/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = async function(RED) { "use strict"; const { got } = await import('got') const {CookieJar} = require("tough-cookie"); const { HttpProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgent } = require('hpagent'); const FormData = require('form-data'); const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const URL = require("url").URL const http = require("http") const https = require("https") var mustache = require("mustache"); var querystring = require("querystring"); var cookie = require("cookie"); var hashSum = require("hash-sum"); // Cache a reference to the existing https.request function // so we can compare later to see if an old agent-base instance // has been required. // This is generally okay as the core nodes are required before // any contrib nodes. Where it will fail is if the agent-base module // is required via the settings file or outside of Node-RED before it // is started. // If there are other modules that patch the function, they will get undone // as well. Not much we can do about that right now. Patching core // functions is bad. const HTTPS_MODULE = require("https"); const HTTPS_REQUEST = HTTPS_MODULE.request; function checkNodeAgentPatch() { if (HTTPS_MODULE.request !== HTTPS_REQUEST && HTTPS_MODULE.request.length === 2) { RED.log.warn(` --------------------------------------------------------------------- Patched https.request function detected. This will break the HTTP Request node. The original code has now been restored. This is likely caused by a contrib node including an old version of the 'agent-base@<5.0.0' module. You can identify what node is at fault by running: npm list agent-base in your Node-RED user directory (${RED.settings.userDir}). --------------------------------------------------------------------- `); HTTPS_MODULE.request = HTTPS_REQUEST } } function HTTPRequest(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); checkNodeAgentPatch(); const node = this; const nodeUrl = n.url; const isTemplatedUrl = (nodeUrl||"").indexOf("{{") != -1; const nodeMethod = n.method || "GET"; let paytoqs = false; let paytobody = false; let redirectList = []; const sendErrorsToCatch = n.senderr; node.headers = n.headers || []; const useKeepAlive = n["persist"]; let agents = null if (useKeepAlive) { agents = { http: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }), https: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }) } node.on('close', function () { agents.http.destroy() agents.https.destroy() }) } if (n.tls) { var tlsNode = RED.nodes.getNode(n.tls); } this.ret = n.ret || "txt"; this.authType = n.authType || "basic"; if (RED.settings.httpRequestTimeout) { this.reqTimeout = parseInt(RED.settings.httpRequestTimeout) || 120000; } else { this.reqTimeout = 120000; } if (n.paytoqs === true || n.paytoqs === "query") { paytoqs = true; } else if (n.paytoqs === "body") { paytobody = true; } node.insecureHTTPParser = n.insecureHTTPParser var prox, noprox; if (process.env.http_proxy) { prox = process.env.http_proxy; } if (process.env.HTTP_PROXY) { prox = process.env.HTTP_PROXY; } if (process.env.no_proxy) { noprox = process.env.no_proxy.split(","); } if (process.env.NO_PROXY) { noprox = process.env.NO_PROXY.split(","); } var proxyConfig = null; if (n.proxy) { proxyConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(n.proxy); prox = proxyConfig.url; noprox = proxyConfig.noproxy; } let timingLog = false; if (RED.settings.hasOwnProperty("httpRequestTimingLog")) { timingLog = RED.settings.httpRequestTimingLog; } /** * Case insensitive header value update util function * @param {object} headersObject The opt.headers object to update * @param {string} name The header name * @param {string} value The header value to set (if blank, header is removed) */ const updateHeader = function(headersObject, name, value ) { const hn = name.toLowerCase(); const keys = Object.keys(headersObject); const matchingKeys = keys.filter(e => e.toLowerCase() == hn) const updateKey = (k,v) => { delete headersObject[k]; //delete incase of case change if(v) { headersObject[name] = v } //re-add with requested name & value } if(matchingKeys.length == 0) { updateKey(name, value) } else { matchingKeys.forEach(k => { updateKey(k, value); }); } } /** * @param {Object} headersObject * @param {string} name * @return {any} value */ const getHeaderValue = (headersObject, name) => { const asLowercase = name.toLowercase(); return headersObject[Object.keys(headersObject).find(k => k.toLowerCase() === asLowercase)]; } this.on("input",function(msg,nodeSend,nodeDone) { checkNodeAgentPatch(); //reset redirectList on each request redirectList = []; var preRequestTimestamp = process.hrtime(); node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:"httpin.status.requesting"}); var url = nodeUrl || msg.url; if (msg.url && nodeUrl && (nodeUrl !== msg.url)) { // revert change below when warning is finally removed node.warn(RED._("common.errors.nooverride")); } if (isTemplatedUrl) { url = mustache.render(nodeUrl,msg); } if (!url) { node.error(RED._("httpin.errors.no-url"),msg); nodeDone(); return; } // url must start http:// or https:// so assume http:// if not set if (url.indexOf("://") !== -1 && url.indexOf("http") !== 0) { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.invalid-transport")); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"httpin.errors.invalid-transport"}); nodeDone(); return; } if (!((url.indexOf("http://") === 0) || (url.indexOf("https://") === 0))) { if (tlsNode) { url = "https://"+url; } else { url = "http://"+url; } } // The Request module used in Node-RED 1.x was tolerant of query strings that // were partially encoded. For example - "?a=hello%20there&b=20%" // The GOT module doesn't like that. // The following is an attempt to normalise the url to ensure it is properly // encoded. We cannot just encode it directly as we don't want any valid // encoded entity to end up doubly encoded. if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) { // Only do this if there is a query string to deal with const [hostPath, ...queryString] = url.split("?") const query = queryString.join("?"); if (query) { // Look for any instance of % not followed by two hex chars. // Replace any we find with %25. const escapedQueryString = query.replace(/(%.?.?)/g, function(v) { if (/^%[a-f0-9]{2}/i.test(v)) { return v; } return v.replace(/%/,"%25") }) url = hostPath+"?"+escapedQueryString; } } var method = nodeMethod.toUpperCase() || "GET"; if (msg.method && n.method && (n.method !== "use")) { // warn if override option not set node.warn(RED._("common.errors.nooverride")); } if (msg.method && n.method && (n.method === "use")) { method = msg.method.toUpperCase(); // use the msg parameter } // var isHttps = (/^https/i.test(url)); var opts = {}; // set defaultport, else when using HttpsProxyAgent, it's defaultPort of 443 will be used :(. // Had to remove this to get http->https redirect to work // opts.defaultPort = isHttps?443:80; opts.timeout = { request: node.reqTimeout || 5000 }; opts.throwHttpErrors = false; // TODO: add UI option to auto decompress. Setting to false for 1.x compatibility opts.decompress = false; opts.method = method; opts.retry = { limit: 0 }; opts.responseType = 'buffer'; opts.maxRedirects = 21; opts.cookieJar = new CookieJar(); opts.ignoreInvalidCookies = true; // opts.forever = nodeHTTPPersistent; if (msg.requestTimeout !== undefined) { if (isNaN(msg.requestTimeout)) { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.timeout-isnan")); } else if (msg.requestTimeout < 1) { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.timeout-isnegative")); } else { opts.timeout = { request: msg.requestTimeout }; } } const originalHeaderMap = {}; opts.hooks = { beforeRequest: [ options => { // Whilst HTTP headers are meant to be case-insensitive, // in the real world, there are servers that aren't so compliant. // GOT will lower case all headers given a chance, so we need // to restore the case of any headers the user has set. Object.keys(options.headers).forEach(h => { if (originalHeaderMap[h] && originalHeaderMap[h] !== h) { options.headers[originalHeaderMap[h]] = options.headers[h]; delete options.headers[h]; } }) if (node.insecureHTTPParser) { // Setting the property under _unixOptions as pretty // much the only hack available to get got to apply // a core http option it doesn't think we should be // allowed to set options._unixOptions = { ...options.unixOptions, insecureHTTPParser: true } } } ], beforeRedirect: [ (options, response) => { let redirectInfo = { location: response.headers.location } if (response.headers.hasOwnProperty('set-cookie')) { redirectInfo.cookies = extractCookies(response.headers['set-cookie']); } redirectList.push(redirectInfo) } ] } let ctSet = "Content-Type"; // set default camel case let clSet = "Content-Length"; const normaliseKnownHeader = function (name) { const _name = name.toLowerCase(); // only normalise the known headers used later in this // function. Otherwise leave them alone. switch (_name) { case "content-type": ctSet = name; name = _name; break; case "content-length": clSet = name; name = _name; break; } return name; } opts.headers = {}; //add msg.headers //NOTE: ui headers will take precidence over msg.headers if (msg.headers) { if (msg.headers.hasOwnProperty('x-node-red-request-node')) { const headerHash = msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node']; delete msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node']; const hash = hashSum(msg.headers); if (hash === headerHash) { delete msg.headers; } } if (msg.headers) { for (let hn in msg.headers) { const name = normaliseKnownHeader(hn); updateHeader(opts.headers, name, msg.headers[hn]); } } } //add/remove/update headers from UI. if (node.headers.length) { for (let index = 0; index < node.headers.length; index++) { const header = node.headers[index]; let headerName, headerValue; if (header.keyType === "other") { headerName = header.keyValue } else if (header.keyType === "msg") { RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(header.keyValue, header.keyType, node, msg, (err, value) => { if (err) { //ignore header } else { headerName = value; } }); } else { headerName = header.keyType } if (!headerName) { continue; //skip if header name is empyy } if (header.valueType === "other") { headerValue = header.valueValue } else if (header.valueType === "msg") { RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(header.valueValue, header.valueType, node, msg, (err, value) => { if (err) { //ignore header } else { headerValue = value; } }); } else { headerValue = header.valueType } const hn = normaliseKnownHeader(headerName); updateHeader(opts.headers, hn, headerValue); } } if (msg.hasOwnProperty('followRedirects')) { opts.followRedirect = !!msg.followRedirects; } if (opts.headers.hasOwnProperty('cookie')) { var cookies = cookie.parse(opts.headers.cookie, {decode:String}); for (var name in cookies) { opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, cookies[name], {encode:String}), url, {ignoreError: true}); } delete opts.headers.cookie; } if (msg.cookies) { for (var name in msg.cookies) { if (msg.cookies.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (msg.cookies[name] === null || msg.cookies[name].value === null) { // This case clears a cookie for HTTP In/Response nodes. // Ignore for this node. } else if (typeof msg.cookies[name] === 'object') { if(msg.cookies[name].encode === false){ // If the encode option is false, the value is not encoded. opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, msg.cookies[name].value, {encode: String}), url, {ignoreError: true}); } else { // The value is encoded by encodeURIComponent(). opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, msg.cookies[name].value), url, {ignoreError: true}); } } else { opts.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie.serialize(name, msg.cookies[name]), url, {ignoreError: true}); } } } } var parsedURL = new URL(url) this.credentials = this.credentials || {} if (parsedURL.username && !this.credentials.user) { this.credentials.user = parsedURL.username } if (parsedURL.password && !this.credentials.password) { this.credentials.password = parsedURL.password } if (Object.keys(this.credentials).length != 0) { if (this.authType === "basic") { // Workaround for https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/issues/1169 (fixed in got v12) // var cred = "" if (this.credentials.user || this.credentials.password) { // cred = `${this.credentials.user}:${this.credentials.password}`; if (this.credentials.user === undefined) { this.credentials.user = ""} if (this.credentials.password === undefined) { this.credentials.password = ""} opts.headers.Authorization = "Basic " + Buffer.from(`${this.credentials.user}:${this.credentials.password}`).toString("base64"); } // build own basic auth header // opts.headers.Authorization = "Basic " + Buffer.from(cred).toString("base64"); } else if (this.authType === "digest") { let digestCreds = this.credentials; let sentCreds = false; opts.hooks.afterResponse = [(response, retry) => { if (response.statusCode === 401) { if (sentCreds) { return response } const requestUrl = new URL(response.request.requestUrl); const options = { headers: {} } const normalisedHeaders = {}; Object.keys(response.headers).forEach(k => { normalisedHeaders[k.toLowerCase()] = response.headers[k] }) if (normalisedHeaders['www-authenticate']) { let authHeader = buildDigestHeader(digestCreds.user,digestCreds.password, response.request.options.method, requestUrl.pathname, normalisedHeaders['www-authenticate']) options.headers.Authorization = authHeader; } // response.request.options.merge(options) sentCreds = true; return retry(options); } return response }]; } else if (this.authType === "bearer") { opts.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${this.credentials.password||""}` } } var payload = null; if (method !== 'GET' && method !== 'HEAD' && typeof msg.payload !== "undefined") { if (opts.headers['content-type'] == 'multipart/form-data' && typeof msg.payload === "object") { let formData = new FormData(); for (var opt in msg.payload) { if (msg.payload.hasOwnProperty(opt)) { var val = msg.payload[opt]; if (val !== undefined && val !== null) { if (typeof val === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(val)) { formData.append(opt, val); } else if (typeof val === 'object' && val.hasOwnProperty('value')) { formData.append(opt,val.value,val.options || {}); } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { for (var i=0; i https redirect opts.agent = { http: new HttpProxyAgent(proxyOptions), https: new HttpsProxyAgent(proxyOptions) } } else { node.warn("Bad proxy url: "+ prox); } } if (useKeepAlive && !opts.agent) { opts.agent = agents } if (tlsNode) { opts.https = {}; tlsNode.addTLSOptions(opts.https); if (opts.https.ca) { opts.https.certificateAuthority = opts.https.ca; delete opts.https.ca; } if (opts.https.cert) { opts.https.certificate = opts.https.cert; delete opts.https.cert; } } else { if (msg.hasOwnProperty('rejectUnauthorized')) { opts.https = { rejectUnauthorized: msg.rejectUnauthorized }; } } // Now we have established all of our own headers, take a snapshot // of their case so we can restore it prior to the request being sent. if (opts.headers) { Object.keys(opts.headers).forEach(h => { originalHeaderMap[h.toLowerCase()] = h }) } got(url,opts).then(res => { msg.statusCode = res.statusCode; msg.headers = res.headers; msg.responseUrl = res.url; msg.payload = res.body; msg.redirectList = redirectList; msg.retry = 0; if (msg.headers.hasOwnProperty('set-cookie')) { msg.responseCookies = extractCookies(msg.headers['set-cookie']); } msg.headers['x-node-red-request-node'] = hashSum(msg.headers); // msg.url = url; // revert when warning above finally removed if (node.metric()) { // Calculate request time var diff = process.hrtime(preRequestTimestamp); var ms = diff[0] * 1e3 + diff[1] * 1e-6; var metricRequestDurationMillis = ms.toFixed(3); node.metric("duration.millis", msg, metricRequestDurationMillis); if (res.client && res.client.bytesRead) { node.metric("size.bytes", msg, res.client.bytesRead); } if (timingLog) { emitTimingMetricLog(res.timings, msg); } } // Convert the payload to the required return type if (node.ret !== "bin") { msg.payload = msg.payload.toString('utf8'); // txt if (node.ret === "obj") { try { msg.payload = JSON.parse(msg.payload); } // obj catch(e) { node.warn(RED._("httpin.errors.json-error")); } } } node.status({}); nodeSend(msg); nodeDone(); }).catch(err => { // Pre 2.1, any errors would be sent to both Catch node and sent on as normal. // This is not ideal but is the legacy behaviour of the node. // 2.1 adds the 'senderr' option, if set to true, will *only* send errors // to Catch nodes. If false, it still does both behaviours. // TODO: 3.0 - make it one or the other. if (err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT' || err.code === 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT') { node.error(RED._("common.notification.errors.no-response"), msg); node.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:"common.notification.errors.no-response"}); } else { node.error(err,msg); node.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:err.code}); } msg.payload = err.toString() + " : " + url; msg.statusCode = err.code || (err.response?err.response.statusCode:undefined); if (node.metric() && timingLog) { emitTimingMetricLog(err.timings, msg); } if (!sendErrorsToCatch) { nodeSend(msg); } nodeDone(); }); }); this.on("close",function() { node.status({}); }); function emitTimingMetricLog(timings, msg) { const props = [ "start", "socket", "lookup", "connect", "secureConnect", "upload", "response", "end", "error", "abort" ]; if (timings) { props.forEach(p => { if (timings[p]) { node.metric(`timings.${p}`, msg, timings[p]); } }); } } function extractCookies(setCookie) { var cookies = {}; setCookie.forEach(function(c) { var parsedCookie = cookie.parse(c); var eq_idx = c.indexOf('='); var key = c.substr(0, eq_idx).trim() parsedCookie.value = parsedCookie[key]; delete parsedCookie[key]; cookies[key] = parsedCookie; }); return cookies; } } RED.nodes.registerType("http request",HTTPRequest,{ credentials: { user: {type:"text"}, password: {type: "password"} } }); const md5 = (value) => { return crypto.createHash('md5').update(value).digest('hex') } const sha256 = (value) => { return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(value).digest('hex') } const sha512 = (value) => { return crypto.createHash('sha512').update(value).digest('hex') } function digestCompute(algorithm, value) { var lowercaseAlgorithm = "" if (algorithm) { lowercaseAlgorithm = algorithm.toLowerCase().replace(/-sess$/, '') } if (lowercaseAlgorithm === "sha-256") { return sha256(value) } else if (lowercaseAlgorithm === "sha-512-256") { var hash = sha512(value) return hash.slice(0, 64) // Only use the first 256 bits } else { return md5(value) } } function ha1Compute(algorithm, user, realm, pass, nonce, cnonce) { /** * RFC 2617: handle both standard and -sess algorithms. * * If the algorithm directive's value ends with "-sess", then HA1 is * HA1=digestCompute(digestCompute(username:realm:password):nonce:cnonce) * * If the algorithm directive's value does not end with "-sess", then HA1 is * HA1=digestCompute(username:realm:password) */ var ha1 = digestCompute(algorithm, user + ':' + realm + ':' + pass) if (algorithm && /-sess$/i.test(algorithm)) { return digestCompute(algorithm, ha1 + ':' + nonce + ':' + cnonce) } else { return ha1 } } function buildDigestHeader(user, pass, method, path, authHeader) { var challenge = {} var re = /([a-z0-9_-]+)=(?:"([^"]+)"|([a-z0-9_-]+))/gi for (;;) { var match = re.exec(authHeader) if (!match) { break } challenge[match[1]] = match[2] || match[3] } var qop = /(^|,)\s*auth\s*($|,)/.test(challenge.qop) && 'auth' var nc = qop && '00000001' var cnonce = qop && uuid().replace(/-/g, '') var ha1 = ha1Compute(challenge.algorithm, user, challenge.realm, pass, challenge.nonce, cnonce) var ha2 = digestCompute(challenge.algorithm, method + ':' + path) var digestResponse = qop ? digestCompute(challenge.algorithm, ha1 + ':' + challenge.nonce + ':' + nc + ':' + cnonce + ':' + qop + ':' + ha2) : digestCompute(challenge.algorithm, ha1 + ':' + challenge.nonce + ':' + ha2) var authValues = { username: user, realm: challenge.realm, nonce: challenge.nonce, uri: path, qop: qop, response: digestResponse, nc: nc, cnonce: cnonce, algorithm: challenge.algorithm, opaque: challenge.opaque } authHeader = [] for (var k in authValues) { if (authValues[k]) { if (k === 'qop' || k === 'nc' || k === 'algorithm') { authHeader.push(k + '=' + authValues[k]) } else { authHeader.push(k + '="' + authValues[k] + '"') } } } authHeader = 'Digest ' + authHeader.join(', ') return authHeader } }