/** * Copyright 2016 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.tray = (function() { var stack = []; function resize() { } function showTray(options) { var el = $('
'); var header = $('
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').appendTo(el); var growButton = $('').appendTo(resizer); var shrinkButton = $('').appendTo(resizer); if (options.buttons) { for (var i=0;i').appendTo(footer); if (button.id) { b.attr('id',button.id); } if (button.text) { b.text(button.text); } if (button.click) { b.click(button.click); } if (button.class) { b.addClass(button.class); } } } el.appendTo("#editor-stack"); var tray = { tray: el, header: header, body: body, footer: footer, options: options }; el.draggable({ handle: resizer, axis: "x", start:function(event,ui) { el.width('auto'); }, drag: function(event,ui) { if (ui.position.left > -tray.preferredWidth-1) { ui.position.left = -tray.preferredWidth-1; } else if (tray.options.resize) { setTimeout(function() { tray.options.resize({width: -ui.position.left}); },0); } tray.width = -ui.position.left; }, stop:function(event,ui) { el.width(-ui.position.left); el.css({left:''}); if (tray.options.resize) { tray.options.resize({width: -ui.position.left}); } tray.width = -ui.position.left; } }); if (options.open) { options.open(el); } $("#header-shade").show(); $("#editor-shade").show(); tray.preferredWidth = el.width(); if (options.width) { if (options.width > $("#editor-stack").position().left-8) { options.width = $("#editor-stack").position().left-8; } el.width(options.width); } tray.width = el.width(); el.css({ right: -(el.width()+10)+"px", transition: "right 0.2s ease" }); $("#workspace").scrollLeft(0); stack.push(tray); var trayHeight = el.height()-header.outerHeight()-footer.outerHeight(); body.height(trayHeight-40); setTimeout(function() { setTimeout(function() { if (!options.width) { el.width(tray.preferredWidth); } if (options.resize) { options.resize({width:el.width()}); } if (options.show) { options.show(); } },150); el.css({right:0}); },0); growButton.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); tray.lastWidth = tray.width; tray.width = $("#editor-stack").position().left-8; el.width(tray.width); if (options.resize) { options.resize({width:tray.width}); } }); shrinkButton.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (tray.lastWidth && tray.width > tray.lastWidth) { tray.width = tray.lastWidth; } else if (tray.width > tray.preferredWidth) { tray.width = tray.preferredWidth; } el.width(tray.width); if (options.resize) { options.resize({width:tray.width}); } }); } function handleWindowResize() { if (stack.length > 0) { var tray = stack[stack.length-1]; var trayHeight = tray.tray.height()-tray.header.outerHeight()-tray.footer.outerHeight(); tray.body.height(trayHeight-40); if (tray.width > $("#editor-stack").position().left-8) { tray.width = Math.max(tray.preferredWidth,$("#editor-stack").position().left-8); tray.tray.width(tray.width); } if (tray.options.resize) { tray.options.resize({width:tray.width}); } } } return { init: function init() { $(window).resize(handleWindowResize); RED.events.on("sidebar:resize",handleWindowResize); }, show: function show(options) { if (stack.length > 0) { var oldTray = stack[stack.length-1]; oldTray.tray.css({ right: -(oldTray.tray.width()+10)+"px" }); setTimeout(function() { oldTray.tray.detach(); showTray(options); },200) } else { showTray(options); } }, close: function close(done) { if (stack.length > 0) { var tray = stack.pop(); tray.tray.css({ right: -(tray.tray.width()+10)+"px" }); setTimeout(function() { if (tray.options.close) { tray.options.close(); } tray.tray.remove(); if (stack.length > 0) { var oldTray = stack[stack.length-1]; oldTray.tray.appendTo("#editor-stack"); setTimeout(function() { handleWindowResize(); oldTray.tray.css({right:0}); if (oldTray.options.show) { oldTray.options.show(); } },0); } if (done) { done(); } },200) if (stack.length === 0) { $("#header-shade").hide(); $("#editor-shade").hide(); } } } } })();