Node-RED Modules --- Node-RED provides a set of node modules that implement different parts of the application. Module | Description -------|------- [node-red](node-red.html) | the main module that pulls together all of the internal modules and provides the executable version of Node-RED [@node-red/editor-api](@node-red_editor-api.html) | an Express application that serves the Node-RED editor and provides the Admin HTTP API [@node-red/runtime](@node-red_runtime.html) | the core runtime of Node-RED [@node-red/util](@node-red_util.html) | common utilities for the Node-RED runtime and editor modules [@node-red/registry](@node-red_registry.html) | the internal node registry @node-red/nodes | the default set of core nodes @node-red/editor-client | the client-side resources of the Node-RED editor application