/** * Copyright 2015, 2016 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ (function($) { function validateExpression(str) { var length = str.length; var start = 0; var inString = false; var inBox = false; var quoteChar; var v; for (var i=0;i" ) .parent(); ["Right","Left"].forEach(function(d) { var m = that.element.css("margin"+d); that.uiSelect.css("margin"+d,m); that.element.css("margin"+d,0); }); this.uiSelect.addClass("red-ui-typedInput-container"); this.options.types = this.options.types||Object.keys(allOptions); this.selectTrigger = $('').prependTo(this.uiSelect); $('').appendTo(this.selectTrigger); this.selectLabel = $('').appendTo(this.selectTrigger); this.types(this.options.types); if (this.options.typeField) { this.typeField = $(this.options.typeField).hide(); var t = this.typeField.val(); if (t && this.typeMap[t]) { this.options.default = t; } } else { this.typeField = $("",{type:'hidden'}).appendTo(this.uiSelect); } this.element.on('focus', function() { that.uiSelect.addClass('red-ui-typedInput-focus'); }); this.element.on('blur', function() { that.uiSelect.removeClass('red-ui-typedInput-focus'); }); this.element.on('change', function() { that.validate(); }) this.selectTrigger.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (that.typeList.length > 1) { that._showMenu(that.menu,that.selectTrigger); } else { that.element.focus(); } }); // explicitly set optionSelectTrigger display to inline-block otherwise jQ sets it to 'inline' this.optionSelectTrigger = $('').appendTo(this.uiSelect); this.optionSelectLabel = $('').prependTo(this.optionSelectTrigger); this.optionSelectTrigger.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (that.optionMenu) { that.optionMenu.css({ minWidth:that.optionSelectLabel.width() }); that._showMenu(that.optionMenu,that.optionSelectLabel) } }); this.type(this.options.default||this.typeList[0].value); }, _hideMenu: function(menu) { $(document).off("mousedown.close-property-select"); menu.hide(); this.element.focus(); }, _createMenu: function(opts,callback) { var that = this; var menu = $("
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$(document).on("mousedown.close-property-select", function(event) { if(!$(event.target).closest(menu).length) { that._hideMenu(menu); } if ($(event.target).closest(relativeTo).length) { that.disarmClick = true; event.preventDefault(); } }) }); }, _getLabelWidth: function(label) { var labelWidth = label.width(); if (labelWidth === 0) { var newTrigger = label.clone(); newTrigger.css({ position:"absolute", top:0, left:-1000 }).appendTo(document.body); labelWidth = newTrigger.width()+4; newTrigger.remove(); } return labelWidth; }, _resize: function() { if (this.typeMap[this.propertyType] && this.typeMap[this.propertyType].hasValue === false) { this.selectTrigger.width(this.uiWidth+5); } else { this.selectTrigger.width('auto'); var labelWidth = this._getLabelWidth(this.selectTrigger); var newWidth = this.uiWidth-labelWidth+4; this.element.width(newWidth); if (this.optionSelectTrigger) { var triggerWidth = this._getLabelWidth(this.optionSelectTrigger); labelWidth = this._getLabelWidth(this.optionSelectLabel)-4; this.optionSelectLabel.width(labelWidth+(newWidth-triggerWidth)); } } }, _destroy: function() { this.menu.remove(); }, types: function(types) { var that = this; var currentType = this.type(); this.typeMap = {}; this.typeList = types.map(function(opt) { var result; if (typeof opt === 'string') { result = allOptions[opt]; } else { result = opt; } that.typeMap[result.value] = result; return result; }); this.selectTrigger.toggleClass("disabled", this.typeList.length === 1); if (this.menu) { this.menu.remove(); } this.menu = this._createMenu(this.typeList, function(v) { that.type(v) }); if (currentType && !this.typeMap.hasOwnProperty(currentType)) { this.type(this.typeList[0].value); } }, width: function(desiredWidth) { this.uiWidth = desiredWidth; this._resize(); }, value: function(value) { if (!arguments.length) { return this.element.val(); } else { if (this.typeMap[this.propertyType].options) { if (this.typeMap[this.propertyType].options.indexOf(value) === -1) { value = ""; } this.optionSelectLabel.text(value); } this.element.val(value); this.element.trigger('change',this.type(),value); } }, type: function(type) { if (!arguments.length) { return this.propertyType; } else { var that = this; var opt = this.typeMap[type]; if (opt && this.propertyType !== type) { this.propertyType = type; this.typeField.val(type); this.selectLabel.empty(); var image; if (opt.icon) { image = new Image(); image.name = opt.icon; image.src = opt.icon; $('',{src:opt.icon,style:"margin-right: 4px;height: 18px;"}).prependTo(this.selectLabel); } else { this.selectLabel.text(opt.label); } if (opt.options) { if (this.optionSelectTrigger) { this.optionSelectTrigger.show(); this.element.hide(); this.optionMenu = this._createMenu(opt.options,function(v){ that.optionSelectLabel.text(v); that.value(v); }); var currentVal = this.element.val(); if (opt.options.indexOf(currentVal) !== -1) { this.optionSelectLabel.text(currentVal); } else { this.value(opt.options[0]); } } } else { if (this.optionMenu) { this.optionMenu.remove(); this.optionMenu = null; } if (this.optionSelectTrigger) { this.optionSelectTrigger.hide(); } if (opt.hasValue === false) { this.oldValue = this.element.val(); this.element.val(""); this.element.hide(); } else { if (this.oldValue !== undefined) { this.element.val(this.oldValue); delete this.oldValue; } this.element.show(); } this.element.trigger('change',this.propertyType,this.value()); } if (image) { image.onload = function() { that._resize(); } image.onerror = function() { that._resize(); } } else { this._resize(); } } } }, validate: function() { var result; var value = this.value(); var type = this.type(); if (this.typeMap[type] && this.typeMap[type].validate) { var val = this.typeMap[type].validate; if (typeof val === 'function') { result = val(value); } else { result = val.test(value); } } else { result = true; } if (result) { this.uiSelect.removeClass('input-error'); } else { this.uiSelect.addClass('input-error'); } return result; } }); })(jQuery);