{ "common": { "label": { "name": "Name", "ok": "Ok", "done":"Done", "cancel": "Cancel", "delete": "Delete", "close": "Close", "load": "Load", "save": "Save", "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "back": "Back", "next": "Next", "clone": "Clone project", "cont": "Continue", "style": "Style", "line": "Outline", "fill": "Fill", "label": "Label", "color": "Color", "position": "Position", "enable": "Enable", "disable": "Disable", "upload": "Upload" }, "type": { "string": "string", "number": "number", "boolean": "boolean", "array": "array", "buffer": "buffer", "object": "object", "jsonString": "JSON string", "undefined": "undefined", "null": "null" } }, "event": { "loadPlugins": "Loading Plugins", "loadPalette": "Loading Palette", "loadNodeCatalogs": "Loading Node catalogs", "loadNodes": "Loading Nodes __count__", "loadFlows": "Loading Flows", "importFlows": "Adding Flows to workspace", "importError": "

Error adding flows


", "loadingProject": "Loading project" }, "workspace": { "defaultName": "Flow __number__", "editFlow": "Edit flow: __name__", "confirmDelete": "Confirm delete", "delete": "Are you sure you want to delete '__label__'?", "dropFlowHere": "Drop the flow here", "addFlow": "Add flow", "addFlowToRight": "Add flow to the right", "hideFlow": "Hide flow", "hideOtherFlows": "Hide other flows", "showAllFlows": "Show all flows", "hideAllFlows": "Hide all flows", "showLastHiddenFlow": "Show last hidden flow", "listFlows": "List flows", "listSubflows": "List subflows", "status": "Status", "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled":"Disabled", "info": "Description", "selectNodes": "Click nodes to select" }, "menu": { "label": { "view": { "view": "View", "grid": "Grid", "showGrid": "Show grid", "snapGrid": "Snap to grid", "gridSize": "Grid size", "textDir": "Text Direction", "defaultDir": "Default", "ltr": "Left-to-right", "rtl": "Right-to-left", "auto": "Contextual", "language": "Language", "browserDefault": "Browser default" }, "sidebar": { "show": "Show sidebar" }, "palette": { "show": "Show palette" }, "edit": "Edit", "settings": "Settings", "userSettings": "User Settings", "nodes": "Nodes", "displayStatus": "Show node status", "displayConfig": "Configuration nodes", "import": "Import", "export": "Export", "search": "Search flows", "searchInput": "search your flows", "subflows": "Subflows", "createSubflow": "Create Subflow", "selectionToSubflow": "Selection to Subflow", "flows": "Flows", "add": "Add", "rename": "Rename", "delete": "Delete", "keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts", "login": "Login", "logout": "Logout", "editPalette":"Manage palette", "other": "Other", "showTips": "Show tips", "showWelcomeTours": "Show guided tours for new versions", "help": "Node-RED website", "projects": "Projects", "projects-new": "New", "projects-open": "Open", "projects-settings": "Project Settings", "showNodeLabelDefault": "Show label of newly added nodes", "codeEditor": "Code Editor", "groups": "Groups", "groupSelection": "Group selection", "ungroupSelection": "Ungroup selection", "groupMergeSelection": "Merge selection", "groupRemoveSelection": "Remove from group", "arrange":"Arrange", "alignLeft":"Align to left", "alignCenter":"Align to center", "alignRight":"Align to right", "alignTop":"Align to top", "alignMiddle":"Align to middle", "alignBottom":"Align to bottom", "distributeHorizontally":"Distribute horizontally", "distributeVertically":"Distribute vertically", "moveToBack":"Move to back", "moveToFront":"Move to front", "moveBackwards":"Move backwards", "moveForwards":"Move forwards" } }, "actions": { "toggle-navigator": "Toggle navigator", "zoom-out": "Zoom out", "zoom-reset": "Reset zoom", "zoom-in": "Zoom in" }, "user": { "loggedInAs": "Logged in as __name__", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "login": "Login", "loginFailed": "Login failed", "notAuthorized": "Not authorized", "errors": { "settings": "You must be logged in to access settings", "deploy": "You must be logged in to deploy changes", "notAuthorized": "You must be logged in to perform this action" } }, "notification": { "warning": "Warning: __message__", "warnings": { "undeployedChanges": "node has undeployed changes", "nodeActionDisabled": "node actions disabled", "nodeActionDisabledSubflow": "node actions disabled within subflow", "missing-types": "

Flows stopped due to missing node types.

", "missing-modules": "

Flows stopped due to missing modules.

", "safe-mode":"

Flows stopped in safe mode.

You can modify your flows and deploy the changes to restart.

", "restartRequired": "Node-RED must be restarted to enable upgraded modules", "credentials_load_failed": "

Flows stopped as the credentials could not be decrypted.

The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.

", "credentials_load_failed_reset":"

Credentials could not be decrypted

The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.

The flow credential file will be reset on the next deployment. Any existing flow credentials will be cleared.

", "missing_flow_file": "

Project flow file not found.

The project is not configured with a flow file.

", "missing_package_file": "

Project package file not found.

The project is missing a package.json file.

", "project_empty": "

The project is empty.

Do you want to create a default set of project files?
Otherwise, you will have to manually add files to the project outside of the editor.

", "project_not_found": "

Project '__project__' not found.

", "git_merge_conflict": "

Automatic merging of changes failed.

Fix the unmerged conflicts then commit the results.

" }, "error": "Error: __message__", "errors": { "lostConnection": "Lost connection to server, reconnecting...", "lostConnectionReconnect": "Lost connection to server, reconnecting in __time__s.", "lostConnectionTry": "Try now", "cannotAddSubflowToItself": "Cannot add subflow to itself", "cannotAddCircularReference": "Cannot add subflow - circular reference detected", "unsupportedVersion": "

Using an unsupported version of Node.js

You should upgrade to the latest Node.js LTS release

", "failedToAppendNode": "

Failed to load '__module__'


" }, "project": { "change-branch": "Change to local branch '__project__'", "merge-abort": "Git merge aborted", "loaded": "Project '__project__' loaded", "updated": "Project '__project__' updated", "pull": "Project '__project__' reloaded", "revert": "Project '__project__' reverted", "merge-complete": "Git merge completed", "setupCredentials": "Setup credentials", "setupProjectFiles": "Setup project files", "no": "No thanks", "createDefault": "Create default project files", "mergeConflict": "Show merge conflicts" }, "label": { "manage-project-dep": "Manage project dependencies", "setup-cred": "Setup credentials", "setup-project": "Setup project files", "create-default-package": "Create default package file", "no-thanks": "No thanks", "create-default-project": "Create default project files", "show-merge-conflicts": "Show merge conflicts" } }, "clipboard": { "clipboard": "Clipboard", "nodes": "Nodes", "node": "__count__ node", "node_plural": "__count__ nodes", "configNode": "__count__ configuration node", "configNode_plural": "__count__ configuration nodes", "group": "__count__ group", "group_plural": "__count__ groups", "flow": "__count__ flow", "flow_plural": "__count__ flows", "subflow": "__count__ subflow", "subflow_plural": "__count__ subflows", "replacedNodes": "__count__ node replaced", "replacedNodes_plural": "__count__ nodes replaced", "pasteNodes": "Paste flow json or", "selectFile": "select a file to import", "importNodes": "Import nodes", "exportNodes": "Export nodes", "download": "Download", "importUnrecognised": "Imported unrecognised type:", "importUnrecognised_plural": "Imported unrecognised types:", "importDuplicate": "Imported duplicate node:", "importDuplicate_plural": "Imported duplicate nodes:", "nodesExported": "Nodes exported to clipboard", "nodesImported": "Imported:", "nodeCopied": "__count__ node copied", "nodeCopied_plural": "__count__ nodes copied", "groupCopied": "__count__ group copied", "groupCopied_plural": "__count__ groups copied", "groupStyleCopied": "Group style copied", "invalidFlow": "Invalid flow: __message__", "recoveredNodes": "Recovered Nodes", "recoveredNodesInfo": "The nodes on this flow were missing a valid flow id when they were imported. They have been added to this flow so you can either restore or delete them.", "recoveredNodesNotification": "

Imported nodes without a valid flow id

They have been added to a new flow called '__flowName__'.

", "export": { "selected":"selected nodes", "current":"current flow", "all":"all flows", "compact":"compact", "formatted":"formatted", "copy": "Copy to clipboard", "export": "Export to library", "exportAs": "Export as", "overwrite": "Replace", "exists": "

\"__file__\" already exists.

Do you want to replace it?

" }, "import": { "import": "Import to", "importSelected": "Import selected", "importCopy": "Import copy", "viewNodes": "View nodes...", "newFlow": "new flow", "replace": "replace", "errors": { "notArray": "Input not a JSON Array", "itemNotObject": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ not a node object", "missingId": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ missing 'id' property", "missingType": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ missing 'type' property" }, "conflictNotification1": "Some of the nodes you are importing already exist in your workspace.", "conflictNotification2": "Select which nodes to import and whether to replace the existing nodes, or to import a copy of them." }, "copyMessagePath": "Path copied", "copyMessageValue": "Value copied", "copyMessageValue_truncated": "Truncated value copied" }, "deploy": { "deploy": "Deploy", "full": "Full", "fullDesc": "Deploys everything in the workspace", "modifiedFlows": "Modified Flows", "modifiedFlowsDesc": "Only deploys flows that contain changed nodes", "modifiedNodes": "Modified Nodes", "modifiedNodesDesc": "Only deploys nodes that have changed", "restartFlows": "Restart Flows", "restartFlowsDesc": "Restarts the current deployed flows", "successfulDeploy": "Successfully deployed", "successfulRestart": "Successfully restarted flows", "deployFailed": "Deploy failed: __message__", "unusedConfigNodes":"You have some unused configuration nodes.", "unusedConfigNodesLink":"Click here to see them", "errors": { "noResponse": "no response from server" }, "confirm": { "button": { "ignore": "Ignore", "confirm": "Confirm deploy", "review": "Review changes", "cancel": "Cancel", "merge": "Merge", "overwrite": "Ignore & deploy" }, "undeployedChanges": "You have undeployed changes.\n\nLeaving this page will lose these changes.", "improperlyConfigured": "The workspace contains some nodes that are not properly configured:", "unknown": "The workspace contains some unknown node types:", "confirm": "Are you sure you want to deploy?", "doNotWarn": "do not warn about this again", "conflict": "The server is running a more recent set of flows.", "backgroundUpdate": "The flows on the server have been updated.", "conflictChecking": "Checking to see if the changes can be merged automatically", "conflictAutoMerge": "The changes include no conflicts and can be merged automatically.", "conflictManualMerge": "The changes include conflicts that must be resolved before they can be deployed.", "plusNMore": "+ __count__ more" } }, "eventLog": { "title": "Event log", "view": "View log" }, "diff": { "unresolvedCount": "__count__ unresolved conflict", "unresolvedCount_plural": "__count__ unresolved conflicts", "globalNodes": "Global nodes", "flowProperties": "Flow Properties", "type": { "added": "added", "changed": "changed", "unchanged": "unchanged", "deleted": "deleted", "flowDeleted": "flow deleted", "flowAdded": "flow added", "movedTo": "moved to __id__", "movedFrom": "moved from __id__" }, "nodeCount": "__count__ node", "nodeCount_plural": "__count__ nodes", "local":"Local changes", "remote":"Remote changes", "reviewChanges": "Review Changes", "noBinaryFileShowed": "Cannot show binary file contents", "viewCommitDiff": "View Commit Changes", "compareChanges": "Compare Changes", "saveConflict": "Save conflict resolution", "conflictHeader": "__resolved__ of __unresolved__ conflicts resolved", "commonVersionError": "Common Version doesn't contain valid JSON:", "oldVersionError": "Old Version doesn't contain valid JSON:", "newVersionError": "New Version doesn't contain valid JSON:" }, "subflow": { "editSubflowInstance": "Edit subflow instance: __name__", "editSubflow": "Edit subflow template: __name__", "edit": "Edit subflow template", "subflowInstances": "There is __count__ instance of this subflow template", "subflowInstances_plural": "There are __count__ instances of this subflow template", "editSubflowProperties": "edit properties", "input": "inputs:", "output": "outputs:", "status": "status node", "deleteSubflow": "delete subflow", "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this subflow?", "info": "Description", "category": "Category", "module": "Module", "license": "License", "licenseNone": "none", "licenseOther": "Other", "type": "Node Type", "version": "Version", "versionPlaceholder": "x.y.z", "keys": "Keywords", "keysPlaceholder": "Comma-separated keywords", "author": "Author", "authorPlaceholder": "Your Name ", "desc": "Description", "env": { "restore": "Restore to subflow default", "remove": "Remove environment variable" }, "errors": { "noNodesSelected": "Cannot create subflow: no nodes selected", "multipleInputsToSelection": "Cannot create subflow: multiple inputs to selection" } }, "group": { "editGroup": "Edit group: __name__", "errors": { "cannotCreateDiffGroups": "Cannot create group using nodes from different groups", "cannotAddSubflowPorts": "Cannot add subflow ports to a group" } }, "editor": { "configEdit": "Edit", "configAdd": "Add", "configUpdate": "Update", "configDelete": "Delete", "nodesUse": "__count__ node uses this config", "nodesUse_plural": "__count__ nodes use this config", "addNewConfig": "Add new __type__ config node", "editNode": "Edit __type__ node", "editConfig": "Edit __type__ config node", "addNewType": "Add new __type__...", "nodeProperties": "node properties", "label": "Label", "color": "Color", "portLabels": "Port labels", "labelInputs": "Inputs", "labelOutputs": "Outputs", "settingIcon": "Icon", "default": "default", "noDefaultLabel": "none", "defaultLabel": "use default label", "searchIcons": "Search icons", "useDefault": "use default", "description": "Description", "show": "Show", "hide": "Hide", "locale": "Select UI Language", "icon": "Icon", "inputType": "Input type", "selectType": "select types...", "loadCredentials": "Loading node credentials", "inputs" : { "input": "input", "select": "select", "checkbox": "checkbox", "spinner": "spinner", "none": "none", "hidden": "hide property" }, "types": { "str": "string", "num": "number", "bool": "bool", "json": "JSON", "bin": "buffer", "env": "env variable", "cred": "credential" }, "menu": { "input": "input", "select": "select", "checkbox": "checkbox", "spinner": "spinner", "hidden": "label only" }, "select": { "label": "Label", "value": "Value" }, "spinner": { "min": "Minimum", "max": "Maximum" }, "errors": { "scopeChange": "Changing the scope will make it unavailable to nodes in other flows that use it", "invalidProperties": "Invalid properties:", "credentialLoadFailed": "Failed to load node credentials" } }, "keyboard": { "title": "Keyboard Shortcuts", "keyboard": "Keyboard", "filterActions": "filter actions", "shortcut": "shortcut", "scope": "scope", "unassigned": "Unassigned", "global": "global", "workspace": "workspace", "selectAll": "Select all", "selectNone": "Select none", "selectAllConnected": "Select connected", "addRemoveNode": "Add/remove node from selection", "editSelected": "Edit selected node", "deleteSelected": "Delete selected nodes or link", "importNode": "Import nodes", "exportNode": "Export nodes", "nudgeNode": "Move selected nodes (1px)", "moveNode": "Move selected nodes (20px)", "toggleSidebar": "Toggle sidebar", "togglePalette": "Toggle palette", "copyNode": "Copy selected nodes", "cutNode": "Cut selected nodes", "pasteNode": "Paste nodes", "copyGroupStyle": "Copy group style", "pasteGroupStyle": "Paste group style", "undoChange": "Undo", "redoChange": "Redo", "searchBox": "Open search box", "managePalette": "Manage palette", "actionList":"Action list" }, "library": { "library": "Library", "openLibrary": "Open Library...", "saveToLibrary": "Save to Library...", "typeLibrary": "__type__ library", "unnamedType": "Unnamed __type__", "exportedToLibrary": "Nodes exported to library", "dialogSaveOverwrite": "A __libraryType__ called __libraryName__ already exists. Overwrite?", "invalidFilename": "Invalid filename", "savedNodes": "Saved nodes", "savedType": "Saved __type__", "saveFailed": "Save failed: __message__", "newFolder": "New folder", "types": { "local": "Local", "examples": "Examples" } }, "palette": { "noInfo": "no information available", "filter": "filter nodes", "search": "search modules", "addCategory": "Add new...", "label": { "subflows": "subflows", "network": "network", "common": "common", "input": "input", "output": "output", "function": "function", "sequence": "sequence", "parser": "parser", "social": "social", "storage": "storage", "analysis": "analysis", "advanced": "advanced" }, "actions": { "collapse-all": "Collapse all categories", "expand-all": "Expand all categories" }, "event": { "nodeAdded": "Node added to palette:", "nodeAdded_plural": "Nodes added to palette:", "nodeRemoved": "Node removed from palette:", "nodeRemoved_plural": "Nodes removed from palette:", "nodeEnabled": "Node enabled:", "nodeEnabled_plural": "Nodes enabled:", "nodeDisabled": "Node disabled:", "nodeDisabled_plural": "Nodes disabled:", "nodeUpgraded": "Node module __module__ upgraded to version __version__", "unknownNodeRegistered": "Error loading node: " }, "editor": { "title": "Manage palette", "palette": "Palette", "times": { "seconds": "seconds ago", "minutes": "minutes ago", "minutesV": "__count__ minutes ago", "hoursV": "__count__ hour ago", "hoursV_plural": "__count__ hours ago", "daysV": "__count__ day ago", "daysV_plural": "__count__ days ago", "weeksV": "__count__ week ago", "weeksV_plural": "__count__ weeks ago", "monthsV": "__count__ month ago", "monthsV_plural": "__count__ months ago", "yearsV": "__count__ year ago", "yearsV_plural": "__count__ years ago", "yearMonthsV": "__y__ year, __count__ month ago", "yearMonthsV_plural": "__y__ year, __count__ months ago", "yearsMonthsV": "__y__ years, __count__ month ago", "yearsMonthsV_plural": "__y__ years, __count__ months ago" }, "nodeCount": "__label__ node", "nodeCount_plural": "__label__ nodes", "moduleCount": "__count__ module available", "moduleCount_plural": "__count__ modules available", "inuse": "in use", "enableall": "enable all", "disableall": "disable all", "enable": "enable", "disable": "disable", "remove": "remove", "update": "update to __version__", "updated": "updated", "install": "install", "installed": "installed", "conflict": "conflict", "conflictTip": "

This module cannot be installed as it includes a
node type that has already been installed

Conflicts with __module__

", "loading": "Loading catalogues...", "tab-nodes": "Nodes", "tab-install": "Install", "sort": "sort:", "sortAZ": "a-z", "sortRecent": "recent", "more": "+ __count__ more", "upload": "Upload module tgz file", "refresh": "Refresh module list", "errors": { "catalogLoadFailed": "

Failed to load node catalogue.

Check the browser console for more information

", "installFailed": "

Failed to install: __module__


Check the log for more information

", "removeFailed": "

Failed to remove: __module__


Check the log for more information

", "updateFailed": "

Failed to update: __module__


Check the log for more information

", "enableFailed": "

Failed to enable: __module__


Check the log for more information

", "disableFailed": "

Failed to disable: __module__


Check the log for more information

" }, "confirm": { "install": { "body":"

Installing '__module__'

Before installing, please read the node's documentation. Some nodes have dependencies that cannot be automatically resolved and can require a restart of Node-RED.

", "title": "Install nodes" }, "remove": { "body":"

Removing '__module__'

Removing the node will uninstall it from Node-RED. The node may continue to use resources until Node-RED is restarted.

", "title": "Remove nodes" }, "update": { "body":"

Updating '__module__'

Updating the node will require a restart of Node-RED to complete the update. This must be done manually.

", "title": "Update nodes" }, "cannotUpdate": { "body":"An update for this node is available, but it is not installed in a location that the palette manager can update.

Please refer to the documentation for how to update this node." }, "button": { "review": "Open node information", "install": "Install", "remove": "Remove", "update": "Update" } } } }, "sidebar": { "info": { "name": "Information", "tabName": "Name", "label": "info", "node": "Node", "type": "Type", "group": "Group", "module": "Module", "id": "ID", "status": "Status", "enabled": "Enabled", "disabled": "Disabled", "subflow": "Subflow", "instances": "Instances", "properties": "Properties", "info": "Information", "desc": "Description", "blank": "blank", "null": "null", "showMore": "show more", "showLess": "show less", "flow": "Flow", "selection":"Selection", "nodes":"__count__ nodes", "flowDesc": "Flow Description", "subflowDesc": "Subflow Description", "nodeHelp": "Node Help", "none":"None", "arrayItems": "__count__ items", "showTips":"You can open the tips from the settings panel", "outline": "Outline", "empty": "empty", "globalConfig": "Global Configuration Nodes", "triggerAction": "Trigger action", "find": "Find in workspace", "search": { "configNodes": "Configuration nodes", "unusedConfigNodes": "Unused configuration nodes", "invalidNodes": "Invalid nodes", "uknownNodes": "Unknown nodes", "unusedSubflows": "Unused subflows" } }, "help": { "name": "Help", "label": "help", "search": "Search help", "nodeHelp": "Node Help", "showHelp": "Show help", "showInOutline": "Show in outline", "showTopics": "Show topics", "noHelp": "No help topic selected" }, "config": { "name": "Configuration nodes", "label": "config", "global": "On all flows", "none": "none", "subflows": "subflows", "flows": "flows", "filterAll": "all", "showAllConfigNodes": "Show all config nodes", "filterUnused": "unused", "showAllUnusedConfigNodes": "Show all unused config nodes", "filtered": "__count__ hidden" }, "context": { "name":"Context Data", "label":"context", "none": "none selected", "refresh": "refresh to load", "empty": "empty", "node": "Node", "flow": "Flow", "global": "Global", "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "autoRefresh": "Refresh on selection change", "refrsh": "Refresh", "delete": "Delete" }, "palette": { "name": "Palette management", "label": "palette" }, "project": { "label": "project", "name": "Project", "description": "Description", "dependencies": "Dependencies", "settings": "Settings", "noSummaryAvailable": "No summary available", "editDescription": "Edit project description", "editDependencies": "Edit project dependencies", "noDescriptionAvailable": "No description available", "editReadme": "Edit README.md", "showProjectSettings": "Show project settings", "projectSettings": { "title": "Project Settings", "edit": "edit", "none": "None", "install": "install", "removeFromProject": "remove from project", "addToProject": "add to project", "files": "Files", "flow": "Flow", "credentials": "Credentials", "package":"Package", "packageCreate":"File will be created when changes are saved", "fileNotExist":"File does not exist", "selectFile": "Select File", "invalidEncryptionKey": "Invalid encryption key", "encryptionEnabled": "Encryption enabled", "encryptionDisabled": "Encryption disabled", "setTheEncryptionKey": "Set the encryption key", "resetTheEncryptionKey": "Reset the encryption key", "changeTheEncryptionKey": "Change the encryption key", "currentKey": "Current key", "newKey": "New key", "credentialsAlert": "This will delete all existing credentials", "versionControl": "Version Control", "branches": "Branches", "noBranches": "No branches", "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the local branch '__name__'? This cannot be undone.", "unmergedConfirm": "The local branch '__name__' has unmerged changes that will be lost. Are you sure you want to delete it?", "deleteUnmergedBranch": "Delete unmerged branch", "gitRemotes": "Git remotes", "addRemote": "add remote", "addRemote2": "Add remote", "remoteName": "Remote name", "nameRule": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", "url": "URL", "urlRule": "https://, ssh:// or file://", "urlRule2": "Do not include the username/password in the URL", "noRemotes": "No remotes", "deleteRemoteConfrim": "Are you sure you want to delete the remote '__name__'?", "deleteRemote": "Delete remote" }, "userSettings": { "committerDetail": "Committer Details", "committerTip": "Leave blank to use system default", "userName": "Username", "email": "Email", "workflow": "Workflow", "workfowTip": "Choose your preferred git workflow", "workflowManual": "Manual", "workflowManualTip": "All changes must be manually committed under the 'history' sidebar", "workflowAuto": "Automatic", "workflowAutoTip": "Changes are committed automatically with every deploy", "sshKeys": "SSH Keys", "sshKeysTip": "Allows you to create secure connections to remote git repositories.", "add": "add key", "addSshKey": "Add SSH Key", "addSshKeyTip": "Generate a new public/private key pair", "name": "Name", "nameRule": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", "passphrase": "Passphrase", "passphraseShort": "Passphrase too short", "optional": "Optional", "cancel": "Cancel", "generate": "Generate key", "noSshKeys": "No SSH keys", "copyPublicKey": "Copy public key to clipboard", "delete": "Delete key", "gitConfig": "Git config", "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the SSH key __name__? This cannot be undone." }, "versionControl": { "unstagedChanges": "Unstaged changes", "stagedChanges": "Staged changes", "unstageChange": "Unstage change", "stageChange": "Stage change", "unstageAllChange": "Unstage all changes", "stageAllChange": "Stage all changes", "commitChanges": "Commit changes", "resolveConflicts": "Resolve conflicts", "head": "HEAD", "staged": "Staged", "unstaged": "Unstaged", "local": "Local", "remote": "Remote", "revert": "Are you sure you want to revert the changes to '__file__'? This cannot be undone.", "revertChanges": "Revert changes", "localChanges": "Local Changes", "none": "None", "conflictResolve": "All conflicts resolved. Commit the changes to complete the merge.", "localFiles": "Local files", "all": "all", "unmergedChanges": "Unmerged changes", "abortMerge": "abort merge", "commit": "commit", "changeToCommit": "Changes to commit", "commitPlaceholder": "Enter your commit message", "cancelCapital": "Cancel", "commitCapital": "Commit", "commitHistory": "Commit History", "branch": "Branch:", "moreCommits": " more commit(s)", "changeLocalBranch": "Change local branch", "createBranchPlaceholder": "Find or create a branch", "upstream": "upstream", "localOverwrite": "You have local changes that would be overwritten by changing the branch. You must either commit or undo those changes first.", "manageRemoteBranch": "Manage remote branch", "unableToAccess": "Unable to access remote repository", "retry": "Retry", "setUpstreamBranch": "Set as upstream branch", "createRemoteBranchPlaceholder": "Find or create a remote branch", "trackedUpstreamBranch": "The created branch will be set as the tracked upstream branch.", "selectUpstreamBranch": "The branch will be created. Select below to set it as the tracked upstream branch.", "pushFailed": "Push failed as the remote has more recent commits. Pull and merge first, then push again.", "push": "push", "pull": "pull", "unablePull": "

Unable to pull remote changes; your unstaged local changes would be overwritten.

Commit your changes and try again.

", "showUnstagedChanges": "Show unstaged changes", "connectionFailed": "Could not connect to remote repository: ", "pullUnrelatedHistory": "

The remote has an unrelated history of commits.

Are you sure you want to pull the changes into your local repository?

", "pullChanges": "Pull changes", "history": "history", "projectHistory": "Project History", "daysAgo": "__count__ day ago", "daysAgo_plural": "__count__ days ago", "hoursAgo": "__count__ hour ago", "hoursAgo_plural": "__count__ hours ago", "minsAgo": "__count__ min ago", "minsAgo_plural": "__count__ mins ago", "secondsAgo": "Seconds ago", "notTracking": "Your local branch is not currently tracking a remote branch.", "statusUnmergedChanged": "Your repository has unmerged changes. You need to fix the conflicts and commit the result.", "repositoryUpToDate": "Your repository is up to date.", "commitsAhead": "Your repository is __count__ commit ahead of the remote. You can push this commit now.", "commitsAhead_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits ahead of the remote. You can push these commits now.", "commitsBehind": "Your repository is __count__ commit behind of the remote. You can pull this commit now.", "commitsBehind_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits behind of the remote. You can pull these commits now.", "commitsAheadAndBehind1": "Your repository is __count__ commit behind and ", "commitsAheadAndBehind1_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits behind and ", "commitsAheadAndBehind2": "__count__ commit ahead of the remote. ", "commitsAheadAndBehind2_plural": "__count__ commits ahead of the remote. ", "commitsAheadAndBehind3": "You must pull the remote commit down before pushing.", "commitsAheadAndBehind3_plural": "You must pull the remote commits down before pushing.", "refreshCommitHistory": "Refresh commit history", "refreshChanges": "Refresh changes" } } }, "typedInput": { "type": { "str": "string", "num": "number", "re": "regular expression", "bool": "boolean", "json": "JSON", "bin": "buffer", "date": "timestamp", "jsonata": "expression", "env": "env variable", "cred": "credential" } }, "editableList": { "add": "add", "addTitle": "add an item" }, "search": { "empty": "No matches found", "addNode": "add a node..." }, "expressionEditor": { "functions": "Functions", "functionReference": "Function reference", "insert": "Insert", "title": "JSONata Expression editor", "test": "Test", "data": "Example message", "result": "Result", "format": "format expression", "compatMode": "Compatibility mode enabled", "compatModeDesc": "

JSONata compatibility mode

The current expression appears to still reference msg so will be evaluated in compatibility mode. Please update the expression to not use msg as this mode will be removed in the future.

When JSONata support was first added to Node-RED, it required the expression to reference the msg object. For example msg.payload would be used to access the payload.

That is no longer necessary as the expression will be evaluated against the message directly. To access the payload, the expression should be just payload.

", "noMatch": "No matching result", "errors": { "invalid-expr": "Invalid JSONata expression:\n __message__", "invalid-msg": "Invalid example JSON message:\n __message__", "context-unsupported": "Cannot test context functions\n $flowContext or $globalContext", "eval": "Error evaluating expression:\n __message__" } }, "monaco": { "setTheme": "Set theme" }, "jsEditor": { "title": "JavaScript editor" }, "textEditor": { "title": "Text editor" }, "jsonEditor": { "title": "JSON editor", "format": "format JSON", "rawMode": "Edit JSON", "uiMode": "Visual editor", "insertAbove": "Insert above", "insertBelow": "Insert below", "addItem": "Add item", "copyPath": "Copy path to item", "expandItems": "Expand items", "collapseItems": "Collapse items", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "error": { "invalidJSON": "Invalid JSON: " } }, "markdownEditor": { "title": "Markdown editor", "expand": "Expand", "format": "Formatted with markdown", "heading1": "Heading 1", "heading2": "Heading 2", "heading3": "Heading 3", "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "code": "Code", "ordered-list": "Ordered list", "unordered-list": "Unordered list", "quote": "Quote", "link": "Link", "horizontal-rule": "Horizontal rule", "toggle-preview": "Toggle preview" }, "bufferEditor": { "title": "Buffer editor", "modeString": "Handle as UTF-8 String", "modeArray": "Handle as JSON array", "modeDesc":"

Buffer editor

The Buffer type is stored as a JSON array of byte values. The editor will attempt to parse the entered value as a JSON array. If it is not valid JSON, it will be treated as a UTF-8 String and converted to an array of the individual character code points.

For example, a value of Hello World will be converted to the JSON array:

[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]

" }, "projects": { "config-git": "Configure Git client", "welcome": { "hello": "Hello! We have introduced 'projects' to Node-RED.", "desc0": "This is a new way for you to manage your flow files and includes version control of your flows.", "desc1": "To get started you can create your first project or clone an existing project from a git repository.", "desc2": "If you are not sure, you can skip this for now. You will still be able to create your first project from the 'Projects' menu at any time.", "create": "Create Project", "clone": "Clone Repository", "openExistingProject": "Open existing project", "not-right-now": "Not right now" }, "git-config": { "setup": "Setup your version control client", "desc0": "Node-RED uses the open source tool Git for version control. It tracks changes to your project files and lets you push them to remote repositories.", "desc1": "When you commit a set of changes, Git records who made the changes with a username and email address. The Username can be anything you want - it does not need to be your real name.", "desc2": "Your Git client is already configured with the details below.", "desc3": "You can change these settings later under the 'Git config' tab of the settings dialog.", "username": "Username", "email": "Email" }, "project-details": { "create": "Create your project", "desc0": "A project is maintained as a Git repository. It makes it much easier to share your flows with others and to collaborate on them.", "desc1": "You can create multiple projects and quickly switch between them from the editor.", "desc2": "To begin, your project needs a name and an optional description.", "already-exists": "Project already exists", "must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", "project-name": "Project name", "desc": "Description", "opt": "Optional" }, "clone-project": { "clone": "Clone a project", "desc0": "If you already have a git repository containing a project, you can clone it to get started.", "already-exists": "Project already exists", "must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", "project-name": "Project name", "no-info-in-url": "Do not include the username/password in the url", "git-url": "Git repository URL", "protocols": "https://, ssh:// or file://", "auth-failed": "Authentication failed", "username": "Username", "passwd": "Password", "ssh-key": "SSH Key", "passphrase": "Passphrase", "ssh-key-desc": "Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.", "ssh-key-add": "Add an ssh key", "credential-key": "Credentials encryption key", "cant-get-ssh-key": "Error! Can't get selected SSH key path.", "already-exists2": "already exists", "git-error": "git error", "connection-failed": "Connection failed", "not-git-repo": "Not a git repository", "repo-not-found": "Repository not found" }, "default-files": { "create": "Create your project files", "desc0": "A project contains your flow files, a README file and a package.json file.", "desc1": "It can contain any other files you want to maintain in the Git repository.", "desc2": "Your existing flow and credential files will be copied into the project.", "flow-file": "Flow file", "credentials-file": "Credentials file" }, "encryption-config": { "setup": "Setup encryption of your credentials file", "desc0": "Your flow credentials file can be encrypted to keep its contents secure.", "desc1": "If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.", "desc2": "Your flow credentials file is not currently encrypted.", "desc3": "That means its contents, such as passwords and access tokens, can be read by anyone with access to the file.", "desc4": "If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.", "desc5": "Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using the credentialSecret property from your settings file as the key.", "desc6": "Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using a system-generated key. You should provide a new secret key for this project.", "desc7": "The key will be stored separately from your project files. You will need to provide the key to use this project in another instance of Node-RED.", "credentials": "Credentials", "enable": "Enable encryption", "disable": "Disable encryption", "disabled": "disabled", "copy": "Copy over existing key", "use-custom": "Use custom key", "desc8": "The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read", "create-project-files": "Create project files", "create-project": "Create project", "already-exists": "already exists", "git-error": "git error", "git-auth-error": "git auth error" }, "create-success": { "success": "You have successfully created your first project!", "desc0": "You can now continue to use Node-RED just as you always have.", "desc1": "The 'info' tab in the sidebar shows you what your current active project is. The button next to the name can be used to access the project settings view.", "desc2": "The 'history' tab in the sidebar can be used to view files that have changed in your project and to commit them. It shows you a complete history of your commits and allows you to push your changes to a remote repository." }, "create": { "projects": "Projects", "already-exists": "Project already exists", "must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -", "no-info-in-url": "Do not include the username/password in the url", "open": "Open Project", "create": "Create Project", "clone": "Clone Repository", "project-name": "Project name", "desc": "Description", "opt": "Optional", "flow-file": "Flow file", "credentials": "Credentials", "enable-encryption": "Enable encryption", "disable-encryption": "Disable encryption", "encryption-key": "Encryption key", "desc0": "A phrase to secure your credentials with", "desc1": "The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read", "git-url": "Git repository URL", "protocols": "https://, ssh:// or file://", "auth-failed": "Authentication failed", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "ssh-key": "SSH Key", "passphrase": "Passphrase", "desc2": "Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.", "add-ssh-key": "Add an ssh key", "credentials-encryption-key": "Credentials encryption key", "already-exists-2": "already exists", "git-error": "git error", "con-failed": "Connection failed", "not-git": "Not a git repository", "no-resource": "Repository not found", "cant-get-ssh-key-path": "Error! Can't get selected SSH key path.", "unexpected_error": "unexpected_error" }, "delete": { "confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this project?" }, "create-project-list": { "search": "search your projects", "current": "current" }, "require-clean": { "confirm": "

You have undeployed changes that will be lost.

Do you want to continue?

" }, "send-req": { "auth-req": "Authentication required for repository", "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "passphrase": "Passphrase", "retry": "Retry", "update-failed": "Failed to update auth", "unhandled": "Unhandled error response", "host-key-verify-failed": "

Host key verification failed.

The repository host key could not be verified. Please update your known_hosts file and try again.

" }, "create-branch-list": { "invalid": "Invalid branch", "create": "Create branch", "current": "current" }, "create-default-file-set": { "no-active": "Cannot create default file set without an active project", "no-empty": "Cannot create default file set on a non-empty project", "git-error": "git error" }, "errors" : { "no-username-email": "Your Git client is not configured with a username/email.", "unexpected": "An unexpected error occurred", "code": "code" } }, "editor-tab": { "properties": "Properties", "envProperties": "Environment Variables", "module": "Module Properties", "description": "Description", "appearance": "Appearance", "preview": "UI Preview", "defaultValue": "Default value" }, "tourGuide": { "takeATour": "Take a tour", "start": "Start", "next": "Next" }, "languages" : { "de": "German", "en-US": "English", "ja": "Japanese", "ko": "Korean", "ru": "Russian", "zh-CN": "Chinese(Simplified)", "zh-TW": "Chinese(Traditional)" } }