#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var util = require("util"); var express = require("express"); var crypto = require("crypto"); try { bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); } catch(e) { bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); } var nopt = require("nopt"); var path = require("path"); var fs = require("fs-extra"); var RED = require("./lib/red.js"); var server; var app = express(); var settingsFile; var flowFile; var knownOpts = { "help": Boolean, "port": Number, "settings": [path], "title": String, "userDir": [path], "verbose": Boolean, "safe": Boolean }; var shortHands = { "?":["--help"], "p":["--port"], "s":["--settings"], // As we want to reserve -t for now, adding a shorthand to help so it // doesn't get treated as --title "t":["--help"], "u":["--userDir"], "v":["--verbose"] }; nopt.invalidHandler = function(k,v,t) { // TODO: console.log(k,v,t); } var parsedArgs = nopt(knownOpts,shortHands,process.argv,2) if (parsedArgs.help) { console.log("Node-RED v"+RED.version()); console.log("Usage: node-red [-v] [-?] [--settings settings.js] [--userDir DIR]"); console.log(" [--port PORT] [--title TITLE] [--safe] [flows.json]"); console.log(""); console.log("Options:"); console.log(" -p, --port PORT port to listen on"); console.log(" -s, --settings FILE use specified settings file"); console.log(" --title TITLE process window title"); console.log(" -u, --userDir DIR use specified user directory"); console.log(" -v, --verbose enable verbose output"); console.log(" --safe enable safe mode"); console.log(" -?, --help show this help"); console.log(""); console.log("Documentation can be found at http://nodered.org"); process.exit(); } if (parsedArgs.argv.remain.length > 0) { flowFile = parsedArgs.argv.remain[0]; } process.env.NODE_RED_HOME = process.env.NODE_RED_HOME || __dirname; if (parsedArgs.settings) { // User-specified settings file settingsFile = parsedArgs.settings; } else if (parsedArgs.userDir && fs.existsSync(path.join(parsedArgs.userDir,"settings.js"))) { // User-specified userDir that contains a settings.js settingsFile = path.join(parsedArgs.userDir,"settings.js"); } else { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(process.env.NODE_RED_HOME,".config.json"))) { // NODE_RED_HOME contains user data - use its settings.js settingsFile = path.join(process.env.NODE_RED_HOME,"settings.js"); } else if (process.env.HOMEPATH && fs.existsSync(path.join(process.env.HOMEPATH,".node-red",".config.json"))) { // Consider compatibility for older versions settingsFile = path.join(process.env.HOMEPATH,".node-red","settings.js"); } else { var userDir = parsedArgs.userDir || path.join(process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE || process.env.HOMEPATH,".node-red"); var userSettingsFile = path.join(userDir,"settings.js"); if (fs.existsSync(userSettingsFile)) { // $HOME/.node-red/settings.js exists settingsFile = userSettingsFile; } else { var defaultSettings = path.join(__dirname,"settings.js"); var settingsStat = fs.statSync(defaultSettings); if (settingsStat.mtime.getTime() <= settingsStat.ctime.getTime()) { // Default settings file has not been modified - safe to copy fs.copySync(defaultSettings,userSettingsFile); settingsFile = userSettingsFile; } else { // Use default settings.js as it has been modified settingsFile = defaultSettings; } } } } try { var settings = require(settingsFile); settings.settingsFile = settingsFile; } catch(err) { console.log("Error loading settings file: "+settingsFile) if (err.code == 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { if (err.toString().indexOf(settingsFile) === -1) { console.log(err.toString()); } } else { console.log(err); } process.exit(); } if (parsedArgs.verbose) { settings.verbose = true; } if (parsedArgs.safe || (process.env.NODE_RED_ENABLE_SAFE_MODE && !/^false$/i.test(process.env.NODE_RED_ENABLE_SAFE_MODE) )) { settings.safeMode = true; } if (process.env.NODE_RED_ENABLE_PROJECTS) { settings.editorTheme = settings.editorTheme || {}; settings.editorTheme.projects = settings.editorTheme.projects || {}; settings.editorTheme.projects.enabled = !/^false$/i.test(process.env.NODE_RED_ENABLE_PROJECTS); } if (settings.https) { var startupHttps = settings.https; if (typeof startupHttps === "function") { // Get the result of the function, because createServer doesn't accept functions as input startupHttps = startupHttps(); } server = https.createServer(startupHttps,function(req,res) {app(req,res);}); // Refresh https settings at intervals for NodeJs version 11 and above if (settings.httpsRefreshInterval) { if (typeof startupHttps === "function") { if (server.setSecureContext) { console.log("Refreshing https settings every " + parseInt(settings.httpsRefreshInterval) + " mseconds."); setInterval(function () { try { // Get the result of the function, because createServer doesn't accept functions as input var refreshedHttps = settings.https(); if (!refreshedHttps.key || !refreshedHttps.cert) { console.log("Cannot refresh the https settings when the https property function doesn't return a 'key' and 'cert'."); return; } // Only update the credentials in the server when key or cert has changed if(!server.key || !server.cert || !server.key.equals(refreshedHttps.key) || !server.cert.equals(refreshedHttps.cert)) { server.setSecureContext(refreshedHttps); console.log("The https settings have been refreshed."); } } catch(err) { console.log("Failed to refresh the https settings: " + err); } }, parseInt(settings.httpsRefreshInterval)); } else { console.log("Cannot refresh the https settings automatically, because NodeJs version 11 or above is required."); } } else { console.log("Cannot refresh the https settings automatically (at httpsRefreshInterval), because the https property needs to be a function."); } } } else { server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {app(req,res);}); } server.setMaxListeners(0); function formatRoot(root) { if (root[0] != "/") { root = "/" + root; } if (root.slice(-1) != "/") { root = root + "/"; } return root; } if (settings.httpRoot === false) { settings.httpAdminRoot = false; settings.httpNodeRoot = false; } else { settings.httpRoot = settings.httpRoot||"/"; settings.disableEditor = settings.disableEditor||false; } if (settings.httpAdminRoot !== false) { settings.httpAdminRoot = formatRoot(settings.httpAdminRoot || settings.httpRoot || "/"); settings.httpAdminAuth = settings.httpAdminAuth || settings.httpAuth; } else { settings.disableEditor = true; } if (settings.httpNodeRoot !== false) { settings.httpNodeRoot = formatRoot(settings.httpNodeRoot || settings.httpRoot || "/"); settings.httpNodeAuth = settings.httpNodeAuth || settings.httpAuth; } // if we got a port from command line, use it (even if 0) // replicate (settings.uiPort = parsedArgs.port||settings.uiPort||1880;) but allow zero if (parsedArgs.port !== undefined){ settings.uiPort = parsedArgs.port; } else { if (settings.uiPort === undefined){ settings.uiPort = 1880; } } settings.uiHost = settings.uiHost||""; if (flowFile) { settings.flowFile = flowFile; } if (parsedArgs.userDir) { settings.userDir = parsedArgs.userDir; } try { RED.init(server,settings); } catch(err) { if (err.code == "unsupported_version") { console.log("Unsupported version of Node.js:",process.version); console.log("Node-RED requires Node.js v8.9.0 or later"); } else { console.log("Failed to start server:"); if (err.stack) { console.log(err.stack); } else { console.log(err); } } process.exit(1); } function basicAuthMiddleware(user,pass) { var basicAuth = require('basic-auth'); var checkPassword; var localCachedPassword; if (pass.length == "32") { // Assume its a legacy md5 password checkPassword = function(p) { return crypto.createHash('md5').update(p,'utf8').digest('hex') === pass; } } else { checkPassword = function(p) { return bcrypt.compareSync(p,pass); } } var checkPasswordAndCache = function(p) { // For BasicAuth routes we know the password cannot change without // a restart of Node-RED. This means we can cache the provided crypted // version to save recalculating each time. if (localCachedPassword === p) { return true; } var result = checkPassword(p); if (result) { localCachedPassword = p; } return result; } return function(req,res,next) { if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') { return next(); } var requestUser = basicAuth(req); if (!requestUser || requestUser.name !== user || !checkPasswordAndCache(requestUser.pass)) { res.set('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Authorization Required"'); return res.sendStatus(401); } next(); } } if (settings.httpAdminRoot !== false && settings.httpAdminAuth) { RED.log.warn(RED.log._("server.httpadminauth-deprecated")); app.use(settings.httpAdminRoot, basicAuthMiddleware(settings.httpAdminAuth.user,settings.httpAdminAuth.pass)); } if (settings.httpAdminRoot !== false) { app.use(settings.httpAdminRoot,RED.httpAdmin); } if (settings.httpNodeRoot !== false && settings.httpNodeAuth) { app.use(settings.httpNodeRoot,basicAuthMiddleware(settings.httpNodeAuth.user,settings.httpNodeAuth.pass)); } if (settings.httpNodeRoot !== false) { app.use(settings.httpNodeRoot,RED.httpNode); } if (settings.httpStatic) { settings.httpStaticAuth = settings.httpStaticAuth || settings.httpAuth; if (settings.httpStaticAuth) { app.use("/",basicAuthMiddleware(settings.httpStaticAuth.user,settings.httpStaticAuth.pass)); } app.use("/",express.static(settings.httpStatic)); } function getListenPath() { var port = settings.serverPort; if (port === undefined){ port = settings.uiPort; } var listenPath = 'http'+(settings.https?'s':'')+'://'+ (settings.uiHost == '::'?'localhost':(settings.uiHost == ''?'':settings.uiHost))+ ':'+port; if (settings.httpAdminRoot !== false) { listenPath += settings.httpAdminRoot; } else if (settings.httpStatic) { listenPath += "/"; } return listenPath; } RED.start().then(function() { if (settings.httpAdminRoot !== false || settings.httpNodeRoot !== false || settings.httpStatic) { server.on('error', function(err) { if (err.errno === "EADDRINUSE") { RED.log.error(RED.log._("server.unable-to-listen", {listenpath:getListenPath()})); RED.log.error(RED.log._("server.port-in-use")); } else { RED.log.error(RED.log._("server.uncaught-exception")); if (err.stack) { RED.log.error(err.stack); } else { RED.log.error(err); } } process.exit(1); }); server.listen(settings.uiPort,settings.uiHost,function() { if (settings.httpAdminRoot === false) { RED.log.info(RED.log._("server.admin-ui-disabled")); } settings.serverPort = server.address().port; process.title = parsedArgs.title || 'node-red'; RED.log.info(RED.log._("server.now-running", {listenpath:getListenPath()})); }); } else { RED.log.info(RED.log._("server.headless-mode")); } }).otherwise(function(err) { RED.log.error(RED.log._("server.failed-to-start")); if (err.stack) { RED.log.error(err.stack); } else { RED.log.error(err); } }); process.on('uncaughtException',function(err) { util.log('[red] Uncaught Exception:'); if (err.stack) { util.log(err.stack); } else { util.log(err); } process.exit(1); }); process.on('SIGINT', function () { RED.stop().then(function() { process.exit(); }); });