/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.popover = (function() { var deltaSizes = { "default": { top: 10, topTop: 30, leftRight: 17, leftLeft: 25, leftBottom: 8, leftTop: 11 }, "small": { top: 6, topTop: 20, leftRight: 8, leftLeft: 26, leftBottom: 8, leftTop: 9 } } function createPopover(options) { var target = options.target; var direction = options.direction || "right"; var trigger = options.trigger; var content = options.content; var delay = options.delay; var autoClose = options.autoClose; var width = options.width||"auto"; var size = options.size||"default"; if (!deltaSizes[size]) { throw new Error("Invalid RED.popover size value:",size); } var timer = null; var active; var div; var openPopup = function(instant) { if (active) { div = $('
'); if (size !== "default") { div.addClass("red-ui-popover-size-"+size); } if (typeof content === 'function') { var result = content.call(res); if (result === null) { return; } if (typeof result === 'string') { div.text(result); } else { div.append(result); } } else { div.html(content); } if (width !== "auto") { div.width(width); } div.appendTo("body"); var targetPos = target.offset(); var targetWidth = target.outerWidth(); var targetHeight = target.outerHeight(); var divHeight = div.height(); var divWidth = div.width(); var viewportTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var viewportLeft = $(window).scrollLeft(); var viewportBottom = viewportTop + $(window).height(); var viewportRight = viewportLeft + $(window).width(); var top = 0; var left = 0; var d = direction; if (d === 'right') { top = targetPos.top+targetHeight/2-divHeight/2-deltaSizes[size].top; left = targetPos.left+targetWidth+deltaSizes[size].leftRight; } else if (d === 'left') { top = targetPos.top+targetHeight/2-divHeight/2-deltaSizes[size].top; left = targetPos.left-deltaSizes[size].leftLeft-divWidth; } else if (d === 'bottom') { top = targetPos.top+targetHeight+deltaSizes[size].top; left = targetPos.left+targetWidth/2-divWidth/2 - deltaSizes[size].leftBottom; if (left < 0) { d = "right"; top = targetPos.top+targetHeight/2-divHeight/2-deltaSizes[size].top; left = targetPos.left+targetWidth+deltaSizes[size].leftRight; } else if (left+divWidth > viewportRight) { d = "left"; top = targetPos.top+targetHeight/2-divHeight/2-deltaSizes[size].top; left = targetPos.left-deltaSizes[size].leftLeft-divWidth; if (top+divHeight+targetHeight/2 + 5 > viewportBottom) { top -= (top+divHeight+targetHeight/2 - viewportBottom + 5) } } else if (top+divHeight > viewportBottom) { d = 'top'; top = targetPos.top-deltaSizes[size].topTop-divHeight; left = targetPos.left+targetWidth/2-divWidth/2 - deltaSizes[size].leftTop; } } else if (d === 'top') { top = targetPos.top-deltaSizes[size].topTop-divHeight; left = targetPos.left+targetWidth/2-divWidth/2 - deltaSizes[size].leftTop; if (top < 0) { d = 'bottom'; top = targetPos.top+targetHeight+deltaSizes[size].top; left = targetPos.left+targetWidth/2-divWidth/2 - deltaSizes[size].leftBottom; } } div.addClass('red-ui-popover-'+d).css({top: top, left: left}); if (instant) { div.show(); } else { div.fadeIn("fast"); } } } var closePopup = function(instant) { $(document).off('mousedown.modal-popover-close'); if (!active) { if (div) { if (instant) { div.remove(); } else { div.fadeOut("fast",function() { $(this).remove(); }); } div = null; } } } if (trigger === 'hover') { target.on('mouseenter',function(e) { clearTimeout(timer); active = true; timer = setTimeout(openPopup,delay.show); }); target.on('mouseleave disabled', function(e) { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); } if (active) { active = false; setTimeout(closePopup,delay.hide); } }); } else if (trigger === 'click') { target.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); active = !active; if (!active) { closePopup(); } else { openPopup(); } }); } else if (trigger === 'modal') { $(document).on('mousedown.modal-popover-close', function (event) { var target = event.target; while (target.nodeName !== 'BODY' && target !== div[0]) { target = target.parentElement; } if (target.nodeName === 'BODY') { active = false; closePopup(); } }); } else if (autoClose) { setTimeout(function() { active = false; closePopup(); },autoClose); } var res = { setContent: function(_content) { content = _content; return res; }, open: function (instant) { active = true; openPopup(instant); return res; }, close: function (instant) { active = false; closePopup(instant); return res; } } return res; } return { create: createPopover, tooltip: function(target,content, action) { var label = content; if (action) { label = function() { var label = content; var shortcut = RED.keyboard.getShortcut(action); if (shortcut && shortcut.key) { label = $(''+content+' '+RED.keyboard.formatKey(shortcut.key, true)+''); } return label; } } return RED.popover.create({ target:target, trigger: "hover", size: "small", direction: "bottom", content: label, delay: { show: 750, hide: 50 } }); } } })();