/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var os = require('os'); var sinon = require("sinon"); var fileNode = require("../../../../nodes/core/storage/50-file.js"); var helper = require("node-red-node-test-helper"); describe('file Nodes', function() { describe('file out Node', function() { var resourcesDir = path.join(__dirname,"..","..","..","resources"); var fileToTest = path.join(resourcesDir,"50-file-test-file.txt"); var wait = 250; beforeEach(function(done) { //fs.writeFileSync(fileToTest, "File message line 1\File message line 2\n"); helper.startServer(done); }); afterEach(function(done) { fs.removeSync(path.join(resourcesDir,"file-out-node")); helper.unload().then(function() { //fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); helper.stopServer(done); }); }); it('should be loaded', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":true}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { try { var fileNode1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); fileNode1.should.have.property('name', 'fileNode'); done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); }); it('should write to a file', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":false, "overwriteFile":true, wires: [["helperNode1"]]}, {id:"helperNode1", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("helperNode1"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest); f.should.have.length(4); fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); msg.should.have.property("payload", "test"); done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:"test"}); }); }); it('should append to a file and add newline', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":false, wires: [["helperNode1"]]}, {id:"helperNode1", type:"helper"}]; try { fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); } catch(err) { } helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("helperNode1"); var count = 0; var data = ["test2", true, 999, [2]]; n2.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("payload"); data.should.containDeep([msg.payload]); if (count === 3) { var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); if (os.type() !== "Windows_NT") { f.should.have.length(19); f.should.equal("test2\ntrue\n999\n[2]\n"); } else { f.should.have.length(23); f.should.equal("test2\r\ntrue\r\n999\r\n[2]\r\n"); } done(); } count++; } catch (e) { done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:"test2"}); // string setTimeout(function() { n1.receive({payload:true}); // boolean },30); setTimeout(function() { n1.receive({payload:999}); // number },60); setTimeout(function() { n1.receive({payload:[2]}); // object (array) },90); }); }); it('should append to a file after it has been deleted ', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":false, "overwriteFile":false, wires: [["helperNode1"]]}, {id:"helperNode1", type:"helper"}]; try { fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); } catch(err) { } helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("helperNode1"); var data = ["one", "two", "three", "four"]; var count = 0; n2.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("payload"); data.should.containDeep([msg.payload]); try { if (count === 1) { // Check they got appended as expected var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); f.should.equal("onetwo"); // Delete the file fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); setTimeout(function() { // Send two more messages to the file n1.receive({payload:"three"}); n1.receive({payload:"four"}); }, wait); } if (count === 3) { var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); f.should.equal("threefour"); fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); done(); } } catch(err) { done(err); } count++; } catch (e) { done(e); } }); // Send two messages to the file n1.receive({payload:"one"}); n1.receive({payload:"two"}); }); }); it('should append to a file after it has been recreated ', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":false, "overwriteFile":false, wires: [["helperNode1"]]}, {id:"helperNode1", type:"helper"}]; try { fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); } catch(err) { } helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("helperNode1"); var data = ["one", "two", "three", "four"]; var count = 0; n2.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("payload"); data.should.containDeep([msg.payload]); if (count == 1) { // Check they got appended as expected var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); f.should.equal("onetwo"); if (os.type() === "Windows_NT") { var dummyFile = path.join(resourcesDir,"50-file-test-dummy.txt"); fs.rename(fileToTest, dummyFile, function() { recreateTest(n1, dummyFile); }); } else { recreateTest(n1, fileToTest); } } if (count == 3) { // Check the file was updated try { var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); f.should.equal("threefour"); fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } } } catch(err) { done(err); } count++; }); // Send two messages to the file n1.receive({payload:"one"}); n1.receive({payload:"two"}); }); function recreateTest(n1, fileToDelete) { // Delete the file fs.unlinkSync(fileToDelete); // Recreate it fs.writeFileSync(fileToTest,""); // Send two more messages to the file n1.receive({payload:"three"}); n1.receive({payload:"four"}); } }); it('should use msg.filename if filename not set in node', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":true, wires: [["helperNode1"]]}, {id:"helperNode1", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("helperNode1"); n2.on("input", function (msg) { try { msg.should.have.property("payload", "fine"); msg.should.have.property("filename", fileToTest); var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); if (os.type() !== "Windows_NT") { f.should.have.length(5); f.should.equal("fine\n"); } else { f.should.have.length(6); f.should.equal("fine\r\n"); } done(); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:"fine", filename:fileToTest}); }); }); it('should be able to delete the file', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":false, "overwriteFile":"delete", wires: [["helperNode1"]]}, {id:"helperNode1", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("helperNode1"); n2.on("input", function (msg) { try { var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); f.should.not.equal("fine"); //done(); } catch(e) { e.code.should.equal("ENOENT"); done(); } }); n1.receive({payload:"fine"}); }); }); it('should warn if filename not set', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":false}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); n1.emit("input", {payload:"nofile"}); setTimeout(function() { try { var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); f.should.not.equal("fine"); //done(); } catch(e) { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.equal("file.errors.nofilename"); done(); } },wait); }); }); it('ignore a missing payload', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":false}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var f = fs.readFileSync(fileToTest).toString(); f.should.not.equal("fine"); //done(); } catch(e) { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(0); done(); } },wait); n1.emit("input", {topic:"test"}); }); }); it('should fail to write to a ro file', function(done) { // Stub file write so we can make writes fail var spy = sinon.stub(fs, 'createWriteStream', function(arg1,arg2) { var ws = {}; ws.on = function(e,d) { throw("Stub error message"); } ws.write = function(e,d) { } return ws; }); var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":false, "overwriteFile":true}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.startWith("Stub error message"); done(); } catch(e) { done(e); } finally { fs.createWriteStream.restore(); } },wait); n1.receive({payload:"test"}); }); }); it('should fail to append to a ro file', function(done) { // Stub file write so we can make writes fail var spy = sinon.stub(fs, 'createWriteStream', function(arg1,arg2) { var ws = {}; ws.on = function(e,d) { throw("Stub error message"); } ws.write = function(e,d) { } return ws; }); var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":false}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.startWith("Stub error message"); done(); } catch(e) { done(e); } finally { fs.createWriteStream.restore(); } },wait); n1.receive({payload:"test2"}); }); }); it('should cope with failing to delete a file', function(done) { // Stub file write so we can make writes fail var spy = sinon.stub(fs, 'unlink', function(arg,arg2) { arg2(new Error("Stub error message")); }); var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":"delete"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.startWith("file.errors.deletefail"); done(); } catch(e) { done(e); } finally { fs.unlink.restore(); } },wait); n1.receive({payload:"test2"}); }); }); it('should fail to create a new directory if not asked to do so (append)', function(done) { // Stub file write so we can make writes fail var fileToTest2 = path.join(resourcesDir,"file-out-node","50-file-test-file.txt"); //var spy = sinon.stub(fs, 'appendFile', function(arg,arg2,arg3,arg4){ arg4(new Error("Stub error message")); }); var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest2, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":false}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.startWith("file.errors.appendfail"); done(); } catch(e) { done(e); } //finally { fs.appendFile.restore(); } },wait); n1.receive({payload:"test2"}); }); }); it('should try to create a new directory if asked to do so (append)', function(done) { // fs.writeFileSync of afterEach failed on Windows. if (os.type() === "Windows_NT") { done(); return; } // Stub file write so we can make writes fail var fileToTest2 = path.join(resourcesDir,"file-out-node","50-file-test-file.txt"); var spy = sinon.stub(fs, "ensureDir", function(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) { arg2(null); }); var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest2, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":false, "createDir":true}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(0); done(); } catch(e) { done(e); } finally { fs.ensureDir.restore(); } },wait); n1.receive({payload:"test2"}); }); }); it('should fail to create a new directory if not asked to do so (overwrite)', function(done) { // Stub file write so we can make writes fail var fileToTest2 = path.join(resourcesDir,"file-out-node","50-file-test-file.txt"); //var spy = sinon.stub(fs, 'appendFile', function(arg,arg2,arg3,arg4){ arg4(new Error("Stub error message")); }); var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest2, "appendNewline":false, "overwriteFile":true}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.startWith("file.errors.writefail"); done(); } catch(e) { done(e); } //finally { fs.appendFile.restore(); } },wait); n1.receive({payload:"test2"}); }); }); it('should try to create a new directory if asked to do so (overwrite)', function(done) { // Stub file write so we can make writes fail var fileToTest2 = path.join(resourcesDir,"file-out-node","50-file-test-file.txt"); var spy = sinon.stub(fs, "ensureDir", function(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) { arg2(null); }); var flow = [{id:"fileNode1", type:"file", name: "fileNode", "filename":fileToTest2, "appendNewline":true, "overwriteFile":true, "createDir":true}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileNode1"); setTimeout(function() { try { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file"; }); //console.log(logEvents); logEvents.should.have.length(0); done(); } catch(e) { done(e); } finally { fs.ensureDir.restore(); } },wait); n1.receive({payload:"test2"}); }); }); }); describe('file in Node', function() { var resourcesDir = path.join(__dirname,"..","..","..","resources"); var fileToTest = path.join(resourcesDir,"50-file-test-file.txt"); var wait = 150; beforeEach(function(done) { fs.writeFileSync(fileToTest, "File message line 1\nFile message line 2\n"); helper.startServer(done); }); afterEach(function(done) { helper.unload().then(function() { fs.unlinkSync(fileToTest); helper.stopServer(done); }); }); it('should be loaded', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name: "fileInNode", "filename":fileToTest, "format":"utf8"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); n1.should.have.property('name', 'fileInNode'); done(); }); }); it('should read in a file and output a buffer', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name:"fileInNode", "filename":fileToTest, "format":"", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property('payload'); Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload).should.be.true(); msg.payload.should.have.length(40); msg.payload.toString().should.equal('File message line 1\nFile message line 2\n'); done(); }); n1.receive({payload:""}); }); }); it('should read in a file and output a utf8 string', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name: "fileInNode", "filename":fileToTest, "format":"utf8", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload'); msg.payload.should.be.a.String(); msg.payload.should.have.length(40) msg.payload.should.equal("File message line 1\nFile message line 2\n"); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({payload:""}); }); }); it('should read in a file and output split lines with parts', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name: "fileInNode", filename:fileToTest, format:"lines", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); var c = 0; n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload'); msg.payload.should.be.a.String(); msg.should.have.property('parts'); msg.parts.should.have.property('index',c); msg.parts.should.have.property('type','string'); msg.parts.should.have.property('ch','\n'); if (c === 0) { msg.payload.should.equal("File message line 1"); } if (c === 1) { msg.payload.should.equal("File message line 2"); } if (c === 2) { msg.payload.should.equal(""); done(); } c++; } catch(e) { done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:""}); }); }); it('should read in a file with empty line and output split lines with parts', function(done) { var data = ["-", "", "-", ""]; var line = data.join("\n"); fs.writeFileSync(fileToTest, line); var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name: "fileInNode", filename:fileToTest, format:"lines", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); var c = 0; n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.have.property('payload'); msg.payload.should.equal(data[c]); msg.should.have.property('parts'); var parts = msg.parts; parts.should.have.property('index',c); parts.should.have.property('type','string'); parts.should.have.property('ch','\n'); c++; if (c === data.length) { parts.should.have.property('count', data.length); done(); } else { parts.should.not.have.property('count'); } } catch(e) { done(e); } }); n1.receive({payload:""}); }); }); it('should read in a file and output a buffer with parts', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name: "fileInNode", filename:fileToTest, format:"stream", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property('payload'); Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload).should.be.true(); msg.payload.should.have.length(40); msg.should.have.property('parts'); msg.parts.should.have.property('count',1); msg.parts.should.have.property('type','buffer'); msg.parts.should.have.property('ch',''); done(); }); n1.receive({payload:""}); }); }); it('should warn if no filename set', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name: "fileInNode", "format":""}]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); setTimeout(function() { var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file in"; }); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.equal("file.errors.nofilename"); done(); },wait); n1.receive({}); }); }); it('should handle a file read error', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"fileInNode1", type:"file in", name: "fileInNode", "filename":"badfile", "format":"", wires:[["n2"]]}, {id:"n2", type:"helper"} ]; helper.load(fileNode, flow, function() { var n1 = helper.getNode("fileInNode1"); var n2 = helper.getNode("n2"); n2.on("input", function(msg) { try { msg.should.not.have.property('payload'); msg.should.have.property("error"); msg.error.should.have.property("code","ENOENT"); var logEvents = helper.log().args.filter(function(evt) { return evt[0].type == "file in"; }); logEvents.should.have.length(1); logEvents[0][0].should.have.a.property('msg'); logEvents[0][0].msg.toString().should.startWith("Error"); done(); } catch(err) { done(err); } }); n1.receive({payload:""}); }); }); }); });