/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var functionNode = require("nr-test-utils").require("@node-red/nodes/core/core/80-function.js"); var helper = require("node-red-node-test-helper"); // Notice: // - nodes should have x, y, z property when defining subflow. describe('subflow', function() { before(function(done) { helper.startServer(done); }); after(function(done) { helper.stopServer(done); }); afterEach(function() { helper.unload(); }); it('should define subflow', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t1", type:"tab"}, {id:"n1", z:"t1", type:"subflow:s1", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", z:"t1", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow", info:"", in:[{wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ]}], out:[{wires:[ {id:"s1-n1", port:0} ]}]}, {id:"s1-n1", z:"s1", type:"function", func:"return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { done(); }); }); it('should pass data to/from subflow', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"msg.payload = msg.payload+'bar'; return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("payload", "foobar"); done(); }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); it('should pass data to/from nested subflow', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow1 {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow1", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n2", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"subflow:s2", wires:[["s1-n2"]]}, {id:"s1-n2", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"msg.payload = msg.payload+'baz'; return msg;", wires:[]}, // Subflow2 {id:"s2", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow2", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s2-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s2-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s2-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s2", type:"function", func:"msg.payload=msg.payload+'bar'; return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("payload", "foobarbaz"); done(); }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); it('should access env var of subflow template', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow", info:"", env: [ {name: "K", type: "T", value: "V", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "V", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }} ], in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"msg.V = env.get('K'); msg.T = env.get('K_type'); msg.I = env.get('K_info'); return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("V", "V"); msg.should.have.property("T", "T"); msg.should.have.property("I"); done(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); it('should access env var of subflow instance', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", env: [ {name: "K", type: "T", value: "V", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "V", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }} ], wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"msg.V = env.get('K'); msg.T = env.get('K_type'); msg.I = env.get('K_info'); return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("V", "V"); msg.should.have.property("T", "T"); msg.should.have.property("I"); done(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); it('should access last env var with same name', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", env: [ {name: "K", type: "T", value: "V0", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "V1", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }}, {name: "X", type: "T", value: "V", info: { name: "X", label: "", value: "V", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "X" }}, {name: "K", type: "T", value: "V1", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "V1", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }}, ], wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"msg.V = env.get('K'); return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("V", "V1"); done(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); it('should overwrite env var of subflow template by env var of subflow instance', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", env: [ {name: "K", type: "T", value: "V", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "V", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }} ], wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow", info:"", env: [ {name: "K", type: "TT", value: "TV", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "TV", type: "TT", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }} ], in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"msg.V = env.get('K'); msg.T = env.get('K_type'); msg.I = env.get('K_info'); return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("V", "V"); msg.should.have.property("T", "T"); msg.should.have.property("I"); done(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); it('should access env var of parent subflow template', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow1 {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow1", info:"", env: [ {name: "K", type: "T", value: "V", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "V", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }} ], in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n2", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"subflow:s2", wires:[["s1-n2"]]}, {id:"s1-n2", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"return msg;", wires:[]}, // Subflow2 {id:"s2", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow2", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s2-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s2-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s2-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s2", type:"function", func:"msg.V = env.get('K'); return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("V", "V"); done(); }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); it('should access env var of parent subflow instance', function(done) { var flow = [ {id:"t0", type:"tab", label:"", disabled:false, info:""}, {id:"n1", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"subflow:s1", env: [ {name: "K", type: "T", value: "V", info: { name: "K", label: "", value: "V", type: "T", target_type: "env var", "target": "K" }} ], wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", x:10, y:10, z:"t0", type:"helper", wires:[]}, // Subflow1 {id:"s1", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow1", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s1-n2", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s1-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"subflow:s2", wires:[["s1-n2"]]}, {id:"s1-n2", x:10, y:10, z:"s1", type:"function", func:"return msg;", wires:[]}, // Subflow2 {id:"s2", type:"subflow", name:"Subflow2", info:"", in:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s2-n1"} ] }], out:[{ x:10, y:10, wires:[ {id:"s2-n1", port:0} ] }] }, {id:"s2-n1", x:10, y:10, z:"s2", type:"function", func:"msg.V = env.get('K'); return msg;", wires:[]} ]; helper.load(functionNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("n1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("V", "V"); done(); }); n1.receive({payload:"foo"}); }); }); });