const should = require("should"); const request = require('supertest'); const express = require('express'); const bodyParser = require("body-parser"); const sinon = require('sinon'); let app; const NR_TEST_UTILS = require("nr-test-utils"); const diagnostics = NR_TEST_UTILS.require("@node-red/editor-api/lib/admin/diagnostics"); describe("api/editor/diagnostics", function() { before(function() { app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.get("/diagnostics",diagnostics.getReport); }); it('returns the diagnostics report when explicitly enabled', function(done) { const settings = { diagnostics: { ui: true, enabled: true } } const runtimeAPI = { diagnostics: { get: async function (opts) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { opts = opts || {} try { resolve({ opts: opts, a:1, b:2}); } catch (error) { error.status = 500; reject(error); } }) } } } diagnostics.init(settings, runtimeAPI); request(app) .get("/diagnostics") .expect(200) .end(function(err,res) { if (err || typeof res.error === "object") { return done(err || res.error); }"statusCode",200);"a",1);"b",2); done(); }); }); it('returns the diagnostics report when not explicitly enabled (implicitly enabled)', function(done) { const settings = { diagnostics: { enabled: undefined } } const runtimeAPI = { diagnostics: { get: async function (opts) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { opts = opts || {} try { resolve({ opts: opts, a:3, b:4}); } catch (error) { error.status = 500; reject(error); } }) } } } diagnostics.init(settings, runtimeAPI); request(app) .get("/diagnostics") .expect(200) .end(function(err,res) { if (err || typeof res.error === "object") { return done(err || res.error); }"statusCode",200);"a",3);"b",4); done(); }); }); it('should error when setting is disabled', function(done) { const settings = { diagnostics: { ui: true, enabled: false } } const runtimeAPI = { diagnostics: { get: async function (opts) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { opts = opts || {} try { resolve({ opts: opts}); } catch (error) { error.status = 500; reject(error); } }) } } } diagnostics.init(settings, runtimeAPI); request(app) .get("/diagnostics") .expect(403) .end(function(err,res) { if (!err && typeof res.error !== "object") { return done(new Error("accessing diagnostics endpoint while disabled should raise error")); }"statusCode",403);"message","diagnostics are disabled");"code","diagnostics.disabled"); done(); }); }); });