/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ (function($) { /** * options: * - addButton : boolean|string - text for add label, default 'add' * - height : number|'auto' * - resize : function - called when list as a whole is resized * - resizeItem : function(item) - called to resize individual item * - sortable : boolean|string - string is the css selector for handle * - sortItems : function(items) - when order of items changes * - connectWith : css selector of other sortables * - removable : boolean - whether to display delete button on items * - addItem : function(row,index,itemData) - when an item is added * - removeItem : function(itemData) - called when an item is removed * - filter : function(itemData) - called for each item to determine if it should be shown * - sort : function(itemDataA,itemDataB) - called to sort items * - scrollOnAdd : boolean - whether to scroll to newly added items * methods: * - addItem(itemData) * - removeItem(itemData) * - width(width) * - height(height) * - items() * - empty() * - filter(filter) * - sort(sort) * - length() */ $.widget( "nodered.editableList", { _create: function() { var that = this; this.element.addClass('red-ui-editableList-list'); this.uiWidth = this.element.width(); this.uiContainer = this.element .wrap( "
" ) .parent(); this.topContainer = this.uiContainer.wrap("
").parent(); this.topContainer.addClass('red-ui-editableList'); if (this.options.addButton !== false) { var addLabel; if (typeof this.options.addButton === 'string') { addLabel = this.options.addButton } else { if (RED && RED._) { addLabel = RED._("editableList.add"); } else { addLabel = 'add'; } } $(' '+addLabel+'') .appendTo(this.topContainer) .click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); that.addItem({}); }); } if (this.element.css("position") === "absolute") { ["top","left","bottom","right"].forEach(function(s) { var v = that.element.css(s); if (s!=="auto" && s!=="") { that.topContainer.css(s,v); that.uiContainer.css(s,"0"); that.element.css(s,'auto'); } }) this.element.css("position","static"); this.topContainer.css("position","absolute"); this.uiContainer.css("position","absolute"); } this.uiContainer.addClass("red-ui-editableList-container"); this.uiHeight = this.element.height(); this.activeFilter = this.options.filter||null; this.activeSort = this.options.sort||null; this.scrollOnAdd = this.options.scrollOnAdd; if (this.scrollOnAdd === undefined) { this.scrollOnAdd = true; } var minHeight = this.element.css("minHeight"); if (minHeight !== '0px') { this.uiContainer.css("minHeight",minHeight); this.element.css("minHeight",0); } if (this.options.height !== 'auto') { this.uiContainer.css("overflow-y","scroll"); if (!isNaN(this.options.height)) { this.uiHeight = this.options.height; } } this.element.height('auto'); var attrStyle = this.element.attr('style'); var m; if ((m = /width\s*:\s*(\d+%)/i.exec(attrStyle)) !== null) { this.element.width('100%'); this.uiContainer.width(m[1]); } if (this.options.sortable) { var handle = (typeof this.options.sortable === 'string')? this.options.sortable : ".red-ui-editableList-item-handle"; var sortOptions = { axis: "y", update: function( event, ui ) { if (that.options.sortItems) { that.options.sortItems(that.items()); } }, handle:handle, cursor: "move", tolerance: "pointer", forcePlaceholderSize:true, placeholder: "red-ui-editabelList-item-placeholder", start: function(e, ui){ ui.placeholder.height(ui.item.height()-4); } }; if (this.options.connectWith) { sortOptions.connectWith = this.options.connectWith; } this.element.sortable(sortOptions); } this._resize(); // this.menu = this._createMenu(this.types, function(v) { that.type(v) }); // this.type(this.options.default||this.types[0].value); }, _resize: function() { var currentFullHeight = this.topContainer.height(); var innerHeight = this.uiContainer.height(); var delta = currentFullHeight - innerHeight; if (this.uiHeight !== 0) { this.uiContainer.height(this.uiHeight-delta); } if (this.options.resize) { this.options.resize(); } if (this.options.resizeItem) { var that = this; this.element.children().each(function(i) { that.options.resizeItem($(this).find(".red-ui-editableList-item-content"),i); }); } }, _destroy: function() { }, _refreshFilter: function() { var that = this; var count = 0; if (!this.activeFilter) { return this.element.children().show(); } var items = this.items(); items.each(function (i,el) { var data = el.data('data'); try { if (that.activeFilter(data)) { el.parent().show(); count++; } else { el.parent().hide(); } } catch(err) { console.log(err); el.parent().show(); count++; } }); return count; }, _refreshSort: function() { if (this.activeSort) { var items = this.element.children(); var that = this; items.sort(function(A,B) { return that.activeSort($(A).find(".red-ui-editableList-item-content").data('data'),$(B).find(".red-ui-editableList-item-content").data('data')); }); $.each(items,function(idx,li) { that.element.append(li); }) } }, width: function(desiredWidth) { this.uiWidth = desiredWidth; this._resize(); }, height: function(desiredHeight) { this.uiHeight = desiredHeight; this._resize(); }, addItem: function(data) { var that = this; data = data || {}; var li = $('
  • '); var added = false; if (this.activeSort) { var items = this.items(); var skip = false; items.each(function(i,el) { if (added) { return } var itemData = el.data('data'); if (that.activeSort(data,itemData) < 0) { li.insertBefore(el.closest("li")); added = true; } }); } if (!added) { li.appendTo(this.element); } var row = $('
    ').addClass("red-ui-editableList-item-content").appendTo(li); row.data('data',data); if (this.options.sortable === true) { $('').appendTo(li); li.addClass("red-ui-editableList-item-sortable"); } if (this.options.removable) { var deleteButton = $('',{href:"#",class:"red-ui-editableList-item-remove editor-button editor-button-small"}).appendTo(li); $('',{class:"fa fa-remove"}).appendTo(deleteButton); li.addClass("red-ui-editableList-item-removable"); deleteButton.click(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var data = row.data('data'); li.addClass("red-ui-editableList-item-deleting") li.fadeOut(300, function() { $(this).remove(); if (that.options.removeItem) { that.options.removeItem(data); } }); }); } if (this.options.addItem) { var index = that.element.children().length-1; setTimeout(function() { that.options.addItem(row,index,data); if (that.activeFilter) { try { if (!that.activeFilter(data)) { li.hide(); } } catch(err) { } } if (!that.activeSort && that.scrollOnAdd) { setTimeout(function() { that.uiContainer.scrollTop(that.element.height()); },0); } },0); } }, removeItem: function(data) { var items = this.element.children().filter(function(f) { return data === $(this).find(".red-ui-editableList-item-content").data('data'); }); items.remove(); if (this.options.removeItem) { this.options.removeItem(data); } }, items: function() { return this.element.children().map(function(i) { return $(this).find(".red-ui-editableList-item-content"); }); }, empty: function() { this.element.empty(); }, filter: function(filter) { if (filter !== undefined) { this.activeFilter = filter; } return this._refreshFilter(); }, sort: function(sort) { if (sort !== undefined) { this.activeSort = sort; } return this._refreshSort(); }, length: function() { return this.element.children().length; } }); })(jQuery);