/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var util = require("util"); var vm = require("vm"); function sendResults(node,send,_msgid,msgs,cloneFirstMessage) { if (msgs == null) { return; } else if (!util.isArray(msgs)) { msgs = [msgs]; } var msgCount = 0; for (var m=0; m0) { send(msgs); } } function FunctionNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); var node = this; this.name = n.name; this.func = n.func; this.ini = n.initialize; this.fin = n.finalize; var handleNodeDoneCall = true; // Check to see if the Function appears to call `node.done()`. If so, // we will assume it is well written and does actually call node.done(). // Otherwise, we will call node.done() after the function returns regardless. if (/node\.done\s*\(\s*\)/.test(this.func)) { handleNodeDoneCall = false; } var functionText = "var results = null;"+ "results = (function(msg,__send__,__done__){ "+ "var __msgid__ = msg._msgid;"+ "var node = {"+ "id:__node__.id,"+ "name:__node__.name,"+ "log:__node__.log,"+ "error:__node__.error,"+ "warn:__node__.warn,"+ "debug:__node__.debug,"+ "trace:__node__.trace,"+ "on:__node__.on,"+ "status:__node__.status,"+ "send:function(msgs,cloneMsg){ __node__.send(__send__,__msgid__,msgs,cloneMsg);},"+ "done:__done__"+ "};\n"+ this.func+"\n"+ "})(msg,send,done);"; var iniText = "(function () {\n"+this.ini +"\n})();"; var finText = "(function () {\n"+this.fin +"\n})();"; this.topic = n.topic; this.outstandingTimers = []; this.outstandingIntervals = []; var sandbox = { console:console, util:util, Buffer:Buffer, Date: Date, RED: { util: RED.util }, __node__: { id: node.id, name: node.name, log: function() { node.log.apply(node, arguments); }, error: function() { node.error.apply(node, arguments); }, warn: function() { node.warn.apply(node, arguments); }, debug: function() { node.debug.apply(node, arguments); }, trace: function() { node.trace.apply(node, arguments); }, send: function(send, id, msgs, cloneMsg) { sendResults(node, send, id, msgs, cloneMsg); }, on: function() { if (arguments[0] === "input") { throw new Error(RED._("function.error.inputListener")); } node.on.apply(node, arguments); }, status: function() { node.status.apply(node, arguments); } }, context: { set: function() { node.context().set.apply(node,arguments); }, get: function() { return node.context().get.apply(node,arguments); }, keys: function() { return node.context().keys.apply(node,arguments); }, get global() { return node.context().global; }, get flow() { return node.context().flow; } }, flow: { set: function() { node.context().flow.set.apply(node,arguments); }, get: function() { return node.context().flow.get.apply(node,arguments); }, keys: function() { return node.context().flow.keys.apply(node,arguments); } }, global: { set: function() { node.context().global.set.apply(node,arguments); }, get: function() { return node.context().global.get.apply(node,arguments); }, keys: function() { return node.context().global.keys.apply(node,arguments); } }, env: { get: function(envVar) { var flow = node._flow; return flow.getSetting(envVar); } }, setTimeout: function () { var func = arguments[0]; var timerId; arguments[0] = function() { sandbox.clearTimeout(timerId); try { func.apply(this,arguments); } catch(err) { node.error(err,{}); } }; timerId = setTimeout.apply(this,arguments); node.outstandingTimers.push(timerId); return timerId; }, clearTimeout: function(id) { clearTimeout(id); var index = node.outstandingTimers.indexOf(id); if (index > -1) { node.outstandingTimers.splice(index,1); } }, setInterval: function() { var func = arguments[0]; var timerId; arguments[0] = function() { try { func.apply(this,arguments); } catch(err) { node.error(err,{}); } }; timerId = setInterval.apply(this,arguments); node.outstandingIntervals.push(timerId); return timerId; }, clearInterval: function(id) { clearInterval(id); var index = node.outstandingIntervals.indexOf(id); if (index > -1) { node.outstandingIntervals.splice(index,1); } } }; if (util.hasOwnProperty('promisify')) { sandbox.setTimeout[util.promisify.custom] = function(after, value) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { sandbox.setTimeout(function(){ resolve(value); }, after); }); }; } var context = vm.createContext(sandbox); try { vm.runInContext(iniText, context); this.script = vm.createScript(functionText, { filename: 'Function node:'+this.id+(this.name?' ['+this.name+']':''), // filename for stack traces displayErrors: true // Using the following options causes node 4/6 to not include the line number // in the stack output. So don't use them. // lineOffset: -11, // line number offset to be used for stack traces // columnOffset: 0, // column number offset to be used for stack traces }); this.on("input", function(msg,send,done) { try { var start = process.hrtime(); context.msg = msg; context.send = send; context.done = done; this.script.runInContext(context); sendResults(this,send,msg._msgid,context.results,false); if (handleNodeDoneCall) { done(); } var duration = process.hrtime(start); var converted = Math.floor((duration[0] * 1e9 + duration[1])/10000)/100; this.metric("duration", msg, converted); if (process.env.NODE_RED_FUNCTION_TIME) { this.status({fill:"yellow",shape:"dot",text:""+converted}); } } catch(err) { if ((typeof err === "object") && err.hasOwnProperty("stack")) { //remove unwanted part var index = err.stack.search(/\n\s*at ContextifyScript.Script.runInContext/); err.stack = err.stack.slice(0, index).split('\n').slice(0,-1).join('\n'); var stack = err.stack.split(/\r?\n/); //store the error in msg to be used in flows msg.error = err; var line = 0; var errorMessage; if (stack.length > 0) { while (line < stack.length && stack[line].indexOf("ReferenceError") !== 0) { line++; } if (line < stack.length) { errorMessage = stack[line]; var m = /:(\d+):(\d+)$/.exec(stack[line+1]); if (m) { var lineno = Number(m[1])-1; var cha = m[2]; errorMessage += " (line "+lineno+", col "+cha+")"; } } } if (!errorMessage) { errorMessage = err.toString(); } done(errorMessage); } else if (typeof err === "string") { done(err); } else { done(JSON.stringify(err)); } } }); this.on("close", function() { vm.runInContext(finText, context); while (node.outstandingTimers.length > 0) { clearTimeout(node.outstandingTimers.pop()); } while (node.outstandingIntervals.length > 0) { clearInterval(node.outstandingIntervals.pop()); } this.status({}); }); } catch(err) { // eg SyntaxError - which v8 doesn't include line number information // so we can't do better than this this.error(err); } } RED.nodes.registerType("function",FunctionNode); RED.library.register("functions"); };