/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.user = (function() { function login(opts,done) { if (typeof opts == 'function') { done = opts; opts = {}; } var dialog = $('
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'); dialog.dialog({ autoOpen: false, dialogClass: "ui-dialog-no-close", modal: true, closeOnEscape: !!opts.cancelable, width: 600, resizable: false, draggable: false }); $("#node-dialog-login-fields").empty(); $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: "auth/login", success: function(data) { var i=0; if (data.type == "credentials") { for (;i",{class:"form-row"}); $('
').appendTo(row); var input = $('').appendTo(row); if (i'+RED._("user.loginFailed")+''+ (opts.cancelable?''+RED._("common.label.cancel")+'':'')+ '').appendTo("#node-dialog-login-fields"); $("#node-dialog-login-submit").button(); $("#node-dialog-login-fields").on("submit", function(event) { $("#node-dialog-login-submit").button("option","disabled",true); $("#node-dialog-login-failed").hide(); $(".login-spinner").show(); var body = { client_id: "node-red-editor", grant_type: "password", scope:"" } for (var i=0;i",{class:"form-row",style:"text-align: center"}).appendTo("#node-dialog-login-fields"); var loginButton = $('',{style: "padding: 10px"}).appendTo(row).on("click", function() { document.location = field.url; }); if (field.image) { $("",{src:field.image}).appendTo(loginButton); } else if (field.label) { var label = $('').text(field.label); if (field.icon) { $('',{class: "fa fa-2x "+field.icon, style:"vertical-align: middle"}).appendTo(loginButton); label.css({ "verticalAlign":"middle", "marginLeft":"8px" }); } label.appendTo(loginButton); } loginButton.button(); } } if (opts.cancelable) { $("#node-dialog-login-cancel").button().on("click", function( event ) { $("#node-dialog-login").dialog('destroy').remove(); }); } var loginImageSrc = data.image || "red/images/node-red-256.png"; $("#node-dialog-login-image").load(function() { dialog.dialog("open"); }).attr("src",loginImageSrc); } }); } function logout() { var tokens = RED.settings.get("auth-tokens"); var token = tokens?tokens.access_token:""; $.ajax({ url: "auth/revoke", type: "POST", data: {token:token} }).done(function(data,textStatus,xhr) { RED.settings.remove("auth-tokens"); if (data && data.redirect) { document.location.href = data.redirect; } else { document.location.reload(true); } }).fail(function(jqXHR,textStatus,errorThrown) { if (jqXHR.status === 401) { document.location.reload(true); } else { console.log(textStatus); } }) } function updateUserMenu() { $("#btn-usermenu-submenu li").remove(); if (RED.settings.user.anonymous) { RED.menu.addItem("btn-usermenu",{ id:"usermenu-item-login", label:RED._("menu.label.login"), onselect: function() { RED.user.login({cancelable:true},function() { RED.settings.load(function() { RED.notify(RED._("user.loggedInAs",{name:RED.settings.user.username}),"success"); updateUserMenu(); RED.events.emit("login",RED.settings.user.username); }); }); } }); } else { RED.menu.addItem("btn-usermenu",{ id:"usermenu-item-username", label:""+RED.settings.user.username+"" }); RED.menu.addItem("btn-usermenu",{ id:"usermenu-item-logout", label:RED._("menu.label.logout"), onselect: function() { RED.user.logout(); } }); } } function init() { if (RED.settings.user) { if (!RED.settings.editorTheme || !RED.settings.editorTheme.hasOwnProperty("userMenu")) { var userMenu = $('
  • ') .prependTo(".red-ui-header-toolbar"); if (RED.settings.user.image) { $('').css({ backgroundImage: "url("+RED.settings.user.image+")", }).appendTo(userMenu.find("a")); } else { $('').appendTo(userMenu.find("a")); } RED.menu.init({id:"btn-usermenu", options: [] }); updateUserMenu(); } } } var readRE = /^((.+)\.)?read$/ var writeRE = /^((.+)\.)?write$/ function hasPermission(permission) { if (permission === "") { return true; } if (!RED.settings.user) { return true; } return checkPermission(RED.settings.user.permissions||"",permission); } function checkPermission(userScope,permission) { if (permission === "") { return true; } var i; if (Array.isArray(permission)) { // Multiple permissions requested - check each one for (i=0;i