/*! * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ /** * This module provides the node registry for the Node-RED runtime. * * It is responsible for loading node modules and making them available * to the runtime. * * @namespace @node-red/registry */ var registry = require("./registry"); var loader = require("./loader"); var installer = require("./installer"); var library = require("./library"); var plugins = require("./plugins"); /** * Initialise the registry with a reference to a runtime object * @param {Object} runtime - a runtime object * @memberof @node-red/registry */ function init(runtime) { installer.init(runtime.settings); // Loader requires the full runtime object because it initialises // the util module it. The Util module is responsible for constructing the // RED object passed to node modules when they are loaded. loader.init(runtime); plugins.init(runtime.settings); registry.init(runtime.settings,loader); library.init(); } /** * Triggers the intial discovery and loading of all Node-RED node modules. * found on the node path. * @return {Promise} - resolves when the registry has finised discovering node modules. * @memberof @node-red/registry */ function load() { registry.load(); return installer.checkPrereq().then(loader.load); } function addModule(module) { return loader.addModule(module).then(function() { return registry.getModuleInfo(module); }); } function enableNodeSet(typeOrId) { return registry.enableNodeSet(typeOrId).then(function() { var nodeSet = registry.getNodeInfo(typeOrId); if (!nodeSet.loaded) { return loader.loadNodeSet(registry.getFullNodeInfo(typeOrId)).then(function() { return registry.getNodeInfo(typeOrId); }); } return Promise.resolve(nodeSet); }); } module.exports = { init:init, load:load, clear: registry.clear, /** * Register a node constructor function. * * @param {Object} nodeSet - the Node Set object the constructor is for * @param {String} type - the node type * @param {Function} constructor - the node constructor function * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ registerType: registry.registerNodeConstructor, /** * Get a node constructor function. * * @param {String} type - the node type * @return {Function} the node constructor function * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ get: registry.getNodeConstructor, registerSubflow: registry.registerSubflow, /** * Get a node's set information. * * @param {String} type - the node type or set identifier * @return {Object} the node set information * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeInfo: registry.getNodeInfo, /** * Get a list of all nodes in the registry. * * @return {Object} the node list * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeList: registry.getNodeList, /** * Get a modules's information. * * @param {String} type - the module identifier * @return {Object} the module information * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getModuleInfo: registry.getModuleInfo, /** * Get a list of all moduless in the registry. * * @return {Object} the module list * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getModuleList: registry.getModuleList, /** * Get the HTML configs for all nodes in the registry. * * @param {String} lang - the language to return, default `en-US` * @return {String} the node configs * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeConfigs: registry.getAllNodeConfigs, /** * Get the HTML config for a single node set. * * @param {String} id - the node identifier * @param {String} lang - the language to return, default `en-US` * @return {String} the node config * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeConfig: registry.getNodeConfig, /** * Get the local path to a node's icon file. * * @param {String} module - the module that provides the icon * @param {String} icon - the name of the icon * @return {String} the local path to the icon * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeIconPath: registry.getNodeIconPath, /** * Get the full list of all icons available. * * @return {String} the icon list * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeIcons: registry.getNodeIcons, /** * Enables a node set, making it available for use. * * @param {String} type - the node type or set identifier * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the node set has been enabled * @throws if the identifier is not recognised or runtime settings are unavailable * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ enableNode: enableNodeSet, /** * Disables a node set, making it unavailable for use. * * @param {String} type - the node type or set identifier * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the node set has been disabled * @throws if the identifier is not recognised or runtime settings are unavailable * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ disableNode: registry.disableNodeSet, /** * Loads a new module into the registry. * * This will rescan the node module paths looking for this module. * * @param {String} module - the name of the module to add * @return {Promise<Object>} A promise that resolves with the module information once it has been added * @throws if the module has already been added or the runtime settings are unavailable * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ addModule: addModule, /** * Removes a module from the registry. * * @param {String} module - the name of the module to remove * @return {Promise<Array>} A promise that resolves with the list of removed node sets * @throws if the module is not found or the runtime settings are unavailable * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ removeModule: registry.removeModule, /** * Installs a new node module using npm and then add to the registry * * @param {String|Buffer} module - the name of the module to install, or a Buffer containing a module tar file * @param {String} version - the version of the module to install, default: `latest` * @param {String} url - (optional) a url to install the module from * @return {Promise<Array>} A promise that resolves with the module information once it has been installed * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ installModule: installer.installModule, /** * Uninstalls a module using npm * * @param {String} module - the name of the module to uninstall * @return {Promise<Array>} A promise that resolves when the module has been removed * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ uninstallModule: installer.uninstallModule, /** * Update to internal list of available modules based on what has been actually * loaded. * * The `externalModules.autoInstall` (previously `autoInstallModules`) * runtime option means the runtime may try to install * missing modules after the initial load is complete. If that flag is not set * this function is used to remove the modules from the registry's saved list. * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ cleanModuleList: registry.cleanModuleList, /** * Check if the regisrty is able to install/remove modules. * * This is based on whether it has found `npm` on the command-line. * @return {Boolean} whether the installer is enabled * * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ installerEnabled: installer.installerEnabled, /** * Get a list of all example flows provided by nodes in the registry. * @return {Object} an object, indexed by module, listing all example flows * * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeExampleFlows: library.getExampleFlows, /** * Gets the full path to a node example * @param {String} module - the name of the module providing the example * @param {String} path - the relative path of the example * @return {String} the full path to the example * * @function * @memberof @node-red/registry */ getNodeExampleFlowPath: library.getExampleFlowPath, registerPlugin: plugins.registerPlugin, getPlugin: plugins.getPlugin, getPluginsByType: plugins.getPluginsByType, getPluginList: plugins.getPluginList, getPluginConfigs: plugins.getPluginConfigs, deprecated: require("./deprecated") };