/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var fs = require("fs-extra"); var os = require("os"); var path = require("path"); function FileNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.filename = n.filename; this.appendNewline = n.appendNewline; this.overwriteFile = n.overwriteFile.toString(); this.createDir = n.createDir || false; var node = this; node.wstream = null; node.data = []; this.on("input",function(msg) { var filename = node.filename || msg.filename || ""; if (!node.filename) { node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:filename}); } if (filename === "") { node.warn(RED._("file.errors.nofilename")); } else if (node.overwriteFile === "delete") { fs.unlink(filename, function (err) { if (err) { node.error(RED._("file.errors.deletefail",{error:err.toString()}),msg); } else if (RED.settings.verbose) { node.log(RED._("file.status.deletedfile",{file:filename})); } }); } else if (msg.hasOwnProperty("payload") && (typeof msg.payload !== "undefined")) { var dir = path.dirname(filename); if (node.createDir) { fs.ensureDir(dir, function(err) { if (err) { node.error(RED._("file.errors.createfail",{error:err.toString()}),msg); } }); } var data = msg.payload; if ((typeof data === "object") && (!Buffer.isBuffer(data))) { data = JSON.stringify(data); } if (typeof data === "boolean") { data = data.toString(); } if (typeof data === "number") { data = data.toString(); } if ((this.appendNewline) && (!Buffer.isBuffer(data))) { data += os.EOL; } node.data.push(Buffer.from(data)); while (node.data.length > 0) { if (this.overwriteFile === "true") { if (!node.wstream) { node.wstream = fs.createWriteStream(filename, { encoding:'binary', flags:'w' }); node.wstream.on("error", function(err) { node.error(RED._("file.errors.writefail",{error:err.toString()}),msg); }); } } else { if (!node.wstream) { node.wstream = fs.createWriteStream(filename, { encoding:'binary', flags:'a' }); node.wstream.on("error", function(err) { node.error(RED._("file.errors.appendfail",{error:err.toString()}),msg); }); } } node.wstream.write(node.data.shift()); } } }); this.on('close', function() { node.status({}); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("file",FileNode); function FileInNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.filename = n.filename; this.format = n.format; this.chunk = false; if (this.format === "lines") { this.chunk = true; } if (this.format === "stream") { this.chunk = true; } var node = this; this.on("input",function(msg) { var filename = node.filename || msg.filename || ""; if (!node.filename) { node.status({fill:"grey",shape:"dot",text:filename}); } if (filename === "") { node.warn(RED._("file.errors.nofilename")); } else { msg.filename = filename; var lines = Buffer.from([]); var spare = ""; var count = 0; var type = "buffer"; var ch = ""; if (node.format === "lines") { ch = "\n"; type = "string"; } var hwm; var getout = false; var rs = fs.createReadStream(filename) .on('readable', function () { var chunk; var hwm = rs._readableState.highWaterMark; while (null !== (chunk = rs.read())) { if (node.chunk === true) { getout = true; if (node.format === "lines") { spare += chunk.toString(); var bits = spare.split("\n"); for (var i=0; i < bits.length - 1; i++) { var m = { payload:bits[i], topic:msg.topic, filename:msg.filename, parts:{index:count, ch:ch, type:type, id:msg._msgid} } count += 1; if ((chunk.length < hwm) && (bits[i+1].length === 0)) { m.parts.count = count; } node.send(m); } spare = bits[i]; if (chunk.length !== hwm) { getout = false; } //console.log("LEFT",bits[i].length,bits[i]); } if (node.format === "stream") { var m = { payload:chunk, topic:msg.topic, filename:msg.filename, parts:{index:count, ch:ch, type:type, id:msg._msgid} } count += 1; if (chunk.length < hwm) { // last chunk is smaller that high water mark = eof getout = false; m.parts.count = count; } node.send(m); } } else { lines = Buffer.concat([lines,chunk]); } } }) .on('error', function(err) { node.error('Error while reading file.', msg); }) .on('end', function() { if (node.chunk === false) { if (node.format === "utf8") { msg.payload = lines.toString(); } else { msg.payload = lines; } node.send(msg); } else if (getout) { // last chunk same size as high water mark - have to send empty extra packet. var m = { parts:{index:count, count:count, ch:ch, type:type, id:msg._msgid} }; node.send(m); } }); } }); this.on('close', function() { node.status({}); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("file in",FileInNode); }