/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var request = require('supertest'); var express = require('express'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var when = require('when'); var fs = require("fs"); var app = express(); var theme = require("../../../red/api/theme"); describe("theme handler", function() { beforeEach(function() { sinon.stub(fs,"statSync",function() { return true; }); }); afterEach(function() { theme.init({settings:{}}); fs.statSync.restore(); }); it("applies the default theme", function() { var result = theme.init({settings:{},version:function() { return '123.456'}}); should.not.exist(result); var context = theme.context(); context.should.have.a.property("page"); context.page.should.have.a.property("title","Node-RED"); context.page.should.have.a.property("favicon","favicon.ico"); context.should.have.a.property("header"); context.header.should.have.a.property("title","Node-RED"); context.header.should.have.a.property("image","red/images/node-red.png"); context.should.have.a.property("version","123.456"); should.not.exist(theme.settings()); }); it("picks up custom theme", function() { theme.init({settings:{ editorTheme: { page: { title: "Test Page Title", favicon: "/absolute/path/to/theme/icon", css: "/absolute/path/to/custom/css/file.css", scripts: "/absolute/path/to/script.js" }, header: { title: "Test Header Title", image: "/absolute/path/to/header/image" // or null to remove image }, deployButton: { type:"simple", label:"Save", icon: "/absolute/path/to/deploy/button/image" // or null to remove image }, customScripts: [ "/absolute/path/to/script.js" ], menu: { // Hide unwanted menu items by id. see editor/js/main.js:loadEditor for complete list "menu-item-import-library": false, "menu-item-export-library": false, "menu-item-keyboard-shortcuts": false, "menu-item-help": { label: "Alternative Help Link Text", url: "http://example.com" } }, userMenu: false, // Hide the user-menu even if adminAuth is enabled login: { image: "/absolute/path/to/login/page/big/image" // a 256x256 image } } }}); theme.app(); var context = theme.context(); context.should.have.a.property("page"); context.page.should.have.a.property("title","Test Page Title"); context.should.have.a.property("header"); context.header.should.have.a.property("title","Test Header Title"); context.page.should.have.a.property("css"); context.page.css.should.have.lengthOf(1); context.page.css[0].should.eql('theme/css/file.css'); context.page.should.have.a.property("scripts"); context.page.scripts.should.have.lengthOf(1); context.page.scripts[0].should.eql('theme/scripts/script.js'); var settings = theme.settings(); settings.should.have.a.property("deployButton"); settings.should.have.a.property("userMenu"); settings.should.have.a.property("menu"); }); });