/** * Copyright 2013,2014 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var settings = RED.settings; var events = require("events"); var serialp = require("serialport"); var bufMaxSize = 32768; // Max serial buffer size, for inputs... // TODO: 'serialPool' should be encapsulated in SerialPortNode function SerialPortNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serialport = n.serialport; this.newline = n.newline; this.addchar = n.addchar || "false"; this.serialbaud = parseInt(n.serialbaud) || 57600; this.databits = parseInt(n.databits) || 8; this.parity = n.parity || "none"; this.stopbits = parseInt(n.stopbits) || 1; this.bin = n.bin || "false"; this.out = n.out || "char"; } RED.nodes.registerType("serial-port",SerialPortNode); function SerialOutNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serial = n.serial; this.serialConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.serial); if (this.serialConfig) { var node = this; node.port = serialPool.get(this.serialConfig.serialport, this.serialConfig.serialbaud, this.serialConfig.databits, this.serialConfig.parity, this.serialConfig.stopbits, this.serialConfig.newline); node.addCh = ""; if (node.serialConfig.addchar == "true") { node.addCh = this.serialConfig.newline.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r").replace("\\t","\t").replace("\\e","\e").replace("\\f","\f").replace("\\0","\0"); } node.on("input",function(msg) { var payload = msg.payload; if (!Buffer.isBuffer(payload)) { if (typeof payload === "object") { payload = JSON.stringify(payload); } else { payload = payload.toString(); } payload += node.addCh; } else if (node.addCh !== "") { payload = Buffer.concat([payload,new Buffer(node.addCh)]); } node.port.write(payload,function(err,res) { if (err) { var errmsg = err.toString().replace("Serialport","Serialport "+node.port.serial.path); node.error(errmsg,msg); } }); }); node.port.on('ready', function() { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"connected"}); }); node.port.on('closed', function() { node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"not connected"}); }); } else { this.error("missing serial config"); } this.on("close", function(done) { if (this.serialConfig) { serialPool.close(this.serialConfig.serialport,done); } else { done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("serial out",SerialOutNode); function SerialInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.serial = n.serial; this.serialConfig = RED.nodes.getNode(this.serial); if (this.serialConfig) { var node = this; node.tout = null; var buf; if (node.serialConfig.out != "count") { buf = new Buffer(bufMaxSize); } else { buf = new Buffer(Number(node.serialConfig.newline)); } var i = 0; node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:"unknown"}); node.port = serialPool.get(this.serialConfig.serialport, this.serialConfig.serialbaud, this.serialConfig.databits, this.serialConfig.parity, this.serialConfig.stopbits, this.serialConfig.newline ); var splitc; if (node.serialConfig.newline.substr(0,2) == "0x") { splitc = new Buffer([parseInt(node.serialConfig.newline)]); } else { splitc = new Buffer(node.serialConfig.newline.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r").replace("\\t","\t").replace("\\e","\e").replace("\\f","\f").replace("\\0","\0")); } this.port.on('data', function(msg) { // single char buffer if ((node.serialConfig.newline === 0)||(node.serialConfig.newline === "")) { if (node.serialConfig.bin !== "bin") { node.send({"payload": String.fromCharCode(msg)}); } else { node.send({"payload": new Buffer([msg])}); } } else { // do the timer thing if (node.serialConfig.out === "time") { if (node.tout) { i += 1; buf[i] = msg; } else { node.tout = setTimeout(function () { node.tout = null; var m = new Buffer(i+1); buf.copy(m,0,0,i+1); if (node.serialConfig.bin !== "bin") { m = m.toString(); } node.send({"payload": m}); m = null; }, node.serialConfig.newline); i = 0; buf[0] = msg; } } // count bytes into a buffer... else if (node.serialConfig.out === "count") { buf[i] = msg; i += 1; if ( i >= parseInt(node.serialConfig.newline)) { var m = new Buffer(i); buf.copy(m,0,0,i); if (node.serialConfig.bin !== "bin") { m = m.toString(); } node.send({"payload":m}); m = null; i = 0; } } // look to match char... else if (node.serialConfig.out === "char") { buf[i] = msg; i += 1; if ((msg === splitc[0]) || (i === bufMaxSize)) { var m = new Buffer(i); buf.copy(m,0,0,i); if (node.serialConfig.bin !== "bin") { m = m.toString(); } node.send({"payload":m}); m = null; i = 0; } } else { node.log("should never get here"); } } }); this.port.on('ready', function() { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"connected"}); }); this.port.on('closed', function() { node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"not connected"}); }); } else { this.error("missing serial config"); } this.on("close", function(done) { if (this.serialConfig) { serialPool.close(this.serialConfig.serialport,done); } else { done(); } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("serial in",SerialInNode); var serialPool = function() { var connections = {}; return { get:function(port,baud,databits,parity,stopbits,newline,callback) { var id = port; if (!connections[id]) { connections[id] = function() { var obj = { _emitter: new events.EventEmitter(), serial: null, _closing: false, tout: null, on: function(a,b) { this._emitter.on(a,b); }, close: function(cb) { this.serial.close(cb); }, write: function(m,cb) { this.serial.write(m,cb); }, } //newline = newline.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\r"); var setupSerial = function() { //if (newline == "") { obj.serial = new serialp.SerialPort(port,{ baudrate: baud, databits: databits, parity: parity, stopbits: stopbits, parser: serialp.parsers.raw },true, function(err, results) { if (err) { obj.serial.emit('error',err); } }); //} //else { // obj.serial = new serialp.SerialPort(port,{ // baudrate: baud, // databits: databits, // parity: parity, // stopbits: stopbits, // parser: serialp.parsers.readline(newline) // },true, function(err, results) { if (err) obj.serial.emit('error',err); }); //} obj.serial.on('error', function(err) { RED.log.error("serial port "+port+" error "+err); obj._emitter.emit('closed'); obj.tout = setTimeout(function() { setupSerial(); }, settings.serialReconnectTime); }); obj.serial.on('close', function() { if (!obj._closing) { RED.log.error("serial port "+port+" closed unexpectedly"); obj._emitter.emit('closed'); obj.tout = setTimeout(function() { setupSerial(); }, settings.serialReconnectTime); } }); obj.serial.on('open',function() { RED.log.info("serial port "+port+" opened at "+baud+" baud "+databits+""+parity.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+stopbits); if (obj.tout) { clearTimeout(obj.tout); } //obj.serial.flush(); obj._emitter.emit('ready'); }); obj.serial.on('data',function(d) { //console.log(Buffer.isBuffer(d),d.length,d); //if (typeof d !== "string") { // //d = d.toString(); for (var z=0; z<d.length; z++) { obj._emitter.emit('data',d[z]); } //} //else { // obj._emitter.emit('data',d); //} }); obj.serial.on("disconnect",function() { RED.log.error("serial port "+port+" gone away"); }); } setupSerial(); return obj; }(); } return connections[id]; }, close: function(port,done) { if (connections[port]) { if (connections[port].tout != null) { clearTimeout(connections[port].tout); } connections[port]._closing = true; try { connections[port].close(function() { RED.log.info("serial port closed"); done(); }); } catch(err) { } delete connections[port]; } else { done(); } } } }(); RED.httpAdmin.get("/serialports", RED.auth.needsPermission('serial.read'), function(req,res) { serialp.list(function (err, ports) { res.json(ports); }); }); }