/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.view.tools = (function() { function selectConnected(type) { var selection = RED.view.selection(); var visited = new Set(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length > 0) { selection.nodes.forEach(function(n) { if (!visited.has(n)) { var connected; if (type === 'all') { connected = RED.nodes.getAllFlowNodes(n); } else if (type === 'up') { connected = [n].concat(RED.nodes.getAllUpstreamNodes(n)); } else if (type === 'down') { connected = [n].concat(RED.nodes.getAllDownstreamNodes(n)); } connected.forEach(function(nn) { visited.add(nn) }) } }); RED.view.select({nodes:Array.from(visited)}); } } function alignToGrid() { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes) { var changedNodes = []; selection.nodes.forEach(function(n) { var x = n.w/2 + Math.round((n.x-n.w/2)/RED.view.gridSize())*RED.view.gridSize(); var y = Math.round(n.y/RED.view.gridSize())*RED.view.gridSize(); if (n.x !== x || n.y !== y) { changedNodes.push({ n:n, ox: n.x, oy: n.y, moved: n.moved }); n.x = x; n.y = y; n.dirty = true; n.moved = true; } }); if (changedNodes.length > 0) { RED.history.push({t:"move",nodes:changedNodes,dirty:RED.nodes.dirty()}); RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.view.redraw(true); } } } var moving_set = null; var endMoveSet = false; function endKeyboardMove() { endMoveSet = false; if (moving_set.length > 0) { var ns = []; for (var i=0;i 0) { var n = selection.nodes.shift(); moving_set.push({n:n}); if (n.type === "group") { selection.nodes = selection.nodes.concat(n.nodes); } } } } if (moving_set && moving_set.length > 0) { if (!endMoveSet) { $(document).one('keyup',endKeyboardMove); endMoveSet = true; } var dim = RED.view.dimensions(); var space_width = dim.width; var space_height = dim.height; var minX = 0; var minY = 0; var node; for (var i=0;i= space_width) { node.n.x = space_width -node.n.w/2; } if ((node.n.y +node.n.h/2) >= space_height) { node.n.y = space_height -node.n.h/2; } node.n.dirty = true; if (node.n.type === "group") { RED.group.markDirty(node.n); minX = Math.min(node.n.x - 5,minX); minY = Math.min(node.n.y - 5,minY); } else { minX = Math.min(node.n.x-node.n.w/2-5,minX); minY = Math.min(node.n.y-node.n.h/2-5,minY); } } if (minX !== 0 || minY !== 0) { for (var n = 0; n 0) { RED.history.push({ t: "multi", events: historyEvents, dirty: RED.nodes.dirty() }) RED.nodes.dirty(true); } RED.view.redraw(); } function selectFirstNode() { var canidates; var origin = {x:0, y:0}; var activeGroup = RED.view.getActiveGroup(); if (!activeGroup) { candidates = RED.view.getActiveNodes(); } else { candidates = RED.group.getNodes(activeGroup,false); origin = activeGroup; } var distances = []; candidates.forEach(function(node) { var deltaX = node.x - origin.x; var deltaY = node.y - origin.x; var delta = deltaY*deltaY + deltaX*deltaX; distances.push({node: node, delta: delta}) }); if (distances.length > 0) { distances.sort(function(A,B) { return A.delta - B.delta }) var newNode = distances[0].node; if (newNode) { RED.view.select({nodes:[newNode]}); RED.view.reveal(newNode.id,false); } } } function gotoNextNode() { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length === 1) { var origin = selection.nodes[0]; var links = RED.nodes.filterLinks({source:origin}); if (links.length > 0) { links.sort(function(A,B) { return Math.abs(A.target.y - origin.y) - Math.abs(B.target.y - origin.y) }) var newNode = links[0].target; if (newNode) { RED.view.select({nodes:[newNode]}); RED.view.reveal(newNode.id,false); } } } else if (RED.workspaces.selection().length === 0) { selectFirstNode(); } } function gotoPreviousNode() { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length === 1) { var origin = selection.nodes[0]; var links = RED.nodes.filterLinks({target:origin}); if (links.length > 0) { links.sort(function(A,B) { return Math.abs(A.source.y - origin.y) - Math.abs(B.source.y - origin.y) }) var newNode = links[0].source; if (newNode) { RED.view.select({nodes:[newNode]}); RED.view.reveal(newNode.id,false); } } } else if (RED.workspaces.selection().length === 0) { selectFirstNode(); } } function getChildren(node) { return RED.nodes.filterLinks({source:node}).map(function(l) { return l.target}) } function getParents(node) { return RED.nodes.filterLinks({target:node}).map(function(l) { return l.source}) } function getSiblings(node) { var siblings = new Set(); var parents = getParents(node); parents.forEach(function(p) { getChildren(p).forEach(function(c) { siblings.add(c) }) }); var children = getChildren(node); children.forEach(function(p) { getParents(p).forEach(function(c) { siblings.add(c) }) }); siblings.delete(node); return Array.from(siblings); } function gotoNextSibling() { // 'next' defined as nearest on the y-axis below this node var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length === 1) { var origin = selection.nodes[0]; var siblings = getSiblings(origin); if (siblings.length > 0) { siblings = siblings.filter(function(n) { return n.y > origin. y}) siblings.sort(function(A,B) { return Math.abs(A.y - origin.y) - Math.abs(B.y - origin.y) }) var newNode = siblings[0]; if (newNode) { RED.view.select({nodes:[newNode]}); RED.view.reveal(newNode.id,false); } } } else if (RED.workspaces.selection().length === 0) { selectFirstNode(); } } function gotoPreviousSibling() { // 'next' defined as nearest on the y-axis above this node var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length === 1) { var origin = selection.nodes[0]; var siblings = getSiblings(origin); if (siblings.length > 0) { siblings = siblings.filter(function(n) { return n.y < origin. y}) siblings.sort(function(A,B) { return Math.abs(A.y - origin.y) - Math.abs(B.y - origin.y) }) var newNode = siblings[0]; if (newNode) { RED.view.select({nodes:[newNode]}); RED.view.reveal(newNode.id,false); } } } else if (RED.workspaces.selection().length === 0) { selectFirstNode(); } } // function addNode() { // var selection = RED.view.selection(); // if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length === 1 && selection.nodes[0].outputs > 0) { // var selectedNode = selection.nodes[0]; // RED.view.showQuickAddDialog([ // selectedNode.x + selectedNode.w + 50,selectedNode.y // ]) // } else { // RED.view.showQuickAddDialog(); // } // } function gotoNearestNode(direction) { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length === 1) { var origin = selection.nodes[0]; var candidates = RED.nodes.filterNodes({z:origin.z}); candidates = candidates.concat(RED.view.getSubflowPorts()); var distances = []; candidates.forEach(function(node) { if (node === origin) { return; } var deltaX = node.x - origin.x; var deltaY = node.y - origin.y; var delta = deltaY*deltaY + deltaX*deltaX; var angle = (180/Math.PI)*Math.atan2(deltaY,deltaX); if (angle < 0) { angle += 360 } if (angle > 360) { angle -= 360 } var weight; // 0 - right // 270 - above // 90 - below // 180 - left switch(direction) { case 'up': if (angle < 210 || angle > 330) { return } weight = Math.max(Math.abs(270 - angle)/60, 0.2); break; case 'down': if (angle < 30 || angle > 150) { return } weight = Math.max(Math.abs(90 - angle)/60, 0.2); break; case 'left': if (angle < 140 || angle > 220) { return } weight = Math.max(Math.abs(180 - angle)/40, 0.1 ); break; case 'right': if (angle > 40 && angle < 320) { return } weight = Math.max(Math.abs(angle)/40, 0.1); break; } weight = Math.max(weight,0.1); distances.push({ node: node, d: delta, w: weight, delta: delta*weight }) }) if (distances.length > 0) { distances.sort(function(A,B) { return A.delta - B.delta }) var newNode = distances[0].node; if (newNode) { RED.view.select({nodes:[newNode]}); RED.view.reveal(newNode.id,false); } } } else if (RED.workspaces.selection().length === 0) { var candidates = RED.view.getActiveNodes(); var distances = []; candidates.forEach(function(node) { var deltaX = node.x; var deltaY = node.y; var delta = deltaY*deltaY + deltaX*deltaX; distances.push({node: node, delta: delta}) }); if (distances.length > 0) { distances.sort(function(A,B) { return A.delta - B.delta }) var newNode = distances[0].node; if (newNode) { RED.view.select({nodes:[newNode]}); RED.view.reveal(newNode.id,false); } } } } function alignSelectionToEdge(direction) { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length > 1) { var changedNodes = []; var bounds = { minX: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, minY: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, maxX: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, maxY: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER } selection.nodes.forEach(function(n) { if (n.type === "group") { bounds.minX = Math.min(bounds.minX, n.x); bounds.minY = Math.min(bounds.minY, n.y); bounds.maxX = Math.max(bounds.maxX, n.x + n.w); bounds.maxY = Math.max(bounds.maxY, n.y + n.h); } else { bounds.minX = Math.min(bounds.minX, n.x - n.w/2); bounds.minY = Math.min(bounds.minY, n.y - n.h/2); bounds.maxX = Math.max(bounds.maxX, n.x + n.w/2); bounds.maxY = Math.max(bounds.maxY, n.y + n.h/2); } }); bounds.midX = bounds.minX + (bounds.maxX - bounds.minX)/2; bounds.midY = bounds.minY + (bounds.maxY - bounds.minY)/2; selection.nodes.forEach(function(n) { var targetX; var targetY; var isGroup = n.type==="group"; switch(direction) { case 'top': targetX = n.x; targetY = bounds.minY + (isGroup?0:(n.h/2)); break; case 'bottom': targetX = n.x; targetY = bounds.maxY - (isGroup?n.h:(n.h/2)); break; case 'left': targetX = bounds.minX + (isGroup?0:(n.w/2)); targetY = n.y; break; case 'right': targetX = bounds.maxX - (isGroup?n.w:(n.w/2)); targetY = n.y; break; case 'middle': targetX = n.x; targetY = bounds.midY - (isGroup?n.h/2:0) break; case 'center': targetX = bounds.midX - (isGroup?n.w/2:0) targetY = n.y; break; } if (n.x !== targetX || n.y !== targetY) { if (!isGroup) { changedNodes.push({ n:n, ox: n.x, oy: n.y, moved: n.moved }); n.x = targetX; n.y = targetY; n.dirty = true; n.moved = true; } else { var groupNodes = RED.group.getNodes(n, true); var deltaX = n.x - targetX; var deltaY = n.y - targetY; groupNodes.forEach(function(gn) { if (gn.type !== "group" ) { changedNodes.push({ n:gn, ox: gn.x, oy: gn.y, moved: gn.moved }); gn.x = gn.x - deltaX; gn.y = gn.y - deltaY; gn.dirty = true; gn.moved = true; } }) } } }); if (changedNodes.length > 0) { RED.history.push({t:"move",nodes:changedNodes,dirty:RED.nodes.dirty()}); RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.view.redraw(true); } } } function distributeSelection(direction) { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length > 2) { var changedNodes = []; var bounds = { minX: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, minY: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, maxX: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, maxY: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER } var startAnchors = []; var endAnchors = []; selection.nodes.forEach(function(n) { var nx,ny; if (n.type === "group") { nx = n.x + n.w/2; ny = n.y + n.h/2; } else { nx = n.x; ny = n.y; } if (direction === "h") { if (nx < bounds.minX) { startAnchors = []; bounds.minX = nx; } if (nx === bounds.minX) { startAnchors.push(n); } if (nx > bounds.maxX) { endAnchors = []; bounds.maxX = nx; } if (nx === bounds.maxX) { endAnchors.push(n); } } else { if (ny < bounds.minY) { startAnchors = []; bounds.minY = ny; } if (ny === bounds.minY) { startAnchors.push(n); } if (ny > bounds.maxY) { endAnchors = []; bounds.maxY = ny; } if (ny === bounds.maxY) { endAnchors.push(n); } } }); var startAnchor = startAnchors[0]; var endAnchor = endAnchors[0]; var nodeSpace = 0; var nodesToMove = selection.nodes.filter(function(n) { if (n.id !== startAnchor.id && n.id !== endAnchor.id) { nodeSpace += direction === 'h'?n.w:n.h; return true; } return false; }).sort(function(A,B) { if (direction === 'h') { return A.x - B.x } else { return A.y - B.y } }) var saX = startAnchor.x + startAnchor.w/2; var saY = startAnchor.y + startAnchor.h/2; if (startAnchor.type === "group") { saX = startAnchor.x + startAnchor.w; saY = startAnchor.y + startAnchor.h; } var eaX = endAnchor.x; var eaY = endAnchor.y; if (endAnchor.type !== "group") { eaX -= endAnchor.w/2; eaY -= endAnchor.h/2; } var spaceToFill = direction === 'h'?(eaX - saX - nodeSpace): (eaY - saY - nodeSpace); var spaceBetweenNodes = spaceToFill / (nodesToMove.length + 1); var tx = saX; var ty = saY; while(nodesToMove.length > 0) { if (direction === 'h') { tx += spaceBetweenNodes; } else { ty += spaceBetweenNodes; } var nextNode = nodesToMove.shift(); var isGroup = nextNode.type==="group"; var nx = nextNode.x; var ny = nextNode.y; if (!isGroup) { tx += nextNode.w/2; ty += nextNode.h/2; } if ((direction === 'h' && nx !== tx) || (direction === 'v' && ny !== ty)) { if (!isGroup) { changedNodes.push({ n:nextNode, ox: nextNode.x, oy: nextNode.y, moved: nextNode.moved }); if (direction === 'h') { nextNode.x = tx; } else { nextNode.y = ty; } nextNode.dirty = true; nextNode.moved = true; } else { var groupNodes = RED.group.getNodes(nextNode, true); var deltaX = direction === 'h'? nx - tx : 0; var deltaY = direction === 'v'? ny - ty : 0; groupNodes.forEach(function(gn) { if (gn.type !== "group" ) { changedNodes.push({ n:gn, ox: gn.x, oy: gn.y, moved: gn.moved }); gn.x = gn.x - deltaX; gn.y = gn.y - deltaY; gn.dirty = true; gn.moved = true; } }) } } if (isGroup) { tx += nextNode.w; ty += nextNode.h; } else { tx += nextNode.w/2; ty += nextNode.h/2; } } if (changedNodes.length > 0) { RED.history.push({t:"move",nodes:changedNodes,dirty:RED.nodes.dirty()}); RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.view.redraw(true); } } } function reorderSelection(dir) { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes) { var nodesToMove = []; selection.nodes.forEach(function(n) { if (n.type === "group") { nodesToMove = nodesToMove.concat(RED.group.getNodes(n, true).filter(function(n) { return n.type !== "group"; })) } else if (n.type !== "subflow"){ nodesToMove.push(n); } }) if (nodesToMove.length > 0) { var z = nodesToMove[0].z; var existingOrder = RED.nodes.getNodeOrder(z); var movedNodes; if (dir === "forwards") { movedNodes = RED.nodes.moveNodesForwards(nodesToMove); } else if (dir === "backwards") { movedNodes = RED.nodes.moveNodesBackwards(nodesToMove); } else if (dir === "front") { movedNodes = RED.nodes.moveNodesToFront(nodesToMove); } else if (dir === "back") { movedNodes = RED.nodes.moveNodesToBack(nodesToMove); } if (movedNodes.length > 0) { var newOrder = RED.nodes.getNodeOrder(z); RED.history.push({t:"reorder",nodes:{z:z,from:existingOrder,to:newOrder},dirty:RED.nodes.dirty()}); RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.view.redraw(true); } } } } function wireSeriesOfNodes() { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes) { if (selection.nodes.length > 1) { var i = 0; var newLinks = []; while (i < selection.nodes.length - 1) { var nodeA = selection.nodes[i]; var nodeB = selection.nodes[i+1]; if (nodeA.outputs > 0 && nodeB.inputs > 0) { var existingLinks = RED.nodes.filterLinks({ source: nodeA, target: nodeB, sourcePort: 0 }) if (existingLinks.length === 0) { var newLink = { source: nodeA, target: nodeB, sourcePort: 0 } RED.nodes.addLink(newLink); newLinks.push(newLink); } } i++; } if (newLinks.length > 0) { RED.history.push({ t: 'add', links: newLinks, dirty: RED.nodes.dirty() }) RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.view.redraw(true); } } } } function wireNodeToMultiple() { var selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes) { if (selection.nodes.length > 1) { var sourceNode = selection.nodes[0]; if (sourceNode.outputs === 0) { return; } var i = 1; var newLinks = []; while (i < selection.nodes.length) { var targetNode = selection.nodes[i]; if (targetNode.inputs > 0) { var existingLinks = RED.nodes.filterLinks({ source: sourceNode, target: targetNode, sourcePort: Math.min(sourceNode.outputs-1,i-1) }) if (existingLinks.length === 0) { var newLink = { source: sourceNode, target: targetNode, sourcePort: Math.min(sourceNode.outputs-1,i-1) } RED.nodes.addLink(newLink); newLinks.push(newLink); } } i++; } if (newLinks.length > 0) { RED.history.push({ t: 'add', links: newLinks, dirty: RED.nodes.dirty() }) RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.view.redraw(true); } } } } /** * Splits selected wires and re-joins them with link-out+link-in * @param {Object || Object[]} wires The wire(s) to split and replace with link-out, link-in nodes. */ function splitWiresWithLinkNodes(wires) { let wiresToSplit = wires || (RED.view.selection().links && RED.view.selection().links.filter(e => !e.link)); if (!wiresToSplit) { return } if (!Array.isArray(wiresToSplit)) { wiresToSplit = [wiresToSplit]; } if (wiresToSplit.length < 1) { return; //nothing selected } const history = { t: 'multi', events: [], dirty: RED.nodes.dirty() } const nodeSrcMap = {}; const nodeTrgMap = {}; const _gridSize = RED.view.gridSize(); for (let wireIdx = 0; wireIdx < wiresToSplit.length; wireIdx++) { const wire = wiresToSplit[wireIdx]; //get source and target nodes of this wire link const nSrc = wire.source; const nTrg = wire.target; var updateNewNodePosXY = function (origNode, newNode, alignLeft, snap, yOffset) { const nnSize = RED.view.calculateNodeDimensions(newNode); newNode.w = nnSize[0]; newNode.h = nnSize[1]; const coords = { x: origNode.x || 0, y: origNode.y || 0, w: origNode.w || RED.view.node_width, h: origNode.h || RED.view.node_height }; const x = coords.x - (coords.w/2.0); if (alignLeft) { coords.x = x - _gridSize - (newNode.w/2.0); } else { coords.x = x + coords.w + _gridSize + (newNode.w/2.0); } newNode.x = coords.x; newNode.y = coords.y; if (snap !== false) { const offsets = RED.view.tools.calculateGridSnapOffsets(newNode); newNode.x -= offsets.x; newNode.y -= offsets.y; } newNode.y += (yOffset || 0); } const srcPort = (wire.sourcePort || 0); let linkOutMapId = nSrc.id + ':' + srcPort; let nnLinkOut = nodeSrcMap[linkOutMapId]; //Create a Link Out if one is not already present if(!nnLinkOut) { const nLinkOut = RED.view.createNode("link out"); //create link node nnLinkOut = nLinkOut.node; nodeSrcMap[linkOutMapId] = nnLinkOut; let yOffset = 0; if(nSrc.outputs > 1) { const CENTER_PORT = (((nSrc.outputs-1) / 2) + 1); const offsetCount = Math.abs(CENTER_PORT - (srcPort + 1)); yOffset = (_gridSize * 2 * offsetCount); if((srcPort + 1) < CENTER_PORT) { yOffset = -yOffset; } updateNewNodePosXY(nSrc, nnLinkOut, false, false, yOffset); } else { updateNewNodePosXY(nSrc, nnLinkOut, false, RED.view.snapGrid, yOffset); } //add created node RED.nodes.add(nnLinkOut); RED.editor.validateNode(nnLinkOut); history.events.push(nLinkOut.historyEvent); //connect node to link node const link = { source: nSrc, sourcePort: wire.sourcePort || 0, target: nnLinkOut }; RED.nodes.addLink(link); history.events.push({ t: 'add', links: [link], }); } let nnLinkIn = nodeTrgMap[nTrg.id]; //Create a Link In if one is not already present if(!nnLinkIn) { const nLinkIn = RED.view.createNode("link in"); //create link node nnLinkIn = nLinkIn.node; nodeTrgMap[nTrg.id] = nnLinkIn; updateNewNodePosXY(nTrg, nnLinkIn, true, RED.view.snapGrid, 0); //add created node RED.nodes.add(nnLinkIn); RED.editor.validateNode(nnLinkIn); history.events.push(nLinkIn.historyEvent); //connect node to link node const link = { source: nnLinkIn, sourcePort: 0, target: nTrg }; RED.nodes.addLink(link); history.events.push({ t: 'add', links: [link], }); } //connect the link out/link in virtual wires if(nnLinkIn.links.indexOf(nnLinkOut.id) == -1) { nnLinkIn.links.push(nnLinkOut.id); } if(nnLinkOut.links.indexOf(nnLinkIn.id) == -1) { nnLinkOut.links.push(nnLinkIn.id); } //delete the original wire RED.nodes.removeLink(wire); history.events.push({ t: "delete", links: [wire] }); } //add all history events to stack RED.history.push(history); //select all downstream of new link-in nodes so user can drag to new location RED.view.clearSelection(); RED.view.select({nodes: Object.values(nodeTrgMap) }); selectConnected("down"); //update the view RED.nodes.dirty(true); RED.view.redraw(true); } /** * Calculate the required offsets to snap a node * @param {Object} node The node to calculate grid snap offsets for * @param {Object} [options] Options: `align` can be "nearest", "left" or "right" * @returns `{x:number, y:number}` as the offsets to deduct from `x` and `y` */ function calculateGridSnapOffsets(node, options) { options = options || { align: "nearest" }; const gridOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; const gridSize = RED.view.gridSize(); const offsetLeft = node.x - (gridSize * Math.round((node.x - node.w / 2) / gridSize) + node.w / 2); const offsetRight = node.x - (gridSize * Math.round((node.x + node.w / 2) / gridSize) - node.w / 2); gridOffset.x = offsetRight; if (options.align === "right") { //skip - already set to right } else if (options.align === "left" || Math.abs(offsetLeft) < Math.abs(offsetRight)) { gridOffset.x = offsetLeft; } gridOffset.y = node.y - (gridSize * Math.round(node.y / gridSize)); return gridOffset; } /** * Generate names for the select nodes. * - it only sets the name if it is currently blank * - it uses ` ` - where N is the next available integer that * doesn't clash with any existing nodes of that type * @param {Object} node The node to set the name of - if not provided, uses current selection * @param {{ renameBlank: boolean, renameClash: boolean, generateHistory: boolean }} options Possible options are `renameBlank`, `renameClash` and `generateHistory` */ function generateNodeNames(node, options) { options = Object.assign({ renameBlank: true, renameClash: true, generateHistory: true }, options) let nodes = node; if (node) { if (!Array.isArray(node)) { nodes = [ node ] } } else { nodes = RED.view.selection().nodes; } if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) { // Generate history event if using the workspace selection, // or if the provided node already exists const generateHistory = options.generateHistory && (!node || !!RED.nodes.node(node.id)) const historyEvents = [] const typeIndex = {} let changed = false; nodes.forEach(n => { const nodeDef = n._def || RED.nodes.getType(n.type) if (nodeDef && nodeDef.defaults && nodeDef.defaults.name) { const paletteLabel = RED.utils.getPaletteLabel(n.type, nodeDef) const defaultNodeNameRE = new RegExp('^'+paletteLabel.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')+' (\\d+)$') if (!typeIndex.hasOwnProperty(n.type)) { const existingNodes = RED.nodes.filterNodes({type: n.type}) let maxNameNumber = 0; existingNodes.forEach(n => { let match = defaultNodeNameRE.exec(n.name) if (match) { let nodeNumber = parseInt(match[1]) if (nodeNumber > maxNameNumber) { maxNameNumber = nodeNumber } } }) typeIndex[n.type] = maxNameNumber + 1 } if ((options.renameBlank && n.name === '') || (options.renameClash && defaultNodeNameRE.test(n.name))) { if (generateHistory) { historyEvents.push({ t:'edit', node: n, changes: { name: n.name }, dirty: RED.nodes.dirty(), changed: n.changed }) } n.name = paletteLabel+" "+typeIndex[n.type] n.dirty = true typeIndex[n.type]++ changed = true } } }) if (changed) { if (historyEvents.length > 0) { RED.history.push({ t: 'multi', events: historyEvents }) } RED.nodes.dirty(true) RED.view.redraw() } } } function addJunctionsToWires(wires) { let wiresToSplit = wires || (RED.view.selection().links && RED.view.selection().links.filter(e => !e.link)); if (!wiresToSplit) { return } if (!Array.isArray(wiresToSplit)) { wiresToSplit = [wiresToSplit]; } if (wiresToSplit.length === 0) { return; } var removedLinks = new Set() var addedLinks = [] var addedJunctions = [] var groupedLinks = {} wiresToSplit.forEach(function(l) { var sourceId = l.source.id+":"+l.sourcePort groupedLinks[sourceId] = groupedLinks[sourceId] || [] groupedLinks[sourceId].push(l) groupedLinks[l.target.id] = groupedLinks[l.target.id] || [] groupedLinks[l.target.id].push(l) }); var linkGroups = Object.keys(groupedLinks) linkGroups.sort(function(A,B) { return groupedLinks[B].length - groupedLinks[A].length }) const wasDirty = RED.nodes.dirty() linkGroups.forEach(function(gid) { var links = groupedLinks[gid] var junction = { _def: {defaults:{}}, type: 'junction', z: RED.workspaces.active(), id: RED.nodes.id(), x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0, outputs: 1, inputs: 1, dirty: true } links = links.filter(function(l) { return !removedLinks.has(l) }) if (links.length === 0) { return } let pointCount = 0 links.forEach(function(l) { if (l._sliceLocation) { junction.x += l._sliceLocation.x junction.y += l._sliceLocation.y delete l._sliceLocation pointCount++ } else { junction.x += l.source.x + l.source.w/2 + l.target.x - l.target.w/2 junction.y += l.source.y + l.target.y pointCount += 2 } }) junction.x = Math.round(junction.x/pointCount) junction.y = Math.round(junction.y/pointCount) if (RED.view.snapGrid) { let gridSize = RED.view.gridSize() junction.x = (gridSize*Math.round(junction.x/gridSize)); junction.y = (gridSize*Math.round(junction.y/gridSize)); } var nodeGroups = new Set() RED.nodes.addJunction(junction) addedJunctions.push(junction) let newLink if (gid === links[0].source.id+":"+links[0].sourcePort) { newLink = { source: links[0].source, sourcePort: links[0].sourcePort, target: junction } } else { newLink = { source: junction, sourcePort: 0, target: links[0].target } } addedLinks.push(newLink) RED.nodes.addLink(newLink) links.forEach(function(l) { removedLinks.add(l) RED.nodes.removeLink(l) let newLink if (gid === l.target.id) { newLink = { source: l.source, sourcePort: l.sourcePort, target: junction } } else { newLink = { source: junction, sourcePort: 0, target: l.target } } addedLinks.push(newLink) RED.nodes.addLink(newLink) nodeGroups.add(l.source.g || "__NONE__") nodeGroups.add(l.target.g || "__NONE__") }) if (nodeGroups.size === 1) { var group = nodeGroups.values().next().value if (group !== "__NONE__") { RED.group.addToGroup(RED.nodes.group(group), junction) } } }) if (addedJunctions.length > 0) { RED.history.push({ dirty: wasDirty, t: 'add', links: addedLinks, junctions: addedJunctions, removedLinks: Array.from(removedLinks) }) RED.nodes.dirty(true) RED.view.select({nodes: addedJunctions }); } RED.view.redraw(true); } function copyItemUrl(node, isEdit) { if (!node) { const selection = RED.view.selection(); if (selection.nodes && selection.nodes.length > 0) { node = selection.nodes[0] } } if (node) { let thingType = 'node' if (node.type === 'group') { thingType = 'group' } else if (node.type === 'tab' || node.type === 'subflow') { thingType = 'flow' } let url = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}#${thingType}/${node.id}` if (isEdit) { url += '/edit' } if (RED.clipboard.copyText(url)) { RED.notify(RED._("sidebar.info.copyURL2Clipboard"), { timeout: 2000 }) } } } return { init: function() { RED.actions.add("core:show-selected-node-labels", function() { setSelectedNodeLabelState(true); }) RED.actions.add("core:hide-selected-node-labels", function() { setSelectedNodeLabelState(false); }) RED.actions.add("core:scroll-view-up", function() { RED.view.scroll(0,-RED.view.gridSize());}); RED.actions.add("core:scroll-view-right", function() { RED.view.scroll(RED.view.gridSize(),0);}); RED.actions.add("core:scroll-view-down", function() { RED.view.scroll(0,RED.view.gridSize());}); RED.actions.add("core:scroll-view-left", function() { RED.view.scroll(-RED.view.gridSize(),0);}); RED.actions.add("core:step-view-up", function() { RED.view.scroll(0,-5*RED.view.gridSize());}); RED.actions.add("core:step-view-right", function() { RED.view.scroll(5*RED.view.gridSize(),0);}); RED.actions.add("core:step-view-down", function() { RED.view.scroll(0,5*RED.view.gridSize());}); RED.actions.add("core:step-view-left", function() { RED.view.scroll(-5*RED.view.gridSize(),0);}); RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-up", function() { moveSelection(0,-1);}); RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-right", function() { moveSelection(1,0);}); RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-down", function() { moveSelection(0,1);}); RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-left", function() { moveSelection(-1,0);}); RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-forwards", function() { reorderSelection('forwards') }) RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-backwards", function() { reorderSelection('backwards') }) RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-to-front", function() { reorderSelection('front') }) RED.actions.add("core:move-selection-to-back", function() { reorderSelection('back') }) RED.actions.add("core:step-selection-up", function() { moveSelection(0,-RED.view.gridSize());}); RED.actions.add("core:step-selection-right", function() { moveSelection(RED.view.gridSize(),0);}); RED.actions.add("core:step-selection-down", function() { moveSelection(0,RED.view.gridSize());}); RED.actions.add("core:step-selection-left", function() { moveSelection(-RED.view.gridSize(),0);}); RED.actions.add("core:select-connected-nodes", function() { selectConnected("all") }); RED.actions.add("core:select-downstream-nodes", function() { selectConnected("down") }); RED.actions.add("core:select-upstream-nodes", function() { selectConnected("up") }); RED.actions.add("core:go-to-next-node", function() { gotoNextNode() }) RED.actions.add("core:go-to-previous-node", function() { gotoPreviousNode() }) RED.actions.add("core:go-to-next-sibling", function() { gotoNextSibling() }) RED.actions.add("core:go-to-previous-sibling", function() { gotoPreviousSibling() }) RED.actions.add("core:go-to-nearest-node-on-left", function() { gotoNearestNode('left')}) RED.actions.add("core:go-to-nearest-node-on-right", function() { gotoNearestNode('right')}) RED.actions.add("core:go-to-nearest-node-above", function() { gotoNearestNode('up') }) RED.actions.add("core:go-to-nearest-node-below", function() { gotoNearestNode('down') }) RED.actions.add("core:align-selection-to-grid", alignToGrid); RED.actions.add("core:align-selection-to-left", function() { alignSelectionToEdge('left') }) RED.actions.add("core:align-selection-to-right", function() { alignSelectionToEdge('right') }) RED.actions.add("core:align-selection-to-top", function() { alignSelectionToEdge('top') }) RED.actions.add("core:align-selection-to-bottom", function() { alignSelectionToEdge('bottom') }) RED.actions.add("core:align-selection-to-middle", function() { alignSelectionToEdge('middle') }) RED.actions.add("core:align-selection-to-center", function() { alignSelectionToEdge('center') }) RED.actions.add("core:distribute-selection-horizontally", function() { distributeSelection('h') }) RED.actions.add("core:distribute-selection-vertically", function() { distributeSelection('v') }) RED.actions.add("core:wire-series-of-nodes", function() { wireSeriesOfNodes() }) RED.actions.add("core:wire-node-to-multiple", function() { wireNodeToMultiple() }) RED.actions.add("core:split-wire-with-link-nodes", function () { splitWiresWithLinkNodes() }); RED.actions.add("core:split-wires-with-junctions", function () { addJunctionsToWires() }); RED.actions.add("core:generate-node-names", generateNodeNames ) RED.actions.add("core:copy-item-url", function (node) { copyItemUrl(node) }) RED.actions.add("core:copy-item-edit-url", function (node) { copyItemUrl(node, true) }) // RED.actions.add("core:add-node", function() { addNode() }) }, /** * Aligns all selected nodes to the current grid */ alignSelectionToGrid: alignToGrid, /** * Moves all of the selected nodes by the specified amount * @param {Number} dx * @param {Number} dy */ moveSelection: moveSelection, calculateGridSnapOffsets: calculateGridSnapOffsets } })();