/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var fs = require('fs'); var fspath = require('path'); var runtime; var exampleRoots = {}; var exampleFlows = null; function getFlowsFromPath(path) { return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { var result = {}; fs.readdir(path,function(err,files) { var promises = []; var validFiles = []; if (files) { files.forEach(function(file) { var fullPath = fspath.join(path,file); var stats = fs.lstatSync(fullPath); if (stats.isDirectory()) { validFiles.push(file); promises.push(getFlowsFromPath(fullPath)); } else if (/\.json$/.test(file)){ validFiles.push(file); promises.push(Promise.resolve(file.split(".")[0])) } }) } var i=0; Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) { results.forEach(function(r) { if (typeof r === 'string') { result.f = result.f||[]; result.f.push(r); } else { result.d = result.d||{}; result.d[validFiles[i]] = r; } i++; }) resolve(result); }) }); }) } function addNodeExamplesDir(module,path) { exampleRoots[module] = path; return getFlowsFromPath(path).then(function(result) { if (JSON.stringify(result).indexOf('{"f":') === -1) { return; } exampleFlows = exampleFlows||{}; exampleFlows[module] = result; }); } function removeNodeExamplesDir(module) { delete exampleRoots[module]; if (exampleFlows) { delete exampleFlows[module]; } if (exampleFlows && Object.keys(exampleFlows).length === 0) { exampleFlows = null; } } function init() { exampleRoots = {}; exampleFlows = null; } function getExampleFlows() { return exampleFlows; } function getExampleFlowPath(module,path) { if (exampleRoots[module]) { return fspath.join(exampleRoots[module],path)+".json"; } return null; } module.exports = { init: init, addExamplesDir: addNodeExamplesDir, removeExamplesDir: removeNodeExamplesDir, getExampleFlows: getExampleFlows, getExampleFlowPath: getExampleFlowPath }