/** * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.deploy = (function() { var deploymentTypes = { "full":{img:"red/images/deploy-full-o.png"}, "nodes":{img:"red/images/deploy-nodes-o.png"}, "flows":{img:"red/images/deploy-flows-o.png"} } var ignoreDeployWarnings = { unknown: false, unusedConfig: false, invalid: false } var deploymentType = "full"; function changeDeploymentType(type) { deploymentType = type; $("#btn-deploy img").attr("src",deploymentTypes[type].img); } /** * options: * type: "default" - Button with drop-down options - no further customisation available * type: "simple" - Button without dropdown. Customisations: * label: the text to display - default: "Deploy" * icon : the icon to use. Null removes the icon. default: "red/images/deploy-full-o.png" */ function init(options) { options = options || {}; var type = options.type || "default"; if (type == "default") { $('<li><span class="deploy-button-group button-group">'+ '<a id="btn-deploy" class="deploy-button disabled" href="#"><img id="btn-deploy-icon" src="red/images/deploy-full-o.png"> <span>'+RED._("deploy.deploy")+'</span></a>'+ '<a id="btn-deploy-options" data-toggle="dropdown" class="deploy-button" href="#"><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a>'+ '</span></li>').prependTo(".header-toolbar"); RED.menu.init({id:"btn-deploy-options", options: [ {id:"deploymenu-item-full",toggle:"deploy-type",icon:"red/images/deploy-full.png",label:RED._("deploy.full"),sublabel:RED._("deploy.fullDesc"),selected: true, onselect:function(s) { if(s){changeDeploymentType("full")}}}, {id:"deploymenu-item-flow",toggle:"deploy-type",icon:"red/images/deploy-flows.png",label:RED._("deploy.modifiedFlows"),sublabel:RED._("deploy.modifiedFlowsDesc"), onselect:function(s) {if(s){changeDeploymentType("flows")}}}, {id:"deploymenu-item-node",toggle:"deploy-type",icon:"red/images/deploy-nodes.png",label:RED._("deploy.modifiedNodes"),sublabel:RED._("deploy.modifiedNodesDesc"),onselect:function(s) { if(s){changeDeploymentType("nodes")}}} ] }); } else if (type == "simple") { var label = options.label || RED._("deploy.deploy"); var icon = 'red/images/deploy-full-o.png'; if (options.hasOwnProperty('icon')) { icon = options.icon; } $('<li><span class="deploy-button-group button-group">'+ '<a id="btn-deploy" class="deploy-button disabled" href="#">'+ (icon?'<img id="btn-deploy-icon" src="'+icon+'"> ':'')+ '<span>'+label+'</span></a>'+ '</span></li>').prependTo(".header-toolbar"); } $('#btn-deploy').click(function() { save(); }); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy" ).dialog({ title: "Confirm deploy", modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 550, height: "auto", buttons: [ { text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.confirm"), click: function() { var ignoreChecked = $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide" ).prop("checked"); if (ignoreChecked) { ignoreDeployWarnings[$( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val()] = true; } save(true); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { text: RED._("deploy.confirm.button.cancel"), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } ], create: function() { $("#node-dialog-confirm-deploy").parent().find("div.ui-dialog-buttonpane") .prepend('<div style="height:0; vertical-align: middle; display:inline-block; margin-top: 13px; float:left;">'+ '<input style="vertical-align:top;" type="checkbox" id="node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide">'+ '<label style="display:inline;" for="node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide"> do not warn about this again</label>'+ '<input type="hidden" id="node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type">'+ '</div>'); } }); RED.events.on('nodes:change',function(state) { if (state.dirty) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { return RED._("deploy.confirm.undeployedChanges"); } $("#btn-deploy").removeClass("disabled"); } else { window.onbeforeunload = null; $("#btn-deploy").addClass("disabled"); } }); } function getNodeInfo(node) { var tabLabel = ""; if (node.z) { var tab = RED.nodes.workspace(node.z); if (!tab) { tab = RED.nodes.subflow(node.z); tabLabel = tab.name; } else { tabLabel = tab.label; } } var label = ""; if (typeof node._def.label == "function") { label = node._def.label.call(node); } else { label = node._def.label; } label = label || node.id; return {tab:tabLabel,type:node.type,label:label}; } function sortNodeInfo(A,B) { if (A.tab < B.tab) { return -1;} if (A.tab > B.tab) { return 1;} if (A.type < B.type) { return -1;} if (A.type > B.type) { return 1;} if (A.name < B.name) { return -1;} if (A.name > B.name) { return 1;} return 0; } function save(force) { if (RED.nodes.dirty()) { //$("#debug-tab-clear").click(); // uncomment this to auto clear debug on deploy if (!force) { var hasUnknown = false; var hasInvalid = false; var hasUnusedConfig = false; var unknownNodes = []; var invalidNodes = []; RED.nodes.eachNode(function(node) { hasInvalid = hasInvalid || !node.valid; if (!node.valid) { invalidNodes.push(getNodeInfo(node)); } if (node.type === "unknown") { if (unknownNodes.indexOf(node.name) == -1) { unknownNodes.push(node.name); } } }); hasUnknown = unknownNodes.length > 0; var unusedConfigNodes = []; RED.nodes.eachConfig(function(node) { if (node.users.length === 0) { unusedConfigNodes.push(getNodeInfo(node)); hasUnusedConfig = true; } }); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-config" ).hide(); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown" ).hide(); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unused" ).hide(); var showWarning = false; if (hasUnknown && !ignoreDeployWarnings.unknown) { showWarning = true; $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val("unknown"); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown" ).show(); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown-list" ) .html("<li>"+unknownNodes.join("</li><li>")+"</li>"); } else if (hasInvalid && !ignoreDeployWarnings.invalid) { showWarning = true; $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val("invalid"); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-config" ).show(); invalidNodes.sort(sortNodeInfo); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-invalid-list" ) .html("<li>"+invalidNodes.map(function(A) { return (A.tab?"["+A.tab+"] ":"")+A.label+" ("+A.type+")"}).join("</li><li>")+"</li>"); } else if (hasUnusedConfig && !ignoreDeployWarnings.unusedConfig) { showWarning = true; $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-type" ).val("unusedConfig"); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unused" ).show(); unusedConfigNodes.sort(sortNodeInfo); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unused-list" ) .html("<li>"+unusedConfigNodes.map(function(A) { return (A.tab?"["+A.tab+"] ":"")+A.label+" ("+A.type+")"}).join("</li><li>")+"</li>"); } if (showWarning) { $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-hide" ).prop("checked",false); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy" ).dialog( "open" ); return; } } var nns = RED.nodes.createCompleteNodeSet(); $("#btn-deploy-icon").removeClass('fa-download'); $("#btn-deploy-icon").addClass('spinner'); RED.nodes.dirty(false); $.ajax({ url:"flows", type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(nns), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", headers: { "Node-RED-Deployment-Type":deploymentType } }).done(function(data,textStatus,xhr) { RED.notify(RED._("deploy.successfulDeploy"),"success"); RED.nodes.eachNode(function(node) { if (node.changed) { node.dirty = true; node.changed = false; } if(node.credentials) { delete node.credentials; } }); RED.nodes.eachConfig(function (confNode) { if (confNode.credentials) { delete confNode.credentials; } }); // Once deployed, cannot undo back to a clean state RED.history.markAllDirty(); RED.view.redraw(); RED.events.emit("deploy"); }).fail(function(xhr,textStatus,err) { RED.nodes.dirty(true); if (xhr.responseText) { RED.notify(RED._("notification.error",{message:xhr.responseText}),"error"); } else { RED.notify(RED._("notification.error",{message:RED._("deploy.errors.noResponse")}),"error"); } }).always(function() { $("#btn-deploy-icon").removeClass('spinner'); $("#btn-deploy-icon").addClass('fa-download'); }); } } return { init: init } })();