    "common": {
        "label": {
            "payload": "Payload",
            "topic": "Topic",
            "name": "Name",
            "username": "Username",
            "password": "Password",
            "property": "Property",
            "selectNodes": "Select nodes...",
            "expand": "Expand"
        "status": {
            "connected": "connected",
            "not-connected": "not connected",
            "disconnected": "disconnected",
            "connecting": "connecting",
            "error": "error",
            "ok": "OK"
        "notification": {
            "error": "<strong>Error</strong>: __message__",
            "errors": {
                "not-deployed": "node not deployed",
                "no-response": "no response from server",
                "unexpected": "unexpected error (__status__) __message__"
        "errors": {
            "nooverride": "Warning: msg properties can no longer override set node properties. See bit.ly/nr-override-msg-props"
    "inject": {
        "inject": "inject",
        "repeat": "repeat = __repeat__",
        "crontab": "crontab = __crontab__",
        "stopped": "stopped",
        "failed": "Inject failed: __error__",
        "label": {
            "repeat": "Repeat",
            "flow": "flow context",
            "global": "global context",
            "str": "string",
            "num": "number",
            "bool": "boolean",
            "json": "object",
            "bin": "buffer",
            "date": "timestamp",
            "env": "env variable",
            "object": "object",
            "string": "string",
            "boolean": "boolean",
            "number": "number",
            "Array": "Array",
            "invalid": "Invalid JSON Object"
        "timestamp": "timestamp",
        "none": "none",
        "interval": "interval",
        "interval-time": "interval between times",
        "time": "at a specific time",
        "seconds": "seconds",
        "minutes": "minutes",
        "hours": "hours",
        "between": "between",
        "previous": "previous value",
        "at": "at",
        "and": "and",
        "every": "every",
        "days": [
        "on": "on",
        "onstart": "Inject once after",
        "onceDelay": "seconds, then",
        "tip": "<b>Note:</b> \"interval between times\" and \"at a specific time\" will use cron.<br/>\"interval\" should be 596 hours or less.<br/>See info box for details.",
        "success": "Successfully injected: __label__",
        "errors": {
            "failed": "inject failed, see log for details",
            "toolong": "Interval too large"
    "catch": {
        "catch": "catch: all",
        "catchNodes": "catch: __number__",
        "catchUncaught": "catch: uncaught",
        "label": {
            "source": "Catch errors from",
            "selectAll": "select all",
            "uncaught": "Ignore errors handled by other Catch nodes"
        "scope": {
            "all": "all nodes",
            "selected": "selected nodes"
    "status": {
        "status": "status: all",
        "statusNodes": "status: __number__",
        "label": {
            "source": "Report status from",
            "sortByType": "sort by type"
        "scope": {
            "all": "all nodes",
            "selected": "selected nodes"
    "complete": {
        "completeNodes": "complete: __number__"
    "debug": {
        "output": "Output",
        "none": "None",
        "invalid-exp": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__",
        "msgprop": "message property",
        "msgobj": "complete msg object",
        "to": "To",
        "debtab": "debug tab",
        "tabcon": "debug tab and console",
        "toSidebar": "debug window",
        "toConsole": "system console",
        "toStatus": "node status (32 characters)",
        "severity": "Level",
        "notification": {
            "activated": "Successfully activated: __label__",
            "deactivated": "Successfully deactivated: __label__"
        "sidebar": {
            "label": "debug",
            "name": "Debug messages",
            "filterAll": "all nodes",
            "filterSelected": "selected nodes",
            "filterCurrent": "current flow",
            "debugNodes": "Debug nodes",
            "clearLog": "Clear log",
            "filterLog": "Filter log",
            "openWindow": "Open in new window",
            "copyPath": "Copy path",
            "copyPayload": "Copy value",
            "pinPath": "Pin open"
        "messageMenu": {
            "collapseAll": "Collapse all paths",
            "clearPinned": "Clear pinned paths",
            "filterNode": "Filter this node",
            "clearFilter": "Clear filter"
    "link": {
        "linkIn": "link in",
        "linkOut": "link out"
    "tls": {
        "tls": "TLS configuration",
        "label": {
            "use-local-files": "Use key and certificates from local files",
            "upload": "Upload",
            "cert": "Certificate",
            "key": "Private Key",
            "passphrase": "Passphrase",
            "ca": "CA Certificate",
            "verify-server-cert":"Verify server certificate",
            "servername": "Server Name"
        "placeholder": {
            "cert":"path to certificate (PEM format)",
            "key":"path to private key (PEM format)",
            "ca":"path to CA certificate (PEM format)",
            "passphrase":"private key passphrase (optional)",
            "servername":"for use with SNI"
        "error": {
            "missing-file": "No certificate/key file provided"
    "exec": {
        "exec": "exec",
        "spawn": "spawn",
        "label": {
            "command": "Command",
            "append": "Append",
            "timeout": "Timeout",
            "timeoutplace": "optional",
            "return": "Output",
            "seconds": "seconds",
            "stdout": "stdout",
            "stderr": "stderr",
            "retcode": "return code"
        "placeholder": {
            "extraparams": "extra input parameters"
        "opt": {
            "exec": "when the command is complete - exec mode",
            "spawn": "while the command is running - spawn mode"
        "oldrc": "Use old style output (compatibility mode)"
    "function": {
        "function": "",
        "label": {
            "function": "Function",
            "outputs": "Outputs"
        "error": {
            "inputListener":"Cannot add listener to 'input' event within Function",
            "non-message-returned":"Function tried to send a message of type __type__"
    "template": {
        "template": "template",
        "label": {
            "template": "Template",
            "property": "Property",
            "format": "Syntax Highlight",
            "syntax": "Format",
            "output": "Output as",
            "mustache": "Mustache template",
            "plain": "Plain text",
            "json": "Parsed JSON",
            "yaml": "Parsed YAML",
            "none": "none"
        "templatevalue": "This is the payload: {{payload}} !"
    "delay": {
        "action": "Action",
        "for": "For",
        "delaymsg": "Delay each message",
        "delayfixed": "Fixed delay",
        "delayvarmsg": "Override delay with msg.delay",
        "randomdelay": "Random delay",
        "limitrate": "Rate Limit",
        "limitall": "All messages",
        "limittopic": "For each msg.topic",
        "fairqueue": "Send each topic in turn",
        "timedqueue": "Send all topics",
        "milisecs": "Milliseconds",
        "secs": "Seconds",
        "sec": "Second",
        "mins": "Minutes",
        "min": "Minute",
        "hours": "Hours",
        "hour": "Hour",
        "days": "Days",
        "day": "Day",
        "between": "Between",
        "and": "&",
        "rate": "Rate",
        "msgper": "msg(s) per",
        "dropmsg": "drop intermediate messages",
        "label": {
            "delay": "delay",
            "variable": "variable",
            "limit": "limit",
            "limitTopic": "limit topic",
            "random": "random",
            "units" : {
                "second": {
                    "plural" : "Seconds",
                    "singular": "Second"
                "minute": {
                    "plural" : "Minutes",
                    "singular": "Minute"
                "hour": {
                    "plural" : "Hours",
                    "singular": "Hour"
                "day": {
                    "plural" : "Days",
                    "singular": "Day"
        "error": {
            "buffer": "buffer exceeded 1000 messages",
            "buffer1": "buffer exceeded 10000 messages"
    "trigger": {
        "send": "Send",
        "then": "then",
        "then-send": "then send",
        "output": {
            "string": "the string",
            "number": "the number",
            "existing": "the existing msg object",
            "original": "the original msg object",
            "latest": "the latest msg object",
            "nothing": "nothing"
        "wait-reset": "wait to be reset",
        "wait-for": "wait for",
        "wait-loop": "resend it every",
        "for": "Handling",
        "bytopics": "each msg.topic independently",
        "alltopics": "all messages",
        "duration": {
            "ms": "Milliseconds",
            "s": "Seconds",
            "m": "Minutes",
            "h": "Hours"
        "extend": " extend delay if new message arrives",
        "label": {
            "trigger": "trigger",
            "trigger-block": "trigger & block",
            "trigger-loop": "resend every",
            "reset": "Reset the trigger if:",
            "resetMessage":"msg.reset is set",
            "resetPayload":"msg.payload equals",
            "resetprompt": "optional"
    "comment": {
        "comment": "comment"
    "unknown": {
        "label": {
            "unknown": "unknown"
        "tip": "<p>This node is a type unknown to your installation of Node-RED.</p><p><i>If you deploy with the node in this state, it's configuration will be preserved, but the flow will not start until the missing type is installed.</i></p><p>See the Info side bar for more help</p>"
    "mqtt": {
        "label": {
            "broker": "Server",
            "example": "e.g. localhost",
            "output": "Output",
            "qos": "QoS",
            "retain": "Retain",
            "clientid": "Client ID",
            "port": "Port",
            "keepalive": "Keep alive time (s)",
            "cleansession": "Use clean session",
            "use-tls": "Enable secure (SSL/TLS) connection",
            "tls-config":"TLS Configuration",
            "verify-server-cert":"Verify server certificate",
            "compatmode": "Use legacy MQTT 3.1 support"
            "birth-message": "Message sent on connection (birth message)",
            "will-message":"Message sent on an unexpected disconnection (will message)",
            "close-message":"Message sent before disconnecting (close message)"
        "tabs-label": {
            "connection": "Connection",
            "security": "Security",
            "messages": "Messages"
        "placeholder": {
            "clientid": "Leave blank for auto generated",
            "clientid-nonclean":"Must be set for non-clean sessions",
            "will-topic": "Leave blank to disable will message",
            "birth-topic": "Leave blank to disable birth message",
            "close-topic": "Leave blank to disable close message"
        "state": {
            "connected": "Connected to broker: __broker__",
            "disconnected": "Disconnected from broker: __broker__",
            "connect-failed": "Connection failed to broker: __broker__"
        "retain": "Retain",
        "output": {
            "buffer": "a Buffer",
            "string": "a String",
            "base64": "a Base64 encoded string",
            "auto": "auto-detect (string or buffer)",
            "json": "a parsed JSON object"
        "true": "true",
        "false": "false",
        "tip": "Tip: Leave topic, qos or retain blank if you want to set them via msg properties.",
        "errors": {
            "not-defined": "topic not defined",
            "missing-config": "missing broker configuration",
            "invalid-topic": "Invalid topic specified",
            "nonclean-missingclientid": "No client ID set, using clean session",
            "invalid-json-string": "Invalid JSON string",
            "invalid-json-parse": "Failed to parse JSON string"
    "httpin": {
        "label": {
            "method": "Method",
            "url": "URL",
            "doc": "Docs",
            "return": "Return",
            "upload": "Accept file uploads?",
            "status": "Status code",
            "headers": "Headers",
            "other": "other",
            "paytoqs" : "Append msg.payload as query string parameters",
            "utf8String": "UTF8 string",
            "binaryBuffer": "binary buffer",
            "jsonObject": "parsed JSON object",
            "authType": "Type",
            "bearerToken": "Token"
        "setby": "- set by msg.method -",
        "basicauth": "Use authentication",
        "use-tls": "Enable secure (SSL/TLS) connection",
        "tls-config":"TLS Configuration",
        "basic": "basic authentication",
        "digest": "digest authentication",
        "bearer": "bearer authentication",
        "use-proxy": "Use proxy",
        "persist": "Enable connection keep-alive",
        "proxy-config": "Proxy Configuration",
        "use-proxyauth": "Use proxy authentication",
        "noproxy-hosts": "Ignore hosts",
        "utf8": "a UTF-8 string",
        "binary": "a binary buffer",
        "json": "a parsed JSON object",
        "tip": {
            "in": "The url will be relative to ",
            "res": "The messages sent to this node <b>must</b> originate from an <i>http input</i> node",
            "req": "Tip: If the JSON parse fails the fetched string is returned as-is."
        "httpreq": "http request",
        "errors": {
            "not-created": "Cannot create http-in node when httpNodeRoot set to false",
            "missing-path": "missing path",
            "no-response": "No response object",
            "json-error": "JSON parse error",
            "no-url": "No url specified",
            "deprecated-call":"Deprecated call to __method__",
            "invalid-transport":"non-http transport requested",
            "timeout-isnan": "Timeout value is not a valid number, ignoring",
            "timeout-isnegative": "Timeout value is negative, ignoring",
            "invalid-payload": "Invalid payload"
        "status": {
            "requesting": "requesting"
    "websocket": {
        "label": {
            "type": "Type",
            "path": "Path",
            "url": "URL"
        "listenon": "Listen on",
        "connectto": "Connect to",
        "sendrec": "Send/Receive",
        "payload": "payload",
        "message": "entire message",
        "tip": {
            "path1": "By default, <code>payload</code> will contain the data to be sent over, or received from a websocket. The listener can be configured to send or receive the entire message object as a JSON formatted string.",
            "path2": "This path will be relative to <code>__path__</code>.",
            "url1": "URL should use ws:&#47;&#47; or wss:&#47;&#47; scheme and point to an existing websocket listener.",
            "url2": "By default, <code>payload</code> will contain the data to be sent over, or received from a websocket. The client can be configured to send or receive the entire message object as a JSON formatted string."
        "status": {
            "connected": "connected __count__",
            "connected_plural": "connected __count__"
        "errors": {
            "connect-error": "An error occurred on the ws connection: ",
            "send-error": "An error occurred while sending: ",
            "missing-conf": "Missing server configuration",
            "duplicate-path": "Cannot have two WebSocket listeners on the same path: __path__"
    "watch": {
        "watch": "watch",
        "label": {
            "files": "File(s)",
            "recursive": "Watch sub-directories recursively"
        "placeholder": {
            "files": "Comma-separated list of files and/or directories"
        "tip": "On Windows you must use double back-slashes \\\\ in any directory names."
    "tcpin": {
        "label": {
            "type": "Type",
            "output": "Output",
            "port": "port",
            "host": "at host",
            "payload": "payload(s)",
            "delimited": "delimited by",
            "close-connection": "Close connection after each message is sent?",
            "decode-base64": "Decode Base64 message?",
            "server": "Server",
            "return": "Return",
            "ms": "ms",
            "chars": "chars"
        "type": {
            "listen": "Listen on",
            "connect": "Connect to",
            "reply": "Reply to TCP"
        "output": {
            "stream": "stream of",
            "single": "single",
            "buffer": "Buffer",
            "string": "String",
            "base64": "Base64 String"
        "return": {
            "timeout": "after a fixed timeout of",
            "character": "when character received is",
            "number": "a fixed number of chars",
            "never": "never - keep connection open",
            "immed": "immediately - don't wait for reply"
        "status": {
            "connecting": "connecting to __host__:__port__",
            "connected": "connected to __host__:__port__",
            "listening-port": "listening on port __port__",
            "stopped-listening": "stopped listening on port",
            "connection-from": "connection from __host__:__port__",
            "connection-closed": "connection closed from __host__:__port__",
            "connections": "__count__ connection",
            "connections_plural": "__count__ connections"

        "errors": {
            "connection-lost": "connection lost to __host__:__port__",
            "timeout": "timeout closed socket port __port__",
            "cannot-listen": "unable to listen on port __port__, error: __error__",
            "error": "error: __error__",

            "socket-error": "socket error from __host__:__port__",
            "no-host": "Host and/or port not set",
            "connect-timeout": "connect timeout",
            "connect-fail": "connect failed"
    "udp": {
        "label": {
            "listen": "Listen for",
            "onport": "on Port",
            "using": "using",
            "output": "Output",
            "group": "Group",
            "interface": "Local IF",
            "send": "Send a",
            "toport": "to port",
            "address": "Address",
            "decode-base64": "Decode Base64 encoded payload?"
        "placeholder": {
            "interface": "(optional) local interface or address to bind to",
            "interfaceprompt": "(optional) local interface or address to bind to",
            "address": "destination ip"
        "udpmsgs": "udp messages",
        "mcmsgs": "multicast messages",
        "udpmsg": "udp message",
        "bcmsg": "broadcast message",
        "mcmsg": "multicast message",
        "output": {
            "buffer": "a Buffer",
            "string": "a String",
            "base64": "a Base64 encoded string"
        "bind": {
            "random": "bind to random local port",
            "local": "bind to local port",
            "target": "bind to target port"
        "tip": {
            "in": "Tip: Make sure your firewall will allow the data in.",
            "out": "Tip: leave address and port blank if you want to set using <code>msg.ip</code> and <code>msg.port</code>.",
            "port": "Ports already in use: "
        "status": {
            "listener-at": "udp listener at __host__:__port__",
            "mc-group": "udp multicast group __group__",
            "listener-stopped": "udp listener stopped",
            "output-stopped": "udp output stopped",
            "mc-ready": "udp multicast ready: __iface__:__outport__ -> __host__:__port__",
            "bc-ready": "udp broadcast ready: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__",
            "ready": "udp ready: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__",
            "ready-nolocal": "udp ready: __host__:__port__",
            "re-use": "udp re-use socket: __outport__ -> __host__:__port__"
        "errors": {
            "access-error": "UDP access error, you may need root access for ports below 1024",
            "error": "error: __error__",
            "bad-mcaddress": "Bad Multicast Address",
            "interface": "Must be ip address of the required interface",
            "ip-notset": "udp: ip address not set",
            "port-notset": "udp: port not set",
            "port-invalid": "udp: port number not valid",
            "alreadyused": "udp: port __port__ already in use",
            "ifnotfound": "udp: interface __iface__ not found"
    "switch": {
        "switch": "switch",
        "label": {
            "property": "Property",
            "rule": "rule",
            "repair": "recreate message sequences"
        "previous": "previous value",
        "and": "and",
        "checkall": "checking all rules",
        "stopfirst": "stopping after first match",
        "ignorecase": "ignore case",
        "rules": {
            "btwn": "is between",
            "cont": "contains",
            "regex": "matches regex",
            "true": "is true",
            "false": "is false",
            "null": "is null",
            "nnull": "is not null",
            "istype": "is of type",
            "empty": "is empty",
            "nempty": "is not empty",
            "head": "head",
            "tail": "tail",
            "index": "index between",
            "exp": "JSONata exp",
            "else": "otherwise",
            "hask": "has key"
        "errors": {
            "invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__",
            "too-many": "too many pending messages in switch node"
    "change": {
        "label": {
            "rules": "Rules",
            "rule": "rule",
            "set": "set __property__",
            "change": "change __property__",
            "delete": "delete __property__",
            "move": "move __property__",
            "changeCount": "change: __count__ rules",
            "regex": "Use regular expressions"
        "action": {
            "set": "Set",
            "change": "Change",
            "delete": "Delete",
            "move": "Move",
            "to": "to",
            "search": "Search for",
            "replace": "Replace with"
        "errors": {
            "invalid-from": "Invalid 'from' property: __error__",
            "invalid-json": "Invalid 'to' JSON property",
            "invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__"
    "range": {
        "range": "range",
        "label": {
            "action": "Action",
            "inputrange": "Map the input range",
            "resultrange": "to the target range",
            "from": "from",
            "to": "to",
            "roundresult": "Round result to the nearest integer?"
        "placeholder": {
            "min": "e.g. 0",
            "maxin": "e.g. 99",
            "maxout": "e.g. 255"
        "scale": {
            "payload": "Scale the message property",
            "limit": "Scale and limit to the target range",
            "wrap": "Scale and wrap within the target range"
        "tip": "Tip: This node ONLY works with numbers.",
        "errors": {
            "notnumber": "Not a number"
    "csv": {
        "label": {
            "columns": "Columns",
            "separator": "Separator",
            "c2o": "CSV to Object options",
            "o2c": "Object to CSV options",
            "input": "Input",
            "skip-s": "Skip first",
            "skip-e": "lines",
            "firstrow": "first row contains column names",
            "output": "Output",
            "includerow": "include column name row",
            "newline": "Newline",
            "usestrings": "parse numerical values"
        "placeholder": {
            "columns": "comma-separated column names"
        "separator": {
            "comma": "comma",
            "tab": "tab",
            "space": "space",
            "semicolon": "semicolon",
            "colon": "colon",
            "hashtag": "hashtag",
            "other": "other..."
        "output": {
            "row": "a message per row",
            "array": "a single message [array]"
        "newline": {
            "linux": "Linux (\\n)",
            "mac": "Mac (\\r)",
            "windows": "Windows (\\r\\n)"
        "errors": {
            "csv_js": "This node only handles CSV strings or js objects.",
            "obj_csv": "No columns template specified for object -> CSV."
    "html": {
        "label": {
            "select": "Selector",
            "output": "Output",
            "in": "in"
        "output": {
            "html": "the html content of the elements",
            "text": "only the text content of the elements",
            "attr": "an object of any attributes of the elements"
        "format": {
            "single": "as a single message containing an array",
            "multi": "as multiple messages, one for each element"
    "json": {
        "errors": {
            "dropped-object": "Ignored non-object payload",
            "dropped": "Ignored unsupported payload type",
            "dropped-error": "Failed to convert payload",
            "schema-error": "JSON Schema error",
            "schema-error-compile": "JSON Schema error: failed to compile schema"
        "label": {
            "o2j": "Object to JSON options",
            "pretty": "Format JSON string",
            "action": "Action",
            "property": "Property",
            "actions": {
                "toggle": "Convert between JSON String & Object",
                "str":"Always convert to JSON String",
                "obj":"Always convert to JavaScript Object"
    "yaml": {
        "errors": {
            "dropped-object": "Ignored non-object payload",
            "dropped": "Ignored unsupported payload type",
            "dropped-error": "Failed to convert payload"
    "xml": {
        "label": {
            "represent": "Property name for XML tag attributes",
            "prefix": "Property name for tag text content",
            "advanced": "Advanced options",
            "x2o": "XML to Object options"
        "errors": {
            "xml_js": "This node only handles xml strings or js objects."
    "file": {
        "label": {
            "filename": "Filename",
            "action": "Action",
            "addnewline": "Add newline (\\n) to each payload?",
            "createdir": "Create directory if it doesn't exist?",
            "outputas": "Output",
            "breakchunks": "Break into chunks",
            "breaklines": "Break into lines",
            "filelabel": "file",
            "sendError": "Send message on error (legacy mode)",
            "encoding": "Encoding",
            "deletelabel": "delete __file__",
            "utf8String": "UTF8 string",
            "binaryBuffer": "binary buffer"
        "action": {
            "append": "append to file",
            "overwrite": "overwrite file",
            "delete": "delete file"
        "output": {
            "utf8": "a single utf8 string",
            "buffer": "a single Buffer object",
            "lines": "a msg per line",
            "stream": "a stream of Buffers"
        "status": {
            "wrotefile": "wrote to file: __file__",
            "deletedfile": "deleted file: __file__",
            "appendedfile": "appended to file: __file__"
        "encoding": {
            "none": "default",
            "native": "Native",
            "unicode": "Unicode",
            "japanese": "Japanese",
            "chinese": "Chinese",
            "korean": "Korean",
            "taiwan": "Taiwan/Hong Kong",
            "windows": "Windows codepages",
            "iso": "ISO codepages",
            "ibm": "IBM codepages",
            "mac": "Mac codepages",
            "koi8": "KOI8 codepages",
            "misc": "Miscellaneous"
        "errors": {
            "nofilename": "No filename specified",
            "invaliddelete": "Warning: Invalid delete. Please use specific delete option in config dialog.",
            "deletefail": "failed to delete file: __error__",
            "writefail": "failed to write to file: __error__",
            "appendfail": "failed to append to file: __error__",
            "createfail": "failed to create file: __error__"
        "tip": "Tip: The filename should be an absolute path, otherwise it will be relative to the working directory of the Node-RED process."
    "split": {
        "split": "split",
        "intro":"Split <code>msg.payload</code> based on type:",
        "objectSend":"Send a message for each key/value pair",
        "strBuff":"<b>String</b> / <b>Buffer</b>",
        "splitUsing":"Split using",
        "splitLength":"Fixed length of",
        "stream":"Handle as a stream of messages",
        "addname":" Copy key to "
    "join": {
        "join": "join",
        "mode": {
            "mode": "Mode",
            "auto": "automatic",
            "merge": "merge sequences",
            "reduce": "reduce sequence",
            "custom": "manual"
        "combine": "Combine each",
        "completeMessage": "complete message",
        "create": "to create",
        "type": {
            "string": "a String",
            "array": "an Array",
            "buffer": "a Buffer",
            "object": "a key/value Object",
            "merged": "a merged Object"
        "using": "using the value of",
        "key": "as the key",
        "joinedUsing": "joined using",
        "send": "Send the message:",
        "afterCount": "After a number of message parts",
        "count": "count",
        "subsequent": "and every subsequent message.",
        "afterTimeout": "After a timeout following the first message",
        "seconds": "seconds",
        "complete": "After a message with the <code>msg.complete</code> property set",
        "tip": "This mode assumes this node is either paired with a <i>split</i> node or the received messages will have a properly configured <code>msg.parts</code> property.",
        "too-many": "too many pending messages in join node",
        "merge": {
            "topics-label": "Merged Topics",
            "topics": "topics",
            "topic": "topic",
            "on-change": "Send merged message on arrival of a new topic"
        "reduce": {
            "exp": "Reduce exp",
            "exp-value": "exp",
            "init": "Initial value",
            "right": "Evaluate in reverse order (last to first)",
            "fixup": "Fix-up exp"
        "errors": {
            "invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression: __error__",
            "invalid-type": "Cannot join __error__ to buffer"
    "sort" : {
        "sort": "sort",
        "target" : "Sort",
        "seq" : "message sequence",
        "key" : "Key",
        "elem" : "element value",
        "order" : "Order",
        "ascending" : "ascending",
        "descending" : "descending",
        "as-number" : "as number",
        "invalid-exp" : "Invalid JSONata expression in sort node: __message__",
        "too-many" : "Too many pending messages in sort node",
        "clear" : "clear pending message in sort node"
    "batch" : {
        "batch": "batch",
        "mode": {
            "label" : "Mode",
            "num-msgs" : "Group by number of messages",
            "interval" : "Group by time interval",
            "concat" : "Concatenate sequences"
        "count": {
            "label" : "Number of messages",
            "overlap" : "Overlap",
            "count" : "count",
            "invalid" : "Invalid count and overlap"
        "interval": {
            "label" : "Interval",
            "seconds" : "seconds",
            "empty" : "send empty message when no message arrives"
        "concat": {
            "topics-label": "Topics",
            "topic" : "topic"
        "too-many" : "too many pending messages in batch node",
        "unexpected" : "unexpected mode",
        "no-parts" : "no parts property in message"