/** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; function SplitNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.splt = (n.splt || "\\n").replace(/\\n/,"\n").replace(/\\r/,"\r").replace(/\\t/,"\t").replace(/\\e/,"\e").replace(/\\f/,"\f").replace(/\\0/,"\0"); try { var s = JSON.parse(n.splt.trim()); if (Array.isArray(s)) { this.splt = new Buffer.from(s); } } catch (e) {} var node = this; node.c = 0; node.buffer = new Buffer([]); this.on("input", function(msg) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("payload")) { var a = msg.payload; if (msg.hasOwnProperty("parts")) { msg.parts = { parts:msg.parts }; } // push existing parts to a stack else { msg.parts = {}; } msg.parts.id = msg._msgid; // use the existing _msgid by default. if (typeof msg.payload === "string") { // Split String into array a = msg.payload.split(node.splt); msg.parts.ch = node.splt; // pass the split char to other end for rejoin msg.parts.type = "string"; } if (Array.isArray(a)) { // then split array into messages msg.parts.type = msg.parts.type || "array"; // if it wasn't a string in the first place for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { msg.payload = a[i]; msg.parts.index = i; msg.parts.count = a.length; //if (i === a.length-1) { msg.complete = true; } node.send(RED.util.cloneMessage(msg)); } } else if ((typeof msg.payload === "object") && !Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { var j = 0; var l = Object.keys(msg.payload).length; var pay = msg.payload; msg.parts.type = "object"; for (var p in pay) { if (pay.hasOwnProperty(p)) { msg.payload = pay[p]; msg.parts.key = p; msg.parts.index = j; msg.parts.count = l; node.send(RED.util.cloneMessage(msg)); j += 1; } } } // Handle Buffer objects.... with overlaps to handle partial stream like else if (Buffer.isBuffer(msg.payload)) { var len = node.buffer.length + msg.payload.length; var buff = Buffer.concat([node.buffer, msg.payload], len); var pos = buff.indexOf(node.splt); msg.parts.type = "buffer"; msg.parts.ch = node.splt; // pass the split to other end for rejoin (maybe) while (pos !== -1) { msg.payload = buff.slice(0,pos); msg.parts.index = node.c; node.c += 1; buff = buff.slice(pos + node.splt.length); if (buff.length === 0) { msg.parts.count = node.c; node.c = 0; //reset the count if no remainder. } node.send(RED.util.cloneMessage(msg)); pos = buff.indexOf(node.splt); } // save the remainder to use as start of next time round node.buffer = buff; } //else { } // otherwise drop the message. } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("split",SplitNode); function JoinNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.mode = n.mode||"auto"; this.property = n.property||"payload"; this.propertyType = n.propertyType||"msg"; if (this.propertyType === 'full') { this.property = "payload"; } this.key = n.key||"topic"; this.timer = (this.mode === "auto") ? 0 : Number(n.timeout || 0)*1000; this.count = Number(n.count || 0); this.joiner = (n.joiner||"").replace(/\\n/g,"\n").replace(/\\r/g,"\r").replace(/\\t/g,"\t").replace(/\\e/g,"\e").replace(/\\f/g,"\f").replace(/\\0/g,"\0"); this.build = n.build || "array"; this.accumulate = n.accumulate || "false"; //this.topic = n.topic; var node = this; var inflight = {}; var completeSend = function(partId) { var group = inflight[partId]; clearTimeout(group.timeout); if ((node.accumulate !== true) || group.msg.hasOwnProperty("complete")) { delete inflight[partId]; } if (group.type === 'string') { RED.util.setMessageProperty(group.msg,node.property,group.payload.join(group.joinChar)); } else { RED.util.setMessageProperty(group.msg,node.property,group.payload); } if (group.msg.hasOwnProperty('parts') && group.msg.parts.hasOwnProperty('parts')) { group.msg.parts = group.msg.parts.parts; } else { delete group.msg.parts; } delete group.msg.complete; node.send(group.msg); } this.on("input", function(msg) { try { var property; if (node.mode === 'auto' && (!msg.hasOwnProperty("parts")||!msg.parts.hasOwnProperty("id"))) { node.warn("Message missing msg.parts property - cannot join in 'auto' mode") return; } if (node.propertyType == "full") { property = msg; } else { try { property = RED.util.getMessageProperty(msg,node.property); } catch(err) { node.warn("Message property "+node.property+" not found"); return; } } var partId; var payloadType; var propertyKey; var targetCount; var joinChar; var propertyIndex; if (node.mode === "auto") { // Use msg.parts to identify all of the group information partId = msg.parts.id; payloadType = msg.parts.type; targetCount = msg.parts.count; joinChar = msg.parts.ch; propertyKey = msg.parts.key; propertyIndex = msg.parts.index; } else { // Use the node configuration to identify all of the group information partId = "_"; payloadType = node.build; targetCount = node.count; joinChar = node.joiner; if (targetCount === 0 && msg.hasOwnProperty('parts')) { targetCount = msg.parts.count || 0; } if (node.build === 'object') { propertyKey = RED.util.getMessageProperty(msg,node.key); } } if ((payloadType === 'object') && (propertyKey === null || propertyKey === undefined || propertyKey === "")) { if (node.mode === "auto") { node.warn("Message missing 'msg.parts.key' property - cannot add to object"); } else { node.warn("Message missing key property 'msg."+node.key+"' - cannot add to object") } return; } if (!inflight.hasOwnProperty(partId)) { if (payloadType === 'object' || payloadType === 'merged') { inflight[partId] = { currentCount:0, payload:{}, targetCount:targetCount, type:"object", msg:msg }; } else if (node.accumulate === true) { if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) { delete inflight[partId]; } inflight[partId] = inflight[partId] || { currentCount:0, payload:{}, targetCount:targetCount, type:"object", msg:msg } } else { inflight[partId] = { currentCount:0, payload:[], targetCount:targetCount, type:payloadType, joinChar: joinChar, msg:msg }; if (payloadType === 'string') { inflight[partId].joinChar = joinChar; } } if (node.timer > 0) { inflight[partId].timeout = setTimeout(function() { completeSend(partId) }, node.timer) } } var group = inflight[partId]; if (payloadType === 'object') { group.payload[propertyKey] = property; group.currentCount = Object.keys(group.payload).length; //msg.topic = node.topic || msg.topic; } else if (payloadType === 'merged') { if (Array.isArray(property) || typeof property !== 'object') { if (!msg.hasOwnProperty("complete")) { node.warn("Cannot merge non-object types"); } } else { for (propertyKey in property) { if (property.hasOwnProperty(propertyKey)) { group.payload[propertyKey] = property[propertyKey]; } } group.currentCount = Object.keys(group.payload).length; //group.currentCount++; } } else { if (!isNaN(propertyIndex)) { group.payload[propertyIndex] = property; } else { group.payload.push(property); } group.currentCount++; } // TODO: currently reuse the last received - add option to pick first received group.msg = msg; if (group.currentCount >= group.targetCount || msg.hasOwnProperty('complete')) { completeSend(partId); } } catch(err) { console.log(err.stack); } }); this.on("close", function() { for (var i in inflight) { if (inflight.hasOwnProperty(i)) { clearTimeout(inflight[i].timeout); } } }); } RED.nodes.registerType("join",JoinNode); }