/** * Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ RED.editor = function() { var editing_node = null; // TODO: should IMPORT/EXPORT get their own dialogs? function showEditDialog(node) { editing_node = node; RED.view.state(RED.state.EDITING); $("#dialog-form").html($("script[data-template-name='"+node.type+"']").html()); if (node._def.defaults) { for (var d in node._def.defaults) { var def = node._def.defaults[d]; var input = $("#node-input-"+d); var node_def = RED.nodes.getType(def.type); if (node_def && node_def.category == "config") { input.replaceWith(''); updateConfigNodeSelect(d,def.type,node[d]); var select = $("#node-input-"+d); select.after(' '); var name = d; var type = def.type; $('#node-input-lookup-'+d).click(function(e) { showEditConfigNodeDialog(name,type,select.find(":selected").val()); e.preventDefault(); }); var label = ""; var configNode = RED.nodes.node(node[d]); if (configNode && node_def.label) { if (typeof node_def.label == "function") { label = node_def.label.call(configNode); } else { label = node_def.label; } } input.val(label); } else { if (input.attr('type') === "checkbox") { input.prop('checked',node[d]); } else { input.val(node[d]||""); } } $("#node-input-"+d).change(function() { var n = node; var property = d; return function() { if (!validateNodeProperty(node, property,this.value)) { $(this).addClass("input-error"); } else { $(this).removeClass("input-error"); } }; }()); $("#node-input-"+d).change(); } } if (node._def.oneditprepare) { node._def.oneditprepare.call(node); } $( "#dialog" ).dialog("option","title","Edit "+node.type+" node").dialog( "open" ); } function validateNode(node) { var oldValue = node.valid; node.valid = true; for (var d in node._def.defaults) { if (!validateNodeProperty(node,d,node[d])) { node.valid = false; } } if (node.valid != oldValue) { node.dirty = true; } } function validateNodeProperty(node,property,value) { var valid = true; if ("required" in node._def.defaults[property] && node._def.defaults[property].required) { valid = value !== ""; } if (valid && "validate" in node._def.defaults[property]) { valid = node._def.defaults[property].validate.call(node,value); } if (valid && node._def.defaults[property].type && RED.nodes.getType(node._def.defaults[property].type)) { valid = (value != "_ADD_"); } return valid; } function updateNodeProperties(node) { node.resize = true; node.dirty = true; var removedLinks = []; if (node.outputs < node.ports.length) { while (node.outputs < node.ports.length) { node.ports.pop(); } var removedLinks = []; RED.nodes.eachLink(function(l) { if (l.source === node && l.sourcePort >= node.outputs) { removedLinks.push(l); } }); for (var l in removedLinks) { RED.nodes.removeLink(removedLinks[l]); } } else if (node.outputs > node.ports.length) { while (node.outputs > node.ports.length) { node.ports.push(node.ports.length); } } return removedLinks; } $( "#dialog" ).dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 500, buttons: [ { text: "Ok", click: function() { if (editing_node) { var changes = {}; var changed = false; var wasDirty = RED.view.dirty(); if (editing_node._def.oneditsave) { var oldValues = {}; for (var d in editing_node._def.defaults) { if (typeof editing_node[d] === "string" || typeof editing_node[d] === "number") { oldValues[d] = editing_node[d]; } else { oldValues[d] = $.extend(true,{},{v:editing_node[d]}).v; } } editing_node._def.oneditsave.call(editing_node); for (var d in editing_node._def.defaults) { if (oldValues[d] === null || typeof oldValues[d] === "string" || typeof oldValues[d] === "number") { if (oldValues[d] !== editing_node[d]) { changes[d] = oldValues[d]; changed = true; } } else { if (JSON.stringify(oldValues[d]) !== JSON.stringify(editing_node[d])) { changes[d] = oldValues[d]; changed = true; } } } } if (editing_node._def.defaults) { for (var d in editing_node._def.defaults) { var input = $("#node-input-"+d); var newValue; if (input.attr('type') === "checkbox") { newValue = input.prop('checked'); } else { newValue = input.val(); } if (newValue != null) { if (editing_node[d] != newValue) { if (editing_node._def.defaults[d].type) { if (newValue == "_ADD_") { newValue = ""; } // Change to a related config node var configNode = RED.nodes.node(editing_node[d]); if (configNode) { var users = configNode.users; users.splice(users.indexOf(editing_node),1); } var configNode = RED.nodes.node(newValue); if (configNode) { configNode.users.push(editing_node); } } changes[d] = editing_node[d]; editing_node[d] = newValue; changed = true; } } } } var removedLinks = updateNodeProperties(editing_node); if (changed) { RED.view.dirty(true); RED.history.push({t:'edit',node:editing_node,changes:changes,links:removedLinks,dirty:wasDirty}); } editing_node.changed = true; editing_node.dirty = true; validateNode(editing_node); RED.view.redraw(); } else if (RED.view.state() == RED.state.EXPORT) { if (/library/.test($( "#dialog" ).dialog("option","title"))) { //TODO: move this to RED.library var flowName = $("#node-input-filename").val(); if (!/^\s*$/.test(flowName)) { $.post('library/flows/'+flowName,$("#node-input-filename").attr('nodes'),function() { RED.library.loadFlowLibrary(); RED.notify("Saved nodes","success"); }); } }; } else if (RED.view.state() == RED.state.IMPORT) { RED.view.importNodes($("#node-input-import").val()); } $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { text: "Cancel", click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } ], resize: function(e,ui) { if (editing_node) { $(this).dialog('option',"sizeCache-"+editing_node.type,ui.size); } }, open: function(e) { RED.keyboard.disable(); if (editing_node) { var size = $(this).dialog('option','sizeCache-'+editing_node.type); if (size) { $(this).dialog('option','width',size.width); $(this).dialog('option','height',size.height); } } }, close: function(e) { RED.keyboard.enable(); if (RED.view.state() != RED.state.IMPORT_DRAGGING) { RED.view.state(0); } $( this ).dialog('option','height','auto'); $( this ).dialog('option','width','500'); editing_node = null; } }); function showEditConfigNodeDialog(name,type,id) { $("#dialog-config-form").html($("script[data-template-name='"+type+"']").html()); var node_def = RED.nodes.getType(type); var configNode = RED.nodes.node(id); for (var d in node_def.defaults) { var input = $("#node-config-input-"+d); if (id == "_ADD_") { input.val(node_def.defaults[d].value); } else { input.val(configNode[d]); } } var buttons = $( "#node-config-dialog" ).dialog("option","buttons"); if (id == "_ADD_") { if (buttons.length == 3) { buttons = buttons.splice(1); } buttons[0].text = "Add"; $("#node-config-dialog-user-count").html("").hide(); } else { if (buttons.length == 2) { buttons.unshift({ class: 'leftButton', text: "Delete", click: function() { var configProperty = $(this).dialog('option','node-property'); var configId = $(this).dialog('option','node-id'); var configType = $(this).dialog('option','node-type'); var configNode = RED.nodes.node(configId); var configTypeDef = RED.nodes.getType(configType); if (configTypeDef.ondelete) { configTypeDef.ondelete.call(RED.nodes.node(configId)); } RED.nodes.remove(configId); for (var i in configNode.users) { var user = configNode.users[i]; for (var d in user._def.defaults) { if (user[d] == configId) { user[d] = ""; } } validateNode(user); } updateConfigNodeSelect(configProperty,configType,""); RED.view.dirty(true); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); RED.view.redraw(); } }); } buttons[1].text = "Update"; $("#node-config-dialog-user-count").html(configNode.users.length+" node"+(configNode.users.length==1?" uses":"s use")+" this config").show(); } $( "#node-config-dialog" ).dialog("option","buttons",buttons); var adding = (id == "_ADD_"); if (adding) { id = (1+Math.random()*4294967295).toString(16); } if (node_def.oneditprepare) { var cn = RED.nodes.node(id); if (cn) { node_def.oneditprepare.call(cn); } else { node_def.oneditprepare.call({id:id}); } } $( "#node-config-dialog" ) .dialog("option","node-adding",adding) .dialog("option","node-property",name) .dialog("option","node-id",id) .dialog("option","node-type",type) .dialog("option","title",(adding?"Add new ":"Edit ")+type+" config node") .dialog( "open" ); } function updateConfigNodeSelect(name,type,value) { var select = $("#node-input-"+name); var node_def = RED.nodes.getType(type); select.children().remove(); RED.nodes.eachConfig(function(config) { if (config.type == type) { var label = ""; if (typeof node_def.label == "function") { label = node_def.label.call(config); } else { label = node_def.label; } select.append(''); } }); select.append(''); select.change(); } $( "#node-config-dialog" ).dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 500, buttons: [ { text: "Ok", click: function() { var configProperty = $(this).dialog('option','node-property'); var configId = $(this).dialog('option','node-id'); var configType = $(this).dialog('option','node-type'); var configAdding = $(this).dialog('option','node-adding'); var configTypeDef = RED.nodes.getType(configType); if (configAdding) { var nn = {type:configType,id:configId,users:[]}; for (var d in configTypeDef.defaults) { var input = $("#node-config-input-"+d); nn[d] = input.val(); } nn.label = configTypeDef.label; nn._def = configTypeDef; //console.log(nn.id,nn.label()); RED.nodes.add(nn); updateConfigNodeSelect(configProperty,configType,nn.id); } else { for (var d in configTypeDef.defaults) { var input = $("#node-config-input-"+d); var configNode = RED.nodes.node(configId); configNode[d] = input.val(); } updateConfigNodeSelect(configProperty,configType,configId); } if (configTypeDef.oneditsave) { configTypeDef.oneditsave.call(RED.nodes.node(configId)); } RED.view.dirty(true); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { text: "Cancel", click: function() { var configType = $(this).dialog('option','node-type'); var configId = $(this).dialog('option','node-id'); var configAdding = $(this).dialog('option','node-adding'); var configTypeDef = RED.nodes.getType(configType); if (configTypeDef.oneditcancel) { // TODO: what to pass as this to call if (configTypeDef.oneditcancel) { var cn = RED.nodes.node(configId); if (cn) { configTypeDef.oneditcancel.call(cn,false); } else { configTypeDef.oneditcancel.call({id:configId},true); } } } $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } ], resize: function(e,ui) { }, open: function(e) { }, close: function(e) { } }); return { edit: showEditDialog, validateNode: validateNode, updateNodeProperties: updateNodeProperties // TODO: only exposed for edit-undo } }();