/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var bodyParser = require("body-parser"); var multer = require("multer"); var cookieParser = require("cookie-parser"); var getBody = require('raw-body'); var cors = require('cors'); var onHeaders = require('on-headers'); var typer = require('content-type'); var mediaTyper = require('media-typer'); var isUtf8 = require('is-utf8'); var hashSum = require("hash-sum"); function rawBodyParser(req, res, next) { if (req.skipRawBodyParser) { next(); } // don't parse this if told to skip if (req._body) { return next(); } req.body = ""; req._body = true; var isText = true; var checkUTF = false; if (req.headers['content-type']) { var contentType = typer.parse(req.headers['content-type']) if (contentType.type) { var parsedType = mediaTyper.parse(contentType.type); if (parsedType.type === "text") { isText = true; } else if (parsedType.subtype === "xml" || parsedType.suffix === "xml") { isText = true; } else if (parsedType.type !== "application") { isText = false; } else if ((parsedType.subtype !== "octet-stream") && (parsedType.subtype !== "cbor")) { checkUTF = true; } else { // application/octet-stream or application/cbor isText = false; } } } getBody(req, { length: req.headers['content-length'], encoding: isText ? "utf8" : null }, function (err, buf) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!isText && checkUTF && isUtf8(buf)) { buf = buf.toString() } req.body = buf; next(); }); } var corsSetup = false; function createRequestWrapper(node,req) { // This misses a bunch of properties (eg headers). Before we use this function // need to ensure it captures everything documented by Express and HTTP modules. var wrapper = { _req: req }; var toWrap = [ "param", "get", "is", "acceptsCharset", "acceptsLanguage", "app", "baseUrl", "body", "cookies", "fresh", "hostname", "ip", "ips", "originalUrl", "params", "path", "protocol", "query", "route", "secure", "signedCookies", "stale", "subdomains", "xhr", "socket" // TODO: tidy this up ]; toWrap.forEach(function(f) { if (typeof req[f] === "function") { wrapper[f] = function() { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.deprecated-call",{method:"msg.req."+f})); var result = req[f].apply(req,arguments); if (result === req) { return wrapper; } else { return result; } } } else { wrapper[f] = req[f]; } }); return wrapper; } function createResponseWrapper(node,res) { var wrapper = { _res: res }; var toWrap = [ "append", "attachment", "cookie", "clearCookie", "download", "end", "format", "get", "json", "jsonp", "links", "location", "redirect", "render", "send", "sendfile", "sendFile", "sendStatus", "set", "status", "type", "vary" ]; toWrap.forEach(function(f) { wrapper[f] = function() { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.deprecated-call",{method:"msg.res."+f})); var result = res[f].apply(res,arguments); if (result === res) { return wrapper; } else { return result; } } }); return wrapper; } var corsHandler = function(req,res,next) { next(); } if (RED.settings.httpNodeCors) { corsHandler = cors(RED.settings.httpNodeCors); RED.httpNode.options("*",corsHandler); } function HTTPIn(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); if (RED.settings.httpNodeRoot !== false) { if (!n.url) { this.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.missing-path")); return; } this.url = n.url; if (this.url[0] !== '/') { this.url = '/'+this.url; } this.method = n.method; this.upload = n.upload; this.swaggerDoc = n.swaggerDoc; var node = this; this.errorHandler = function(err,req,res,next) { node.warn(err); res.sendStatus(500); }; this.callback = function(req,res) { var msgid = RED.util.generateId(); res._msgid = msgid; if (node.method.match(/^(post|delete|put|options|patch)$/)) { node.send({_msgid:msgid,req:req,res:createResponseWrapper(node,res),payload:req.body}); } else if (node.method == "get") { node.send({_msgid:msgid,req:req,res:createResponseWrapper(node,res),payload:req.query}); } else { node.send({_msgid:msgid,req:req,res:createResponseWrapper(node,res)}); } }; var httpMiddleware = function(req,res,next) { next(); } if (RED.settings.httpNodeMiddleware) { if (typeof RED.settings.httpNodeMiddleware === "function") { httpMiddleware = RED.settings.httpNodeMiddleware; } } var maxApiRequestSize = RED.settings.apiMaxLength || '5mb'; var jsonParser = bodyParser.json({limit:maxApiRequestSize}); var urlencParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({limit:maxApiRequestSize,extended:true}); var metricsHandler = function(req,res,next) { next(); } if (this.metric()) { metricsHandler = function(req, res, next) { var startAt = process.hrtime(); onHeaders(res, function() { if (res._msgid) { var diff = process.hrtime(startAt); var ms = diff[0] * 1e3 + diff[1] * 1e-6; var metricResponseTime = ms.toFixed(3); var metricContentLength = res.getHeader("content-length"); //assuming that _id has been set for res._metrics in HttpOut node! node.metric("response.time.millis", {_msgid:res._msgid} , metricResponseTime); node.metric("response.content-length.bytes", {_msgid:res._msgid} , metricContentLength); } }); next(); }; } var multipartParser = function(req,res,next) { next(); } if (this.upload) { var mp = multer({ storage: multer.memoryStorage() }).any(); multipartParser = function(req,res,next) { mp(req,res,function(err) { req._body = true; next(err); }) }; } if (this.method == "get") { RED.httpNode.get(this.url,cookieParser(),httpMiddleware,corsHandler,metricsHandler,this.callback,this.errorHandler); } else if (this.method == "post") { RED.httpNode.post(this.url,cookieParser(),httpMiddleware,corsHandler,metricsHandler,jsonParser,urlencParser,multipartParser,rawBodyParser,this.callback,this.errorHandler); } else if (this.method == "put") { RED.httpNode.put(this.url,cookieParser(),httpMiddleware,corsHandler,metricsHandler,jsonParser,urlencParser,rawBodyParser,this.callback,this.errorHandler); } else if (this.method == "patch") { RED.httpNode.patch(this.url,cookieParser(),httpMiddleware,corsHandler,metricsHandler,jsonParser,urlencParser,rawBodyParser,this.callback,this.errorHandler); } else if (this.method == "delete") { RED.httpNode.delete(this.url,cookieParser(),httpMiddleware,corsHandler,metricsHandler,jsonParser,urlencParser,rawBodyParser,this.callback,this.errorHandler); } this.on("close",function() { var node = this; RED.httpNode._router.stack.forEach(function(route,i,routes) { if (route.route && route.route.path === node.url && route.route.methods[node.method]) { routes.splice(i,1); } }); }); } else { this.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.not-created")); } } RED.nodes.registerType("http in",HTTPIn); function HTTPOut(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); var node = this; this.headers = n.headers||{}; this.statusCode = n.statusCode; this.on("input",function(msg,_send,done) { if (msg.res) { var headers = RED.util.cloneMessage(node.headers); if (msg.headers) { if (msg.headers.hasOwnProperty('x-node-red-request-node')) { var headerHash = msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node']; delete msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node']; var hash = hashSum(msg.headers); if (hash === headerHash) { delete msg.headers; } } if (msg.headers) { for (var h in msg.headers) { if (msg.headers.hasOwnProperty(h) && !headers.hasOwnProperty(h)) { headers[h] = msg.headers[h]; } } } } if (Object.keys(headers).length > 0) { msg.res._res.set(headers); } if (msg.cookies) { for (var name in msg.cookies) { if (msg.cookies.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (msg.cookies[name] === null || msg.cookies[name].value === null) { if (msg.cookies[name]!==null) { msg.res._res.clearCookie(name,msg.cookies[name]); } else { msg.res._res.clearCookie(name); } } else if (typeof msg.cookies[name] === 'object') { msg.res._res.cookie(name,msg.cookies[name].value,msg.cookies[name]); } else { msg.res._res.cookie(name,msg.cookies[name]); } } } } var statusCode = node.statusCode || msg.statusCode || 200; if (typeof msg.payload == "object" && !Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { msg.res._res.status(statusCode).jsonp(msg.payload); } else { if (msg.res._res.get('content-length') == null) { var len; if (msg.payload == null) { len = 0; } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { len = msg.payload.length; } else if (typeof msg.payload == "number") { len = Buffer.byteLength(""+msg.payload); } else { len = Buffer.byteLength(msg.payload); } msg.res._res.set('content-length', len); } if (typeof msg.payload === "number") { msg.payload = ""+msg.payload; } msg.res._res.status(statusCode).send(msg.payload); } } else { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.no-response")); } done(); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("http response",HTTPOut); }