/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var fs = require('fs-extra'); var when = require('when'); var nodeFn = require('when/node/function'); var fspath = require("path"); var log = require("../../log"); var util = require("./util"); var library = require("./library"); var sessions = require("./sessions"); var runtimeSettings = require("./settings"); var initialFlowLoadComplete = false; var settings; var flowsFile; var flowsFullPath; var flowsFileBackup; var credentialsFile; var credentialsFileBackup; var oldCredentialsFile; var localfilesystem = { init: function(_settings) { settings = _settings; var promises = []; if (!settings.userDir) { try { fs.statSync(fspath.join(process.env.NODE_RED_HOME,".config.json")); settings.userDir = process.env.NODE_RED_HOME; } catch(err) { try { // Consider compatibility for older versions if (process.env.HOMEPATH) { fs.statSync(fspath.join(process.env.HOMEPATH,".node-red",".config.json")); settings.userDir = fspath.join(process.env.HOMEPATH,".node-red"); } } catch(err) { } if (!settings.userDir) { settings.userDir = fspath.join(process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.NODE_RED_HOME,".node-red"); if (!settings.readOnly) { promises.push(util.promiseDir(fspath.join(settings.userDir,"node_modules"))); } } } } if (settings.flowFile) { flowsFile = settings.flowFile; // handle Unix and Windows "C:\" if ((flowsFile[0] == "/") || (flowsFile[1] == ":")) { // Absolute path flowsFullPath = flowsFile; } else if (flowsFile.substring(0,2) === "./") { // Relative to cwd flowsFullPath = fspath.join(process.cwd(),flowsFile); } else { try { fs.statSync(fspath.join(process.cwd(),flowsFile)); // Found in cwd flowsFullPath = fspath.join(process.cwd(),flowsFile); } catch(err) { // Use userDir flowsFullPath = fspath.join(settings.userDir,flowsFile); } } } else { flowsFile = 'flows_'+require('os').hostname()+'.json'; flowsFullPath = fspath.join(settings.userDir,flowsFile); } var ffExt = fspath.extname(flowsFullPath); var ffName = fspath.basename(flowsFullPath); var ffBase = fspath.basename(flowsFullPath,ffExt); var ffDir = fspath.dirname(flowsFullPath); credentialsFile = fspath.join(settings.userDir,ffBase+"_cred"+ffExt); credentialsFileBackup = fspath.join(settings.userDir,"."+ffBase+"_cred"+ffExt+".backup"); oldCredentialsFile = fspath.join(settings.userDir,"credentials.json"); flowsFileBackup = fspath.join(ffDir,"."+ffName+".backup"); sessions.init(settings); runtimeSettings.init(settings); var packageFile = fspath.join(settings.userDir,"package.json"); var packagePromise = when.resolve(); promises.push(library.init(settings)); if (!settings.readOnly) { packagePromise = function() { try { fs.statSync(packageFile); } catch(err) { var defaultPackage = { "name": "node-red-project", "description": "A Node-RED Project", "version": "0.0.1" }; return util.writeFile(packageFile,JSON.stringify(defaultPackage,"",4)); } return true; } } return when.all(promises).then(packagePromise); }, getFlows: function() { if (!initialFlowLoadComplete) { initialFlowLoadComplete = true; log.info(log._("storage.localfilesystem.user-dir",{path:settings.userDir})); log.info(log._("storage.localfilesystem.flows-file",{path:flowsFullPath})); } return util.readFile(flowsFullPath,flowsFileBackup,[],'flow'); }, saveFlows: function(flows) { if (settings.readOnly) { return when.resolve(); } try { fs.renameSync(flowsFullPath,flowsFileBackup); } catch(err) { } var flowData; if (settings.flowFilePretty) { flowData = JSON.stringify(flows,null,4); } else { flowData = JSON.stringify(flows); } return util.writeFile(flowsFullPath, flowData); }, getCredentials: function() { return util.readFile(credentialsFile,credentialsFileBackup,{},'credentials'); }, saveCredentials: function(credentials) { if (settings.readOnly) { return when.resolve(); } try { fs.renameSync(credentialsFile,credentialsFileBackup); } catch(err) { } var credentialData; if (settings.flowFilePretty) { credentialData = JSON.stringify(credentials,null,4); } else { credentialData = JSON.stringify(credentials); } return util.writeFile(credentialsFile, credentialData); }, getSettings: runtimeSettings.getSettings, saveSettings: runtimeSettings.saveSettings, getSessions: sessions.getSessions, saveSessions: sessions.saveSessions, getLibraryEntry: library.getLibraryEntry, saveLibraryEntry: library.saveLibraryEntry }; module.exports = localfilesystem;