module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var util = require("util"); var events = require("events"); var path = require("path"); var debuglength = RED.settings.debugMaxLength || 1000; var useColors = RED.settings.debugUseColors || false; util.inspect.styles.boolean = "red"; function DebugNode(n) { var hasEditExpression = (n.targetType === "jsonata"); var editExpression = hasEditExpression ? n.complete : null; RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); =; this.complete = hasEditExpression ? null : (n.complete||"payload").toString(); if (this.complete === "false") { this.complete = "payload"; } this.console = ""+(n.console || false); this.tostatus = (this.complete !== "true") && (n.tostatus || false); this.tosidebar = n.tosidebar; if (this.tosidebar === undefined) { this.tosidebar = true; } this.severity = n.severity || 40; = ( === null || typeof === "undefined") ||; if (this.tostatus) { this.status({fill:"grey", shape:"ring"}); } else { this.status({}); } var node = this; var levels = { off: 1, fatal: 10, error: 20, warn: 30, info: 40, debug: 50, trace: 60, audit: 98, metric: 99 }; var colors = { "0": "grey", "10": "grey", "20": "red", "30": "yellow", "40": "grey", "50": "green", "60": "blue" }; var preparedEditExpression = null; if (editExpression) { try { preparedEditExpression = RED.util.prepareJSONataExpression(editExpression, this); } catch (e) { node.error(RED._("debug.invalid-exp", {error: editExpression})); return; } } function prepareValue(msg, done) { // Either apply the jsonata expression or... if (preparedEditExpression) { RED.util.evaluateJSONataExpression(preparedEditExpression, msg, (err, value) => { if (err) { done(RED._("debug.invalid-exp", {error: editExpression})); } else { done(null,{,, topic:msg.topic, msg:value, _path:msg._path}); } }); } else { // Extract the required message property var property = "payload"; var output = msg[property]; if (node.complete !== "false" && typeof node.complete !== "undefined") { property = node.complete; try { output = RED.util.getMessageProperty(msg,node.complete); } catch(err) { output = undefined; } } done(null,{, z:node.z,, topic:msg.topic, property:property, msg:output, _path:msg._path}); } } this.on("input", function(msg, send, done) { if (this.complete === "true") { // debug complete msg object if (this.console === "true") { node.log("\n"+util.inspect(msg, {colors:useColors, depth:10})); } if ( && this.tosidebar) { sendDebug({,, topic:msg.topic, msg:msg, _path:msg._path}); } done(); } else { prepareValue(msg,function(err,debugMsg) { if (err) { node.error(err); return; } var output = debugMsg.msg; if (node.console === "true") { if (typeof output === "string") { node.log((output.indexOf("\n") !== -1 ? "\n" : "") + output); } else if (typeof output === "object") { node.log("\n"+util.inspect(output, {colors:useColors, depth:10})); } else { node.log(util.inspect(output, {colors:useColors})); } } if (node.tostatus === true) { var st = (typeof output === 'string')?output:util.inspect(output); var severity = node.severity; if (st.length > 32) { st = st.substr(0,32) + "..."; } node.status({fill:colors[severity], shape:"dot", text:st}); } if ( { if (node.tosidebar == true) { sendDebug(debugMsg); } } done(); }); } }) } RED.nodes.registerType("debug",DebugNode, { settings: { debugUseColors: { value: false, }, debugMaxLength: { value: 1000, } } }); function sendDebug(msg) { // don't put blank errors in sidebar (but do add to logs) //if ((msg.msg === "") && (msg.hasOwnProperty("level")) && (msg.level === 20)) { return; } msg = RED.util.encodeObject(msg,{maxLength:debuglength}); RED.comms.publish("debug",msg); } DebugNode.logHandler = new events.EventEmitter(); DebugNode.logHandler.on("log",function(msg) { if (msg.level === RED.log.WARN || msg.level === RED.log.ERROR) { sendDebug(msg); } }); RED.log.addHandler(DebugNode.logHandler);"/debug/:id/:state", RED.auth.needsPermission("debug.write"), function(req,res) { var node = RED.nodes.getNode(; var state = req.params.state; if (node !== null && typeof node !== "undefined" ) { if (state === "enable") { = true; res.sendStatus(200); if (node.tostatus) { node.status({fill:"grey", shape:"dot"}); } } else if (state === "disable") { = false; res.sendStatus(201); if (node.tostatus && node.hasOwnProperty("oldStatus")) { node.oldStatus.shape = "dot"; node.status(node.oldStatus); } } else { res.sendStatus(404); } } else { res.sendStatus(404); } }); // As debug/view/debug-utils.js is loaded via