{ "info": { "tip0" : "Use the delete key to remove a node.", "tip1" : "Press the Deploy button above to start the flow running. You can choose to deploy the whole flow or just the changes.", "tip2" : "Options like Show grid and Snap to grid are under the menu icon
View", "tip3" : "ctrl . or ⌘ . can be used to search for nodes and tabs.", "tip4" : " Manage palette can be used to find, add and remove extra nodes.", "tip5" : "Nodes may install examples under
Import Examples", "tip6" : "Lots of example flows can be found on flows.nodered.org
They can then be imported by drag and drop to the workspace.", "tip7" : "Shift-click and drag on a connector to move all the attached wires in one go.", "tip8" : "The Node-RED Dashboard package can be used to create simple User Interfaces.", "tip9" : "ctrlspace will toggle the view of this sidebar.", "tip10": "Got a question?
Join us on Slack
or the
Node-RED Google group" }, "infoLength": "11" }