/** * Copyright 2014 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var should = require("should"); var sinon = require("sinon"); var when = require("when"); var flows = require("../../../red/nodes/flows"); var RedNode = require("../../../red/nodes/Node"); var RED = require("../../../red/nodes"); var events = require("../../../red/events"); var typeRegistry = require("../../../red/nodes/registry"); var settings = { available: function() { return false; } } function loadFlows(testFlows, cb) { var storage = { getFlows: function() { return when.resolve(testFlows); }, getCredentials: function() { return when.resolve({}); } }; RED.init(settings, storage); flows.load().then(function() { should.deepEqual(testFlows, flows.getFlows()); cb(); }); } describe('flows', function() { afterEach(function(done) { flows.clear().then(function() { loadFlows([],done); }); }); describe('#add',function() { it('should be called by node constructor',function(done) { var n = new RedNode({id:'123',type:'abc'}); should.deepEqual(n, flows.get("123")); flows.clear().then(function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('#each',function() { it('should "visit" all nodes',function(done) { var nodes = [ new RedNode({id:'n0'}), new RedNode({id:'n1'}) ]; var count = 0; flows.each(function(node) { should.deepEqual(nodes[count], node); count += 1; if (count == 2) { done(); } }); }); }); describe('#load',function() { it('should load nothing when storage is empty',function(done) { loadFlows([], done); }); it('should load and start an empty tab flow',function(done) { loadFlows([{"type":"tab","id":"tab1","label":"Sheet 1"}], function() {}); events.once('nodes-started', function() { done(); }); }); it('should load and start a registered node type', function(done) { RED.registerType('debug', function() {}); var typeRegistryGet = sinon.stub(typeRegistry,"get",function(nt) { return function() {}; }); loadFlows([{"id":"n1","type":"debug"}], function() { }); events.once('nodes-started', function() { typeRegistryGet.restore(); done(); }); }); it('should load and start when node type is registered', function(done) { var typeRegistryGet = sinon.stub(typeRegistry,"get"); typeRegistryGet.onCall(0).returns(null); typeRegistryGet.returns(function(){}); loadFlows([{"id":"n2","type":"inject"}], function() { events.emit('type-registered','inject'); }); events.once('nodes-started', function() { typeRegistryGet.restore(); done(); }); }); it('should not instantiate nodes of an unused subflow', function(done) { RED.registerType('abc', function() {}); var typeRegistryGet = sinon.stub(typeRegistry,"get",function(nt) { return function() {}; }); loadFlows([{"id":"n1","type":"subflow",inputs:[],outputs:[],wires:[]}, {"id":"n2","type":"abc","z":"n1",wires:[]} ],function() { }); events.once('nodes-started', function() { (flows.get("n2") == null).should.be.true; var ncount = 0 flows.each(function(n) { ncount++; }); ncount.should.equal(0); console.log(ncount); typeRegistryGet.restore(); done(); }); }); it('should instantiate nodes of an used subflow with new IDs', function(done) { RED.registerType('abc', function() {}); var typeRegistryGet = sinon.stub(typeRegistry,"get",function(nt) { return RedNode; }); loadFlows([{"id":"n1","type":"subflow",inputs:[],outputs:[]}, {"id":"n2","type":"abc","z":"n1","name":"def",wires:[]}, {"id":"n3","type":"subflow:n1"} ], function() { }); events.once('nodes-started', function() { // n2 should not get instantiated with that id (flows.get("n2") == null).should.be.true; var ncount = 0 var nodes = []; flows.each(function(n) { nodes.push(n); }); nodes.should.have.lengthOf(2); // Assume the nodes are instantiated in this order - not // a requirement, but makes the test easier to write. nodes[0].should.have.property("id","n3"); nodes[0].should.have.property("type","subflow:n1"); nodes[1].should.not.have.property("id","n2"); nodes[1].should.have.property("name","def"); // TODO: verify instance wiring is correct typeRegistryGet.restore(); done(); }); }); }); describe('#setFlows',function() { it('should save and start an empty tab flow',function(done) { var saved = 0; var testFlows = [{"type":"tab","id":"tab1","label":"Sheet 1"}]; var storage = { saveFlows: function(conf) { var defer = when.defer(); defer.resolve(); should.deepEqual(testFlows, conf); return defer.promise; }, saveCredentials: function (creds) { return when(true); } }; RED.init(settings, storage); flows.setFlows(testFlows); events.once('nodes-started', function() { done(); }); }); }); });