/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ //Simple node to introduce a pause into a flow module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var MILLIS_TO_NANOS = 1000000; var SECONDS_TO_NANOS = 1000000000; var _maxKeptMsgsCount; function maxKeptMsgsCount(node) { if (_maxKeptMsgsCount === undefined) { var name = "nodeMessageBufferMaxLength"; if (RED.settings.hasOwnProperty(name)) { _maxKeptMsgsCount = RED.settings[name]; } else { _maxKeptMsgsCount = 0; } } return _maxKeptMsgsCount; } function DelayNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.pauseType = n.pauseType; this.timeoutUnits = n.timeoutUnits; this.randomUnits = n.randomUnits; this.rateUnits = n.rateUnits; if (n.timeoutUnits === "milliseconds") { this.timeout = n.timeout; } else if (n.timeoutUnits === "minutes") { this.timeout = n.timeout * (60 * 1000); } else if (n.timeoutUnits === "hours") { this.timeout = n.timeout * (60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (n.timeoutUnits === "days") { this.timeout = n.timeout * (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else { // Default to seconds this.timeout = n.timeout * 1000; } if (n.rateUnits === "minute") { this.rate = (60 * 1000)/n.rate; } else if (n.rateUnits === "hour") { this.rate = (60 * 60 * 1000)/n.rate; } else if (n.rateUnits === "day") { this.rate = (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)/n.rate; } else { // Default to seconds this.rate = 1000/n.rate; } this.rate *= (n.nbRateUnits > 0 ? n.nbRateUnits : 1); if (n.randomUnits === "milliseconds") { this.randomFirst = n.randomFirst * 1; this.randomLast = n.randomLast * 1; } else if (n.randomUnits === "minutes") { this.randomFirst = n.randomFirst * (60 * 1000); this.randomLast = n.randomLast * (60 * 1000); } else if (n.randomUnits === "hours") { this.randomFirst = n.randomFirst * (60 * 60 * 1000); this.randomLast = n.randomLast * (60 * 60 * 1000); } else if (n.randomUnits === "days") { this.randomFirst = n.randomFirst * (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); this.randomLast = n.randomLast * (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else { // Default to seconds this.randomFirst = n.randomFirst * 1000; this.randomLast = n.randomLast * 1000; } this.diff = this.randomLast - this.randomFirst; this.name = n.name; this.idList = []; this.buffer = []; this.intervalID = -1; this.randomID = -1; this.lastSent = null; this.drop = n.drop; this.droppedMsgs = 0; this.allowrate = n.allowrate|| false; this.fixedrate = this.rate; this.outputs = n.outputs; var node = this; function ourTimeout(handler, delay, clearHandler) { var toutID = setTimeout(handler, delay); return { clear: function() { clearTimeout(toutID); clearHandler(); }, trigger: function() { clearTimeout(toutID); return handler(); } }; } var sendMsgFromBuffer = function() { if (node.buffer.length === 0) { clearInterval(node.intervalID); node.intervalID = -1; } if (node.buffer.length > 0) { const msgInfo = node.buffer.shift(); if (Object.keys(msgInfo.msg).length > 1) { msgInfo.send(msgInfo.msg); msgInfo.done(); } } node.reportDepth(); } var clearDelayList = function(s) { var len = node.idList.length; for (var i=0; i 0) { node.status({text:node.buffer.length}); } // else { node.status({}); } node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.buffer.length}); node.busy = null; }, 500); } } var loggerId = setInterval(function () { if (node.droppedMsgs !== 0) { node.debug("node.droppedMsgs = " + node.droppedMsgs); node.droppedMsgs = 0; } }, 15 * 1000); node.on("close", function() { clearInterval(loggerId); }); // The delay type modes if (node.pauseType === "delay") { node.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { var id = ourTimeout(function() { node.idList.splice(node.idList.indexOf(id),1); if (node.timeout > 1000) { node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.idList.length}); } send(msg); done(); }, node.timeout, () => done()); if (Object.keys(msg).length === 2 && msg.hasOwnProperty("flush")) { id.clear(); } else { node.idList.push(id); } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) { clearDelayList(true); } else if (msg.hasOwnProperty("flush")) { flushDelayList(msg.flush); done(); } else if (node.timeout > 1000) { node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.idList.length}); } }); node.on("close", function() { clearDelayList(); }); } else if (node.pauseType === "delayv") { node.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { var delayvar = Number(node.timeout); if (msg.hasOwnProperty("delay") && !isNaN(parseFloat(msg.delay))) { delayvar = parseFloat(msg.delay); } if (delayvar < 0) { delayvar = 0; } var id = ourTimeout(function() { node.idList.splice(node.idList.indexOf(id),1); if (node.idList.length === 0) { node.status({}); } send(msg); if (delayvar >= 0) { node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.idList.length}); } done(); }, delayvar, () => done()); node.idList.push(id); if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) { clearDelayList(true); } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("flush")) { flushDelayList(msg.flush); done(); } if (delayvar >= 0) { node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.idList.length}); } }); node.on("close", function() { clearDelayList(); }); } else if (node.pauseType === "random") { node.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { var wait = node.randomFirst + (node.diff * Math.random()); var id = ourTimeout(function() { node.idList.splice(node.idList.indexOf(id),1); send(msg); if (node.timeout >= 1000) { node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.idList.length}); } done(); }, wait, () => done()); if (Object.keys(msg).length === 2 && msg.hasOwnProperty("flush")) { id.clear(); } else { node.idList.push(id); } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) { clearDelayList(true); } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("flush")) { flushDelayList(msg.flush); done(); } if (node.timeout >= 1000) { node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.idList.length}); } }); node.on("close", function() { clearDelayList(); }); } // The rate limit/queue type modes else if (node.pauseType === "rate") { node.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) { if (node.intervalID !== -1 ) { clearInterval(node.intervalID); node.intervalID = -1; } delete node.lastSent; node.buffer = []; node.rate = node.fixedrate; node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"ring",text:0}); done(); return; } if (!node.drop) { var m = RED.util.cloneMessage(msg); delete m.flush; delete m.lifo; if (Object.keys(m).length > 1) { if (node.intervalID !== -1) { if (node.allowrate && msg.hasOwnProperty("rate") && !isNaN(parseFloat(msg.rate)) && node.rate !== msg.rate) { node.rate = msg.rate; clearInterval(node.intervalID); node.intervalID = setInterval(sendMsgFromBuffer, node.rate); } var max_msgs = maxKeptMsgsCount(node); if ((max_msgs > 0) && (node.buffer.length >= max_msgs)) { node.buffer = []; node.error(RED._("delay.errors.too-many"), msg); } else if (msg.toFront === true) { node.buffer.unshift({msg: m, send: send, done: done}); node.reportDepth(); } else { node.buffer.push({msg: m, send: send, done: done}); node.reportDepth(); } } else { if (node.allowrate && msg.hasOwnProperty("rate") && !isNaN(parseFloat(msg.rate))) { node.rate = msg.rate; } send(m); node.reportDepth(); node.intervalID = setInterval(sendMsgFromBuffer, node.rate); done(); } } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("flush")) { var len = node.buffer.length; if (typeof(msg.flush) == 'number') { len = Math.min(Math.floor(msg.flush),len); } while (len > 0) { const msgInfo = node.buffer.shift(); if (Object.keys(msgInfo.msg).length > 1) { node.send(msgInfo.msg); msgInfo.done(); } len = len - 1; } if (node.buffer.length === 0) { clearInterval(node.intervalID); node.intervalID = -1; } node.status({fill:"blue",shape:"dot",text:node.buffer.length}); done(); } } else { if (maxKeptMsgsCount(node) > 0) { if (node.intervalID === -1) { node.send(msg); node.intervalID = setInterval(sendMsgFromBuffer, node.rate); } else { if (node.allowrate && msg.hasOwnProperty("rate") && !isNaN(parseFloat(msg.rate)) && node.rate !== msg.rate) { node.rate = msg.rate; clearInterval(node.intervalID); node.intervalID = setInterval(sendMsgFromBuffer, node.rate); } if (node.buffer.length < _maxKeptMsgsCount) { var m = RED.util.cloneMessage(msg); node.buffer.push({msg: m, send: send, done: done}); } else { node.trace("dropped due to buffer overflow. msg._msgid = " + msg._msgid); node.droppedMsgs++; } } } else { if (node.allowrate && msg.hasOwnProperty("rate") && !isNaN(parseFloat(msg.rate))) { node.rate = msg.rate; } var timeSinceLast; if (node.lastSent) { timeSinceLast = process.hrtime(node.lastSent); } if (!node.lastSent) { // ensuring that we always send the first message node.lastSent = process.hrtime(); send(msg); } else if ( ( (timeSinceLast[0] * SECONDS_TO_NANOS) + timeSinceLast[1] ) > (node.rate * MILLIS_TO_NANOS) ) { node.lastSent = process.hrtime(); send(msg); } else if (node.outputs === 2) { send([null,msg]) } } done(); } }); node.on("close", function() { clearInterval(node.intervalID); clearTimeout(node.busy); node.buffer.forEach((msgInfo) => msgInfo.done()); node.buffer = []; node.status({}); }); } // The topic based fair queue and last arrived on all topics queue else if ((node.pauseType === "queue") || (node.pauseType === "timed")) { node.intervalID = setInterval(function() { if (node.pauseType === "queue") { if (node.buffer.length > 0) { const msgInfo = node.buffer.shift(); msgInfo.send(msgInfo.msg); // send the first on the queue msgInfo.done(); } } else { while (node.buffer.length > 0) { // send the whole queue const msgInfo = node.buffer.shift(); msgInfo.send(msgInfo.msg); msgInfo.done(); } } node.reportDepth(); },node.rate); var hit; node.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { if (node.allowrate && msg.hasOwnProperty("rate") && !isNaN(parseFloat(msg.rate)) && node.rate !== msg.rate) { node.rate = msg.rate; clearInterval(node.intervalID); node.intervalID = setInterval(sendMsgFromBuffer, node.rate); } if (!msg.hasOwnProperty("topic")) { msg.topic = "_none_"; } hit = false; for (var b in node.buffer) { // check if already in queue if (msg.topic === node.buffer[b].msg.topic) { node.buffer[b].done(); node.buffer[b] = {msg, send, done}; // if so - replace existing entry hit = true; break; } } if (!hit) { node.buffer.push({msg, send, done}); // if not add to end of queue node.reportDepth(); } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) { while (node.buffer.length > 0) { const msgInfo = node.buffer.shift(); msgInfo.done(); } node.buffer = []; node.rate = node.fixedrate; node.status({text:"reset"}); done(); } if (msg.hasOwnProperty("flush")) { var len = node.buffer.length; if (typeof(msg.flush) == 'number') { len = Math.min(Math.floor(msg.flush,len)); } while (len > 0) { const msgInfo = node.buffer.shift(); delete msgInfo.msg.flush; if (Object.keys(msgInfo.msg).length > 2) { node.send(msgInfo.msg); msgInfo.done(); } len = len - 1; } node.status({}); done(); } }); node.on("close", function() { clearInterval(node.intervalID); while (node.buffer.length > 0) { const msgInfo = node.buffer.shift(); msgInfo.done(); } node.buffer = []; node.status({}); }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("delay",DelayNode); }