{ "common": { "label": { "name": "Name", "ok": "Ok", "done":"Done", "cancel": "Cancel", "delete": "Delete", "close": "Close", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "import": "Import", "export": "Export" } }, "workspace": { "defaultName": "Flow __number__", "editFlow": "Edit flow: __name__", "confirmDelete": "Confirm delete", "delete": "Are you sure you want to delete '__label__'?", "dropFlowHere": "Drop the flow here", "status": "Status", "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled":"Disabled", "info": "Description", "tip": "Description accepts Markdown and will appear in the Info tab." }, "menu": { "label": { "view": { "view": "View", "grid": "Grid", "showGrid": "Show grid", "snapGrid": "Snap to grid", "gridSize": "Grid size", "textDir": "Text Direction", "defaultDir": "Default", "ltr": "Left-to-right", "rtl": "Right-to-left", "auto": "Contextual" }, "sidebar": { "show": "Show sidebar" }, "settings": "Settings", "userSettings": "User Settings", "nodes": "Nodes", "displayStatus": "Show node status", "displayConfig": "Configuration nodes", "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "search": "Search flows", "searchInput": "search your flows", "clipboard": "Clipboard", "library": "Library", "examples": "Examples", "subflows": "Subflows", "createSubflow": "Create Subflow", "selectionToSubflow": "Selection to Subflow", "flows": "Flows", "add": "Add", "rename": "Rename", "delete": "Delete", "keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts", "login": "Login", "logout": "Logout", "editPalette":"Manage palette", "other": "Other", "showTips": "Show tips", "help": "Node-RED website" } }, "user": { "loggedInAs": "Logged in as __name__", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "login": "Login", "loginFailed": "Login failed", "notAuthorized": "Not authorized", "errors": { "settings": "You must be logged in to access settings", "deploy": "You must be logged in to deploy changes", "notAuthorized": "You must be logged in to perform this action" } }, "notification": { "warning": "Warning: __message__", "warnings": { "undeployedChanges": "node has undeployed changes", "nodeActionDisabled": "node actions disabled within subflow", "missing-types": "
Flows stopped due to missing node types.
", "restartRequired": "Node-RED must be restarted to enable upgraded modules", "credentials_load_failed": "Flows stopped as the credentials could not be decrypted.
The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.
", "missing_flow_file": "Project flow file not found.
The project is not configured with a flow file.
", "project_empty": "The project is empty.
Do you want to create a default set of project files?
Otherwise, you will have to manually add files to the project outside of the editor.
Failed to load node catalogue.
Check the browser console for more information
", "installFailed": "Failed to install: __module__
Check the log for more information
", "removeFailed": "Failed to remove: __module__
Check the log for more information
", "updateFailed": "Failed to update: __module__
Check the log for more information
", "enableFailed": "Failed to enable: __module__
Check the log for more information
", "disableFailed": "Failed to disable: __module__
Check the log for more information
" }, "confirm": { "install": { "body":"Installing '__module__'
Before installing, please read the node's documentation. Some nodes have dependencies that cannot be automatically resolved and can require a restart of Node-RED.
", "title": "Install nodes" }, "remove": { "body":"Removing '__module__'
Removing the node will uninstall it from Node-RED. The node may continue to use resources until Node-RED is restarted.
", "title": "Remove nodes" }, "update": { "body":"Updating '__module__'
Updating the node will require a restart of Node-RED to complete the update. This must be done manually.
", "title": "Update nodes" }, "cannotUpdate": { "body":"An update for this node is available, but it is not installed in a location that the palette manager can update. The current expression appears to still reference msg
so will be evaluated in compatibility mode. Please update the expression to not use msg
as this mode will be removed in the future.
When JSONata support was first added to Node-RED, it required the expression to reference the msg
object. For example msg.payload
would be used to access the payload.
That is no longer necessary as the expression will be evaluated against the message directly. To access the payload, the expression should be just payload
The Buffer type is stored as a JSON array of byte values. The editor will attempt to parse the entered value as a JSON array. If it is not valid JSON, it will be treated as a UTF-8 String and converted to an array of the individual character code points.
For example, a value of Hello World
will be converted to the JSON array:
[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]" } }