/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var _max_kept_msgs_count = undefined; function max_kept_msgs_count(node) { if (_max_kept_msgs_count === undefined) { var name = "maxKeptMsgsCount"; if (RED.settings.hasOwnProperty(name)) { _max_kept_msgs_count = RED.settings[name]; } else { _max_kept_msgs_count = 0; } } return _max_kept_msgs_count; } function eval_jsonata(node, code, val) { try { return RED.util.evaluateJSONataExpression(code, val); } catch (e) { node.error(RED._("sort.invalid-exp")); throw e; } } function get_context_val(node, name, dval) { var context = node.context(); var val = context.get(name); if (val === undefined) { context.set(name, dval); return dval; } return val; } function SortNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, n); var node = this; var pending = get_context_val(node, 'pending', {}) var pending_count = 0; var pending_id = 0; var order = n.order || "ascending"; var as_num = n.as_num || false; var target_prop = n.target || "payload"; var target_is_prop = (n.targetType === 'msg'); var key_is_exp = target_is_prop ? (n.msgKeyType === "jsonata") : (n.seqKeyType === "jsonata"); var key_prop = n.seqKey || "payload"; var key_exp = target_is_prop ? n.msgKey : n.seqKey; if (key_is_exp) { try { key_exp = RED.util.prepareJSONataExpression(key_exp, this); } catch (e) { node.error(RED._("sort.invalid-exp")); return; } } var dir = (order === "ascending") ? 1 : -1; var conv = as_num ? function(x) { return Number(x); } : function(x) { return x; }; function gen_comp(key) { return function(x, y) { var xp = conv(key(x)); var yp = conv(key(y)); if (xp === yp) { return 0; } if (xp > yp) { return dir; } return -dir; }; } function send_group(group) { var key = key_is_exp ? function(msg) { return eval_jsonata(node, key_exp, msg); } : function(msg) { return RED.util.getMessageProperty(msg, key_prop); }; var comp = gen_comp(key); var msgs = group.msgs; try { msgs.sort(comp); } catch (e) { return; // not send when error } for (var i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) { var msg = msgs[i]; msg.parts.index = i; node.send(msg); } } function sort_payload(msg) { var data = RED.util.getMessageProperty(msg, target_prop); if (Array.isArray(data)) { var key = key_is_exp ? function(elem) { return eval_jsonata(node, key_exp, elem); } : function(elem) { return elem; }; var comp = gen_comp(key); try { data.sort(comp); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } return false; } function check_parts(parts) { if (parts.hasOwnProperty("id") && parts.hasOwnProperty("index")) { return true; } return false; } function clear_pending() { for(var key in pending) { node.log(RED._("sort.clear"), pending[key].msgs[0]); delete pending[key]; } pending_count = 0; } function remove_oldest_pending() { var oldest = undefined; var oldest_key = undefined; for(var key in pending) { var item = pending[key]; if((oldest === undefined) || (oldest.seq_no > item.seq_no)) { oldest = item; oldest_key = key; } } if(oldest !== undefined) { delete pending[oldest_key]; return oldest.msgs.length; } return 0; } function process_msg(msg) { if (target_is_prop) { if (sort_payload(msg)) { node.send(msg); } return; } var parts = msg.parts; if (!check_parts(parts)) { return; } var gid = parts.id; if (!pending.hasOwnProperty(gid)) { pending[gid] = { count: undefined, msgs: [], seq_no: pending_id++ }; } var group = pending[gid]; var msgs = group.msgs; msgs.push(msg); if (parts.hasOwnProperty("count")) { group.count = parts.count; } pending_count++; if (group.count === msgs.length) { delete pending[gid] send_group(group); pending_count -= msgs.length; } var max_msgs = max_kept_msgs_count(node); if ((max_msgs > 0) && (pending_count > max_msgs)) { pending_count -= remove_oldest_pending(); node.error(RED._("sort.too-many"), msg); } } this.on("input", function(msg) { process_msg(msg); }); this.on("close", function() { clear_pending(); }) } RED.nodes.registerType("sort", SortNode); }