/** * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var i18n = require("i18next"); var when = require("when"); var path = require("path"); var fs = require("fs"); var defaultLang = "en-US"; var resourceMap = { "messages": { basedir: path.resolve(__dirname+"/../locales"), file:"messages.json" } } var resourceCache = {} function registerMessageCatalog(namespace,dir,file) { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { resourceMap[namespace] = { basedir:dir, file:file}; i18n.loadNamespace(namespace,function() { //console.log(namespace,dir); resolve(); }); }); } var MessageFileLoader = { fetchOne: function(lng, ns, callback) { if (resourceMap[ns]) { var file = path.join(resourceMap[ns].basedir,lng,resourceMap[ns].file); fs.readFile(file,"utf8",function(err,content) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { try { //console.log(">>",ns,file); resourceCache[ns] = resourceCache[ns]||{}; resourceCache[ns][lng] = JSON.parse(content.replace(/^\uFEFF/, '')); callback(null, resourceCache[ns][lng]); } catch(e) { callback(e); } } }); } else { callback(new Error("Unrecognised namespace")); } } } function init() { return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) { i18n.backend(MessageFileLoader); i18n.init({ ns: { namespaces: ["messages"], defaultNs: "messages" }, fallbackLng: ['en-US'] },function() { resolve(); }); }); } function getCatalog(namespace,lang) { var result = null; if (resourceCache.hasOwnProperty(namespace)) { result = resourceCache[namespace][lang]; if (!result) { var langParts = lang.split("-"); if (langParts.length == 2) { result = getCatalog(namespace,langParts[0]); } } } return result; } var obj = module.exports = { init: init, registerMessageCatalog: registerMessageCatalog, catalog: getCatalog, i: i18n } obj['_'] = function() { //var opts = {}; //if (def) { // opts.defaultValue = def; //} //console.log(arguments); return i18n.t.apply(null,arguments); }