload: "hello", target: "double payload" }); }); }) it('should raise error due to multiple targets on different tabs', function (done) { this.timeout(500); const flow = [ { id: "tab-flow-1", type: "tab", label: "Flow 1" }, { id: "tab-flow-2", type: "tab", label: "Flow 2" }, { id: "tab-flow-3", type: "tab", label: "Flow 3" }, { id: "link-in-1", z: "tab-flow-2", type: "link in", name: "double payload", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "link-in-2", z: "tab-flow-3", type: "link in", name: "double payload", wires: [["func"]] }, { id: "func", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper", wires: [["link-out-1"]] }, { id: "link-out-1", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link out", mode: "return" }, { id: "link-call", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "link call", linkType: "dynamic", links: [], wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "catch-all", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "catch", scope: ["link-call"], uncaught: true, wires: [["n4"]] }, { id: "n4", z: "tab-flow-1", type: "helper" } ]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function () { const funcNode = helper.getNode("func"); const linkCall = helper.getNode("link-call"); const helperNode = helper.getNode("n4"); funcNode.on("input", function (msg, send, _done) { done(new Error("Function should not be called")) }) helperNode.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("target", "double payload"); msg.should.have.property("error"); msg.error.should.have.property("message"); msg.error.message.should.match(/.*Multiple link-in nodes.*/) msg.error.should.have.property("source"); done(); } catch (err) { done(err); } }); linkCall.receive({ payload: "hello", target: "double payload" }); }); }) it('should allow nested link-call flows', function(done) { this.timeout(500); var flow = [/** Multiply by 2 link flow **/ {id:"li1", type:"link in", wires: [[ "m2"]]}, {id:"m2", type:"helper", wires: [["lo1"]]}, {id:"lo1", type:"link out", mode: "return"}, /** Multiply by 3 link flow **/ {id:"li2", type:"link in", wires: [[ "m3"]]}, {id:"m3", type:"helper", wires: [["lo2"]]}, {id:"lo2", type:"link out", mode: "return"}, /** Multiply by 6 link flow **/ {id:"li3", type:"link in", wires: [[ "link-call-1"]]}, {id:"link-call-1", type:"link call", links:["li1"], wires:[["link-call-2"]]}, {id:"link-call-2", type:"link call", links:["li2"], wires:[["lo3"]]}, {id:"lo3", type:"link out", mode: "return"}, /** Test Flow Entry **/ {id:"link-call", type:"link call", links:["li3"], wires:[["n4"]]}, {id:"n4", type:"helper"} ]; helper.load(linkNode, flow, function() { var m2 = helper.getNode("m2"); m2.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { msg.payload *= 2 ; send(msg); done(); }) var m3 = helper.getNode("m3"); m3.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { msg.payload *= 3 ; send(msg); done(); }) var n1 = helper.getNode("link-call"); var n4 = helper.getNode("n4"); n4.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload', 24); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({payload:4}); }); }) }); });